How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?


Cats are developed by the instincts of their Logov, so they love boxes and baskets that are equipped as a house. But sometimes due to the interior of the room it is impossible to put a simple box. And the cat begins to look for a place to sleep, bringing the inconvenience of the owner. In such cases, it is necessary to look for options for creating a pet for a pet.

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

To properly choose a place for a pet, let's look at the varieties of houses.

House with Kogtetchochka

A popular device helps to wean a pet scratching furniture. Large models will allow the animal to feel comfort.

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

Soft device

Sold in the form of a box with a soft and pleasant to the touch cloth. Perfect choice in the cold season . Weighs the design little. Materials can be erased in the car. The bed is assembled to a compact size.

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

House of wood

Usually choose as decoration of wooden interior. But if you put inside the pillow, the animal will be cozy.

However, wood has bad thermal insulation properties. On the other hand, genuine wood is environmentally friendly and durable.

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

Braided house

Excellent replacement basket that attracts pet care. But the difference is that the device is made specifically for the pet. Often housing consists of 2 levels - one for sleep, the other as a sightseeing site.

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?


Suitable for animals who love the society of people and do not want to retake. Often such accessories can be disassembled, removing the roof. The option is cheap and affordable due to the simplicity and a small amount of materials spent. The most popular cat owners.

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

Cat-Mom Houses

A fairly expensive design, providing maximum comfort.

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How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

Kittens are not too mobile, but fragile, so the place to sleep on the lower floor. Be sure to have scratch and outboard toys - they are needed for the development of kids. Materials are chosen environmentally friendly. A key role also plays simplicity in care.

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

Multi-storey complex

These buy people who are not sorry for a pet. Use all the advantages of such a design, if the cat is young and movable. The house has several floors on which you can position: a place to sleep, brake, toys, playgrounds.

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

Cardboard house

Suitable as temporary housing. Advantages at an affordable price, minimum weight and material advantage (it can be given any form).

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

The disadvantage is that the material will deteriorate greatly when the pet is sleeping. The thermal insulation is also bad.

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose

Cats are unpredictable and there is a risk that the animal will not like a new house. To make a choice, you need to trace for the cat to understand what he wants.

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

There are certain criteria for which the choice is made:

  1. Pet size.
  2. Activity.
  3. The need for a warm, comfortable or cozy place.
  4. Number of animals.
  5. Materials. It is better to go to the veterinarian to clarify whether an allergy has an allergy to a certain material.

Please note that it is better to teach the house from an early age. If an adult cat 5 years has slept on the chair, to teach it to a new place will be difficult.

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

If the cat refuses to go to a new house, try to lure him there with a rustling package, toy or delicacy. T. Act. Play with a cat with a fishing rod, often throwing the target inside the house.

It is very important to choose the pet for a pet. Many variant, it all depends on the nature and size of the animal.

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How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

How to choose a stylish cat house for beloved kisa?

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