How to close the gaps in the floor between the boards: Wooden shuffle, seelings of holes from mice, shaw the seams plywood


How to close the gaps in the floor between the boards: Wooden shuffle, seelings of holes from mice, shaw the seams plywood

To close the cracks in the floor between the boards there are many options, it is necessary to study them and choose the most suitable house is the most eco-friendly and modern construction for housing. It is pleasant in it, cozy, however, there are a number of problems faced by the owners of this building, for example, a gap in the genital wooden flooring.

It is useful to know: what to close the gaps in the wooden floor

The slots may occur due to the drying of the tree. The tree dries for 10 years. Wood deformations are possible in offseason time. In winter, wood swells, and in the summer dries and decreases in size. Visually, this will not find, however, in the micrometer, under the microscope, you can see how the fiber in the tree is changed.

More reasons:

  1. Wrong settlements of builders or incorrect installation of flooring.
  2. Incorrectly prepared wood for operation - low-quality paints and varnishes.
  3. Bad ventilation.
  4. Insufficient floor fit.
  5. The appearance of mice and termites.

How to close the gaps in the floor between the boards: Wooden shuffle, seelings of holes from mice, shaw the seams plywood

The own preparation of grouts of the gaps in the floor is a very economical method, but it is not aesthetically pleasant and is used mainly in the old housing or in the country

All the slots, depending on the size and localization, are eliminated, it is only necessary to choose the right solution. There are many methods for eliminating gaps in a wooden floor. Filling the slots up to 15 cm is produced by a sealant. In this case, the sealant can use 2 species, it is a silicone or acrylic sealant on a tree. Special wood sealants vary in color, which make it possible to eliminate the joints and the slots as imperceptible as possible.

Sealants have a number of advantages: dampness resistance, favorable consumption in the process of sealing the slit and long exploitation after eliminating defects in the floor.

Fill the gap can be plated on wood. The choice may fall on acrylic-based plaquet, based on the solvent, based on oil or polymer, based on water. You can not only shock and holes, but also irregularities on plywood or trees, as well as cracks. You can close the cradle mounting foam. However, it is necessary to eliminate the slots extremely neatly without splashing foam. You can remove the extra foam only after it freezes.

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Close up of gaps and polyester paste. There may be both one and two-component options. Suitable for sealing gaps and seams up to 5 cm. Sealing gaps with girlfriends, such as rails, package with paint, glass gamble, grouting from alert and paper, sawdust and own preparation of shtcloth, is also relevant.

High-quality sealing slots in a wooden floor

Regardless of the size of the gap between the boards in the floor or in the floor, before it eliminates, it is necessary to make dry and wet cleaning, clean from dust and remove the slit scene, let's dry.

Separating options:

  1. If the gap in the wooden floor has dimensions up to 1 cm, then it can be chipped by a harness, grouting or pour the sealant.
  2. If from 1 cm to 3 cm, a special putty will fit well.
  3. If the gaps are very large, then the mounting foam, wedges or rails fit well.

How to close the gaps in the floor between the boards: Wooden shuffle, seelings of holes from mice, shaw the seams plywood

The most common sealing of large gaps in the wooden floor - mounting foam

The field of executed operations, the floor is better to be closed by plywood sheets, whose joints are also processed and aligned with the shp can. Small gaps or joints can be lifted in a cooked glue and sawdust.

Sawders are selected in fine fraction, poured boiling water and stirred to homogeneous mass.

After the solution with sawdust has cooled, the PVA glue is added and the spatula is applied to the localization of the gap purified from dirt and dust. After the surface of the sealed gap smoked to the floor level, it must be left for a couple of days so that the mixture took and dried. After everything is dry, irregularities need to be treated with abrasive, and apply to fire protection, but only then the selected paints and varnishes.

You need to know: what to close the hole from mice

Both in rural areas and in urban areas there are mice. If there are any slots in the houses, then mice with ease can penetrate the residential premises, they will not only harm human health, as they are carriers of leptosperosis, toxocaroz, streptobacilize and many others that can lead to death, but also harm The room, its finishing, can penetrate the food.

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How to close the gaps in the floor between the boards: Wooden shuffle, seelings of holes from mice, shaw the seams plywood

The hole from mice so that they do not get along the new passage in the wooden floor, you can close with a concrete solution, pre-put a metal chips there.

The most proven options for bringing holes in the wall from mice, this is:

  • Styling glass
  • Elimination of defect with cement;
  • Also well helps the mounting foam, the mice do not bite it, and tightly seals the hole.

Soviets of specialists are reduced to the broken glass that is put in the holes of mice.

How and what to close the seams between plywood on the floor

On the outdoor coating of plywood, you can often find seams and joints that need to be eliminated. It is necessary to know that the most important thing in the choice of putty is elasticity, since plywood consists of wood veneer, and the tree is subjected to seasonal deformations. Over time, plywood dries, and the joints become more noticeable. It is also worth maladberry to choose the color of the tree, as well as special, that is, for the wooden material.

For sealing seams, used:

  • Acrylic smear;
  • Elastic sealant;
  • Termoklay;
  • Sawdust with PVA and plaster;
  • Epoxy adhesive.

How to close the gaps in the floor between the boards: Wooden shuffle, seelings of holes from mice, shaw the seams plywood

To close the seams between plywood on the floor, it is necessary to pick up precisely putty for wooden floors, because the other will simply not stand the load

It is worth considering that the chipboard, plywood should be well fixed, so as not to go and do not vibrate, then the chosen putty (putty for wooden floors) will not crack and tightly hold on, closing the gap.

These works are also done for plywood, which is consequeled to the linoleum.

Also should be shred out with a putty or better than silicone sealant, dents in plywood and all joints, cracks. Phaneur need to cover the antiseptic. Before laying linoleum, you need to pay attention to the evenness of plywood and its purity.

Types of plastic powders from boards

To date, there is a fairly wide selection of plates on wood. Before choosing the shp can, you need to decide on the price, the application area, type and brand.

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How to close the gaps in the floor between the boards: Wooden shuffle, seelings of holes from mice, shaw the seams plywood

Elastic spit for the floor does not require careful surface preparation, it is easy to apply and covered by other paints and shtakles

The shtlings are divided into types:

  1. The polymer putty, which is made on a water basis, therefore, does not highlight chemicals into the atmosphere. It dries enough quickly, keeps well and does not crack.
  2. Oil plaque based on water, chalk and oils. It is one of the most reliable, however, after processing the slit, a lot of time is needed for its complete drying.
  3. Acrylic putty is eco-friendly and non-flammable, which is very important for wood.
  4. Solvent-based rope is ideal for parquet flooring, however, it is not the most environmentally friendly option.
  5. Elastic shtclowing, which is ideal for "floating" gaps and junctions. It perfectly holds the shape, has good adhesion with the surface.
  6. Pigmented on the woodsaw on a tree, that is, a different colors (white-birches, a color of a tick-red tree, the colors of the wenge-dark oak, the colors of the beech oak). It is necessary to take into account that often the color does not coincide with the stated on the packaging, it is necessary to require a demonstration of a product or a stand with the putty.
  7. Putclowing for wooden floors, which is used to smooth irregularities, various defects and cracks.

The main brands of manufacturers of shp can, it's Dulux, Parade, Semin, Varathane, Axton, Neomid, Forwood, Rainbow, Tytan, the selection of the master. We must not have forgotten that the shtialkes differ in the main types: finish, aligning, fill, universal, sealing. The putty is applied by a spatula of the selected size, by depressing it deep into the gap. After the shp can dry, it is necessary to align the surface using the abrasive means for wood.

How to close the gaps in the wooden floor (video)

When the gaps appeared, it was not a trouble, any gap can be chopped with your own hands, and the wooden floor is easily accurate and repair.

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