Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas


In the repair industry and construction there are many materials. Nevertheless, if we talk about the most common, then their number includes wallpapers, as well as tiles. While the composition of the raw materials and the characteristics of these decorative coatings are completely different, they, nevertheless, can be completely successfully used together, acting as complementary companions.

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Most frequent place in the apartment where you can combine tiles and wallpapers - this is a bathroom (photo example)

This article will consider issues such as:

  • Is it possible to glue the wallpaper on the tile.
  • What to glue first, wallpaper or ceiling tile.
  • What are the rules for holding work and design features, as well as a number of other topics.

Ceramic wallpaper, what is it?

The spread of the so-called ceramics wallpapers has become quite common in recent times. This material is produced in two different forms and has certain characteristics that need to know the following facts:

  1. The first species is special sheets that are made of polymer fibers. To this canvas, it is necessary to apply ceramic crumbs of different shades, thus creating some drawings or patterns. The production of this material assumes high-temperature processing, due to which the base is sintering with a special polymer coating. As a result, a very attractive finishing coating is obtained for decorating walls in the bathroom, in the kitchen and in other facilities of the apartment.
  2. The second option is a ceramic tile, a feature of which is an interesting technique for its laying, excluding tile seams. After you assemble such a tile on the walls, they will be quite difficult to distinguish from classic rolled "fellow". The difference will only be that this type of finish is made of ceramics.

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combining ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

The main advantages of such products include the following factors:

  • Light weight, as well as product thickness. This, firstly, makes it easier and speeds up the installation process, and secondly, it creates the possibility of finishing sufficiently light structures, such as such as plasterboard arches, walls and partitions.
  • In addition, we get the material that, in fact, combines the dignity of tile, on the one hand, and ordinary roll wallpaper, on the other. They are not afraid of water from entering and remain durable and reliable, even despite the prolonged impact of moisture.
  • Preparation of the surface for the installation of "ceramics wallpapers" does not represent particular difficulties, since it is not allowed to have such an ideal wall. By the way, to learn more about how it is necessary to prepare walls before finishing in the bathroom you can learn from the article "Aligning walls in the bathroom before sticking wallpaper."
  • If you are not familiar with the installation technique of such coatings - should not worry and worry. The fact is that the technology of work is very similar to how the installation of ordinary tiles occurs.

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Of course, all such products have a lot of advantages. Nevertheless, there are also certain cons. One of the most obvious drawbacks is quite high cost. The fact is, including the market of the CIS countries, in this category, as a rule, exceptionally foreign manufacturers are represented. This explains a fairly high price, which makes "ceramic wallpaper" not quite affordable for many people. At the same time, this indicates the high quality of such materials, since famous and authoritative manufacturers always take care of the reputation of trademarks that they offer in the international market.

Imitation tile

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combining ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combining ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combining ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combining ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combining ideas

In addition to the options considered, many manufacturers of finishing materials offer such a solution as a wallpaper under the tile. They can simulate not only such seemingly familiar materials, like a tile, but also, while there are several exotic finishing surfaces as clinker. If we talk about such a wallpaper under the tile, then you can note the following of the features:

  1. Often designers of manufacturing companies use one interesting technique. They provide for the application of small longitudinal and transverse lines embossed, which are designed to imitate the seams between the rows of masonry. By the way, it is for this reason that such wallpapers are quite thick. They are made, as a rule, based on foamed vinyl. A large thickness of sheets is designed to emphasize the presence of "seams" and make the appearance of such a material as realistic as possible.
  2. It should be understood that, since such a coating is provided for use in the interiors of the bathroom, kitchen and other places with high levels of humidity, these trellis are distinguished by a high degree of protected from moisture. This quality, by the way, has products made from acrylic.
  3. You need to say a few words about how such wallpaper is glued. As a tile is put on the wall, so they should have a clear orientation. In addition, you will have to combine the drawing of neighboring webs. As for the installation process directly, it does not constitute any particular difficulties: it is quite realistic to make it independently, having completed a significant part of the work with his own hands.

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Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Many people who are not familiar with the industry repair and finishing due to other professional duties are asked whether it is possible to put a tile on the wallpaper? As a rule, it concerns those moments when people intend to use both coatings in one location: like a bulk, tile. Let's touch on some technical details that relate directly to the installation process, in more detail. It is necessary in order to reasonably answer this question. So, that's what you need to remember:

  1. It is well known that when sticking wallpapers, the adhesive composition penetrates not only in the wallpaper canvases, but also at the base itself, which is made by sticking. Thus, it is necessary that glue, as it were, a little absorbed into the working surface. In the case of a tile, such hardly it will be possible, since the tile glue will penetrate the wallpaper, which can soften them and damage them somewhat.
  2. In addition, if we are talking about places where wallpaper and tiles are combined, it is necessary to avoid hiding the wallpaper glue to the tile, and vice versa. The fact is that when the glue of the same type falls on the other, and even more so when he penetrates his composition, it may turn out that it will somehow reduce its adhesion characteristics.

If we talk about that, it is possible to glue the wallpaper on the tile, it should be noted that this question is extremely rare. The fact is that the tile is not a perfectly smooth surface. In addition, seams that are always available on places of joints of individual tiles will always manifest, even if you treat them with a putty. And this is an extra loss of time and money.

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That is, it turns out that technical issues related to sticking, in general, no. On the other hand, all this can generate anyone not the necessary loss of time, forces and means. Do you need it? Unlikely. Therefore, in the overwhelming majority of cases, people prefer simply get rid of the layer of old tile and prepare a clean and more or less smooth surface for sticking with wallpaper. It will be really the only sensational decision.

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combining ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combining ideas

Some design solutions

On a note! One of the most common places in which the combination of wallpaper and tiles may be present is a kitchen apron.

So, we all perfectly imagine what a tile is. Wallpaper is also - well known to each material. Nevertheless, when working with them, it is necessary to understand that an important point is the correct combination of both these surfaces. Do not forget about the elementary concept of harmony and the combination of different colors. If we are talking about the beautiful design of the joints, it is preferably at the place of the transition to use decorative flames, also known as molding.

In conclusion, I would like to say that glue the wallpaper on the tile, exactly how to cut the ceramic tile on top of the wallpaper - occupation, in general, useless. From a purely technical point of view, it is, of course, perhaps. On the other hand, if we talk about the practicality of such solutions, it is very doubtful.

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combining ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combining ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combination ideas

Tile under wallpaper: coatings combining ideas

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