Tasty and gentle cake "Rostovsky"


Such a cake is pleased to put on the table.


1. Butter butter - 200 gr.

2. Sugar sand - 1.5-2 glasses

3. Sour cream (fat from 20%) - 500 gr.

4. Flour - 2 cups

5. Dough breakner - 1 h. Spoon

6. Vanillin - 1 gr.

7. Called chocolate for sprinkling

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How to prepare a "Rostovsky" cake:

Tasty and gentle cake

Oil rubbing with sugar.

Tasty and gentle cake

Add sour cream, scam to dissolve sugar

We divide the resulting mass in half.

Tasty and gentle cake

Add Vanillin to one - this is a cream.

Tasty and gentle cake

To the second half, add flour and tears, it turns out a gentle, light dough.

We lay it into shape and bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Tasty and gentle cake

When the finished korzh is slightly cooled, cut it into 2-3 parts and sculpt the cream.

Tasty and gentle cake

Top sprinkled with grated chocolate.

Put the cake in the fridge for the night for impregnation.

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