Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life


Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life

The use of flexible water supply will allow connecting the bathroom devices in those places where it is impossible to apply a rigid pipe due to its technical characteristics. Flexible liner is mainly used for toilet bowls, shower cabins and mixers. The inner part of the flexible lining occupies a rubber hose covered with a metal braid. Rather, the flexible eyeliner, just consists of a hose and a protective braid made of metal.

Structure and life of flexible supply

Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life

Many manufacturers use non-toxic rubber hose during the production of high-quality flexible braids, which makes them absolutely safe for health. In low-quality lodges, technical rubber has a peculiar smell. The rubber hose braid can be made of galvanized steel, aluminum, stainless steel or nylon. As a rule, eyeliners are covered with aluminum braid, it fails much earlier than their fellow - on average after 36 months of operation. This type of supply is designed for a working pressure of about 5 atmospheres. In the case of braids made of galvanized steel, the situation is much worse. If the first can last up to 3 years, then from the galvanized, will fail within a few weeks of operation.

Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life

Metal liners (from aluminum and galvanized) are afraid of condensate. When it is covered by condensate indoors, which is badly ventilated, it is subjected to oxidation and reinforcement disappears over time. As a result, the hose explodes. Because of this, the owners of the apartment have to make unplanned bathroom renovation, and these are additional financial expenses and time spent. To protect yourself from such unexpected "surprises", it is necessary to approach the choice of material with the mind. It will be much easier to overpay for high-quality products than then pay big money for repairs. This rule concerns not only eyeliner, but also all repair work.


Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life

Let's get acquainted in more detail with the types of flexible wiring. The most common strokes that are most often found in apartments or houses include flexible wiring, the reinforcement of which is made from the "stainless steel", that is, from stainless steel wire. Such a lodder will be able to serve faithfully about ten years. Its operating pressure reaches the mark of 10 atmospheres.

There are two main type of eyeliner:

  • ordinary;
  • reinforced.

In addition to conventional water supply to which urban residents are most accustomed to, there is another kind of reinforced liner. They can be carried out in braid from different materials. The enhanced eyeliner will be able to serve much longer from its standard analogues, approximately 15 years. They are able to withstand operating pressure up to 20 atmospheres and temperatures up to 110 degrees.

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Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life

Flexible appliances are also divided by braid material:

  • Cink Steel;
  • aluminum;
  • stainless steel;
  • nylon;

Before buying and installing a flexible eyeliner, it is necessary to clarify about the operating pressure and temperature mode in the water supply system of your dwelling. If the pressure in the system is below 5 atmospheres, and the temperature does not overcome the mark of 85 degrees, then there is no need to purchase a reinforced liner. Actually, the sellers of plumbing stores should know about all this. If you are not familiar with some nuances of this process, specialists will gladly help you.

Tips for the choice of flexible eyelvering

Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life

Before choosing a flexible eyeliner, take it into your hands and look carefully on the external state. Sign up from which this posting was made. If you are not able to assess your amateur look, then ask the seller-consultant. In the event that the seller on elementary questions about the choice of products is responsible that today is wonderful weather, it is better to contact another seller or choose another store. It is advisable to buy all the plumbers only in specialized stores. You need to clarify the composition and performance characteristics of the acquired flexible lining.

Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life

It is also necessary to find out which materials it was manufactured - it is very important. In addition to standard aluminum or steel braid, there is still a third material - nylon. It is known for its strength and durability, besides, it is safe for human health. True, there is still one minus in this material: a nylon eyeliner is an order of magnitude more expensive than its analogues. Due to the high cost, not everyone can afford the installation of a nylon eyeliner.

For visual comparison, you need to take two flexible eyeliners. Spend a visual assessment: if one of the options are too light, then it is likely to be a low-quality fake. As a rule, such details are produced from bad materials that will very quickly fail. Often, manufacturers produce aluminum precipitating nuts, which can easily crack without serious causes. Choosing products, pay attention to the flexible grade quality. The material must be elastic, it must be soft and bend in different directions without much effort. The rubber hose from cheap eyelvering, as a rule, does not bend at all and when trying to bend it, it just breaks.

Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life

If the fitting is made of plastic, it is better not to buy such products - most likely, in a few weeks of operation it will flow. In some cases, the fitting can just break down from the nut, and the one will turn into small parts. It breaks down into pieces by itself, without the use of any physical force.

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Approach can be made for different temperature modes, based on this they can be:

  • for cold water;
  • for hot water;
  • Universal.

For recognition there are special tapes. For cold water, a blue ribbon is installed on the eyeliner, and for hot - red. Two tapes are present at the universal type of supply type.

Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life

Many experts recommend installing universal flexible eyelids, as they will be able to last an order of magnitude longer from specialized supply under cold or hot water. Power supply thickness - that's what you need to pay attention to when buying. In cheap low-quality goods, the thickness is small, as a result of which the eyeliner under the influence of water can collapse over time. This refers to a cape. It is necessary to pay attention to the thickness of the precipitant nuts, when you unpacked the purchase, and in the store plumbing. Many buyers do not consider it necessary to inspect the construction of the purchased eyeliner, so they have to repeat such a purchase after a while. In high-quality liners, the thickness of the nut is at the proper level, they are more durable compared to their cheap copies.

Tips for mounting

Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life

No seals for the salt nut are required to install the eyelid. Not all people know about it, so they wrap a special seal to the place where the cape salt nut is screwed. Flax or ordinary tape is used as a seal. In most eyeliner, there is a special rubber gasket, which is under a cape nut. To twist the nut, the use of high strength or special tools is not required. Usually it's all done by hand. Only in some cases is allowed to use the cape key to tighten the nut. Most often this is done because of the lining in a hard-to-reach place or with a shortage of forces for tightening (but this is very rare).

Installing a liner is prohibited to be carried out in the tension. That is, with a shortage of length - lengthen the design or replace the eyeliner with a longer option. Otherwise, if you still manage to install a flexible liner in the tension, it will soon break out of the base of the fitting or damage in some other place. In this case, the eyeliner will not work long, unfortunately. When installing, make sure that the eyelvering hose is in a free position. This will reduce the design from premature failure. The eyeliner should not be very driven by, that is, if it bends under a small angle, then this is normal. But if it bends in half, it is wrong. It is necessary to install additional corners or use a longer eyeliner so that a larger radius is created when flexing.

Important! When tightening the eyeliner, make sure that it does not turn and the braid is not frozen. Do these are categorically prohibited. Otherwise, the material cracks or breaks over time. The hose must be smooth when installed.

Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life

Tightening the cape nut, make sure that it does not drag it. Most often it happens when using a wrench. With strong tightening, the risk of damage to the gasket, which is located on the nut is arising. In case you twist the cape nut, the hose and the connection will pass water. Over time, you can flood your neighbors from below, which will entail additional costs.

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When using low quality liner, or for precautions, it is advisable to use a special valve that allows you to prevent flooding in case of damage to the hoses. The most common valve for this purpose is the Aquastop valve. Its value is not too high to neglect protective means of infinity.

Service Tips

In order for the flexible lingering you installed much longer, it is necessary to perform periodic diagnostics. To do this, look at the eyeliner at least once a month.

Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life

If you use a flexible watering for water in places with difficult access, use a corrugated pipe made of stainless steel. This can also be done in order to improve safety. Such a liner snacks quite easily, but it remains in a fixed position. With this eyeliner, you can easily connect the toilet or another plumbing element. There are no fittings on it, a precipitant nut is installed instead. The connector is also equipped with a special gasket. In the reliability of such a lining there is no doubt. The cost of a lining with a corrugated pipe is not much higher than usual, so everyone can afford to make a similar purchase.

PE-X flexible

Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life

PE-X flexible supply is a new type of water for water with a long service life. For example, if ordinary eyeliners serve you from 3 to 15 years, depending on the quality of products and the method of operation, the new plastic flexible supports will serve up to 50 years. Data hoses of elements are made of cross-linked PE-X polyethylene, which may be more than 50 years of service, while it practically does not lose its properties throughout the term of use.

Flexible watering for water: species, choice, installation, life

The graph above shows how the rubber hose and stitched polyethylene ages. The flexible PE-X supply can be used to connect heating, cold and hot water, withstand pressure up to 20 atm and maximum temperature 100 ° C, 15 years warranty.

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