How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior


In any modern kitchen there should be such a headset like a hood. This device not only performs practical functions, but it can significantly improve the design of the room. This article will disclose the topic about how it can be stylishly enter an extract in the overall interior of the kitchen.

Types of household appliances

Before entering the hood, you need to know what the types of this household appliance are. All kinds are divided into the following categories:
  • method of placement;
  • the form.

By method of placement

Extraction is a suspension technique that is installed on the wall above the stove. There are several ways to place a headset, namely:

  • Standard method - in this case, the technique is a small device that takes a separate place on the wall right above the slab;

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

  • Built-in method - if the extract is completely small, it can be embedded in the lower part of the kitchen cabinet or disguise at all;

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

  • The island method is a fairly common type in the kitchens, which are made in the Loft style, the design represents the equipment directly located above the "kitchen island";
  • Corner accommodation is an extremely rare type that takes place in the corner, this location looks very harmonious and stylish.

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

In form

It is also worth understanding that there are hundreds of manufacturers in the market of hoods, and everyone has its perfect vision on the right technology. Users remains to choose the most suitable for their interior. And there are the following types:

  • bathing;

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

  • inclined;

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

  • semicircular;
  • round;

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

  • Rectangular.

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to hide extract in the kitchen?

In order not to worry about the fact that the exhaust will spoil the appearance, you can prefer the following filters. There are no large-sized pipes in such a technique, they are very small and can be located literally under the closet. If you want to disguise the pipe, you can build a box of plastic or plasterboard around the device, painting it into a common color. Thus, in sight there will be an interesting design element, and not a hood.

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How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

The minimum height for gas equipment is 75 cm, only constructions that have an inclined form can serve as an inclination, but for them the distance is 60 cm. As for the electric, then it is allowed to decrease by 10 cm.

Kitchen design with hood: 4 Best ideas

There is a huge number of ideas that will help harmoniously place an extract in the kitchen. Below will be presented with 4 best ideas.

  1. Contrast game. There is nothing expressive and stylish than the contrast of flowers and textures. This is especially true of monochrome and classic interiors. If the whole design is made in bright tone (white, beige, gray), then let the hood be saturated and dark (black, blue, gray).

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

  1. Loud and throw. Why mask the technique, if you can make the maximum focus on it. To do this, you can take a hood from a fundamentally different material and, possibly, set the backlight or contour lighting to pay the maximum attention. To make the solution especially elegant, you can arrange a number of elements from the same material and similar color.

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

  1. The bigger, the better. The idea is similar to the previous one, but here is not the material, but the size. Let your hood become a massive work of art. It is better to use matte shades, and as decorative decorative stucco. Such an option will suit the kitchen in the classic and bohemian style.

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

  1. Absolute loft or even grunge. If the kitchen is framed in such styles or, on the contrary, decorated very badly, then the situation will complement or proceed a large extract made in the style of a metal pipe. Such a solution will add a special atmosphere to the place, which will want to be.

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

The best hoods for the kitchen of 2018 (1 video)

Hoods in the kitchen interior (14 photos)

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

How to enter an extract in the kitchen interior

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