Correct shower drain drainage


The shower plum device is important to ensure a comfortable waters and exclusion of water to the floor. Shower cabins are deservedly acquired wide popularity, but so that they do not become a source of permanent problems, their connection must be made correctly, taking into account all nuances of operation. There are several options for ensuring the flow, and the task becomes the choice of an optimal design that can reliably serve for many years.

Correct shower drain drainage

Essence of the problem

Drain for the shower is a standard plumbing device designed to quickly and complete water removal from the internal space of the cabin, What is just necessary for a normal wetting process. Who wants to wash under the shower, when the legs are constantly in soap, polluted water?

Correct shower drain drainage

The shower cabin, as a rule, in the outdoor of its part ends with a pallet, which is designed to collect falling water and eliminate its flow to the floor of the room. This element can be covered with a low or high side, which is a barrier.

What it is higher, the greater the likelihood of collecting all the water. However, the high side of the side makes it difficult to cross through it, especially for children and the elderly. This obliges to choose the optimal height for the shower tray, taking into account the convenience of all family members.

The drain in the shower occurs through the appropriate hole in the pallet, and for the direction of water in it, its surface is performed with a necessary slope. In principle, the drain hole can be located on different sections - in the center, in the corners or on the edge of the pallet.

Correct shower drain drainage


When any exhaust water drain system is equipped, certain requirements arise: the rapid direction of all runoff in the sewer, without stagnation inside the pallet; Exclusion of the return of wastewater into the pallet; Elimination of unpleasant odors from sewerage. In addition, the possibility of simple maintenance must be provided, incl. When blocks appear.

In some cases (more often in their own homes), there is no pallet in the shower. Then the plum is made directly in the outdoor coating, and the person hosting a shower is located on the grille through which water, without accumulating, easily enters the drain hole. The principle of operation of the system is similar to the pallet version.

Constructive elements

In the general case, the drain system for the shower cabin or shower of a shower, without a pallet consists of such elements: a device for taking water, highway for removing it into sewage and the necessary connecting elements.

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Correct shower drain drainage

Slum system

A device for receiving a waste liquid is mounted directly on the drain hole and should ensure that such requirements should be fulfilled: the sealing of the joint, preventing the return of water and the exclusion of the smell. Such a role is assigned to siphons with different design of hydraulic assets.

In order to decide which option to choose, you need to understand which devices can be used at all. The following main types of siphons are allocated:

  1. Siphon bottle type. Such a type of familiar to many for sinks and sinks, where it is the main variety. This design can also be used for the case under consideration, in particular, for the shower cabin with a low pallet. The siphon form resembles a bottle, whose neck is attached to the drain hole. At the bottom of the side, the tube is given, which is connected to the pipe heading into the sewer. The lower end is equipped with an unscrewing lid, and a settlement dirt can be removed through it. The main advantage of such a design is the simplicity of installation and maintenance. As a disadvantage, there is a significant height of the device, which causes significantly raising the pallet of the cabin.

    Correct shower drain drainage

    Bottle siphon type

  2. Siphon of the knee (pipe) type. This design is formed by a tube bent in the form of the letter S or U. A simple siphon is created by the S-shaped bend of the plastic pipe and withholding it in this form with the help of clamps. The main advantage is the possibility of reducing the height of the device, but its cleaning is complicated, which is especially manifested when using a corrugated element.

    Correct shower drain drainage

    S-shaped siphon

  3. Drain ladder. It is most often used for a low pallet or in shower without it. In essence, it is a tube, ending with a lattice platform, which is installed on the drain hole. The height of such a device is at least 7- 8 cm.

    Correct shower drain drainage

    Drain trapp

To remove the water from the receiving device, the channel is laid. In standard systems, it is most often special that is equipped along the wall of the bathroom or side of the shower with one of the sides. Cabins can be completed with finished channels with a length of 1-1.5 m, and launch direct and corner highways. The channel includes: a discreet tray, grille and drainage device.

Varieties of pallets

The main element of the drain system is the pallet of the shower. It is he who provides the collection of all wastewater and through its drain hole directs it into the sewer. From the selection of this item largely depends the comfort of the entire wetting procedure.

Shower pallets can be performed from steel, stainless steel, cast iron, plastic, ceramics and artificial stone. Finished products have the desired design and provide the desired bias toward the drain hole.

Currently, acrylic pallets are most popular - practical and strong enough. The disadvantage is considered the high risk of scratch. To increase the reliability of plastic is reinforced with fiberglass or metal reinforcement.

Correct shower drain drainage

Acrylic pallet

Homemade pallets are performed as a concrete screed with reliable waterproofing. Frames are formed by filling with concrete, laying bricks or stone elements. In the process of manufacture, immediately mount the drainage system, providing the necessary slope.

Required tools

When installing and connecting to the sewering of the shower cabin, a specific tool and consumable material will be required. The base is made by filling the concrete screed, and therefore, a tool for preparing a solution, concrete works and waterproofing should be prepared:

  • Construction mixer;
  • shovel;
  • dimensional capacity;
  • Master OK;
  • grater;
  • half-sash;
  • putty knife;
  • knife;
  • scissors.

Correct shower drain drainage

Tools for concrete screed

Cab connection is carried out using:

  • Bulgarian;
  • electric drills;
  • Perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • grinding machine;
  • hacksaws for metal;
  • Fixture for bending pipes;
  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • Thish;
  • keys of wrench, end, plumbing, divorce;
  • chisels;
  • bit;
  • hammer;
  • queen;
  • painting brushes;
  • spatula.

Correct shower drain drainage

Cab Connection Tools

From consumables will be required:

  • mounting foam;
  • silicone sealant;
  • FUM tape;
  • Cuffs;
  • Studs.

Quality control and necessary measurements are provided by the construction level, tape measure, metal line, corner.

Stages of mounting

From the correctness of the shower cabin to sewage depends on its smooth operation. If you are installing a purchased, fully equipped model with your own hands, then it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the instruction. All joints need to be thoroughly seal using special sealing compositions on silicone basis.

Correct shower drain drainage

Sealing junctions

At the first stage, the base for the pallet is prepared and input to the sewage riser is ensured. It is best to use the ready-made sewer input from the bath, which has an appropriate bias to provide samotock.

If a shower cabin is installed on a completely unprofitable place, work begins with the installation of a tee in the sewer stock with a tap to the shower, and the installation level should be below the floor surface.

Correct shower drain drainage

Next, a gasket is carried out at the base of the cabin of a special drain channel or pipe connecting the drain hole of the pallet with a tap of the sewer tee.

When laying, an appropriate bias must be provided for a liquid samotock. For a siphon, a deepening is formed in the concrete screed of the base of the desired size. It is important to correctly calculate the height of the siphon, taking into account the possible adjustment of the height of the pallet leg.

Immediately connecting the shower cabin to the sewer system is carried out in this order:

  1. Siphon is collected according to the instructions.
  2. The shower pallet turns over, the siphon is fixed on the drain hole in the assembled state. A rubber gasket is stacked on the jock.
  3. With the help of adjusting the height of the legs, the pallet is leveled. It must be strictly horizontally.
  4. A drain flexible hose, separating from the siphon, is connected to the discharge system (channel or tube). The joke is securely sealed using silicone sealant.

Correct shower drain drainage

A shower cabin is becoming increasingly popular, and therefore many people want to have it in their apartment. Installation can be fully accomplished with your own hands, compliance with the requirements of the instructions and recommendations of specialists. The correct and high-quality installation of the drain system is a guarantee of long and comfortable operation of the shower.

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