We are building with your own hands: shower without pallet


A good idea is to build a shower without pallet with your own hands. After all, even the Chinese production booths are sometimes quite expensive, and I don't want to invest so much money. If it is planned to make a large repair in the bathroom, then it is possible to make a very beautiful and comfortable shower. You can literally from girlfriend: cement, bricks, tiles. The only mandatory requirement for such a construction is its careful waterproofing. This will prevent conflicts with neighbors from the bottom over the flooding of their bathroom.

We are building with your own hands: shower without pallet

Where to start construction?

Preparation for the construction of even a small structure begins with an assessment of construction opportunities. In the case of the construction of the shower cabin without a pallet, the focus of the selection of the sewage ladder, or the drain device. With it, the water falling from the watering can be removed, without accumulating the legs of a person.

We are building with your own hands: shower without pallet

Sewage trapp

In urban apartments and private houses with already existing draft floors, the installation of a horizontal suspension system with a side connection to an existing sewer system will be rational. If the construction of the shower occurs during the construction of a cottage, then you can mount a vertical ladder with an outlet to local sewage.

We are building with your own hands: shower without pallet

Before making a shower cabin without a pallet, you need to consider that the water plum knot will take place under her floor. Even for the horizontal ladder, the height to which the floor should be raised is about 10 cm. It creates a fairly large load on the overlap in a multi-storey building, it requires significantly large costs for repairs. In this regard, it is necessary to make a decision: make a small podium for the cabin device or evenly raise the floor on the entire area of ​​the bathroom.

How to make a podium?

The dimensions of the elevated sector for the shower should be sufficient so that the person can take a shower, not the rigging wall and the fencing of the cabin. They depend on the size of the host house and can be chosen to their taste. It is irrational to make a podium less than 90x90 cm.

We are building with your own hands: shower without pallet


For the podium device, the following materials will be required:

  • waterproofing film or mastic;
  • Sheets of polystyrene foam 5 cm thick;
  • cement, sand and screed crushed stone, brick, if necessary;
  • shower ladder and sewage pipes;
  • Finishing material (tile, mosaic, etc.).

Article on the topic: What is more convenient in the bathroom: hygienic shower or bidet?

Clean the selected place from the old screed to the concrete overlap. Apply a layer of mastic with this calculation so that the insulated area has more than the zone of the planned podium at least 10 cm around the perimeter. Mastics should be evenly coated and adjacent walls on a height of at least 15 cm.

We are building with your own hands: shower without pallet

Application of mastic

Conduct and connect to sewage new pipes. When communicating, it should be borne in mind that the angle of tilt of the pipes should be 2-3 ° with a decrease in a riser or waste pipe. Install the drain node with a siphon and grille, combine it with a new pipe. Check the drain operation and eliminate defects.

The next stage of the construction will be the formation of a multilayer floor, as a result of which the podium is raised, and the communications will be hidden in the thickness of the new architectural element. The basis of the shower cabin is formed as:

  1. On the waterproofing layer lay the plates of polystyrene. They will enhance the base and reduce the noise level for the neighbors from the bottom.
  2. On top of the sheets of PPS, you need to pour a concrete screed with a thickness of 4-5 cm. The level of concrete should be slightly lower than the drainage ring on the ladder. To perform the fill correctly, around the perimeter of the podium you need to make a formwork from plywood, boards, or put a row of bricks.
  3. After the complete pouring of the concrete (after 7-10 days), it is necessary to put the waterproofing membrane for the screed - a special film or a very thick polyethylene "sheet". For complete confidence in the reliability of the isolation, you need to go on the wall. For the ladder, a hole is required to cut the hole with such a calculation so that its diameter is less than the drainage ring.

    We are building with your own hands: shower without pallet

  4. Prepared base Pour another layer of concrete screed. Its surface should be formed with a slight slope (1-2 °) towards the lattice of the lace so that the water does not spread through the podium, and naturally moved to the drain point into the sewer. At the edges of the podium, you can make low-sided sides to prevent the water splashing of the bathroom. If you plan to install glass fencing with sliding doors, then at this stage it may be necessary to arrange the arrangement of the poloz.
  5. After soaring the screed, you need to stick a decorative coating of tiles or mosaics. When choosing a material, it is necessary to be guided not only by the appearance of ceramics, but also its suitability for the manufacture of sex in bathrooms and shower. The tile must have a non-slip surface. It will save the hosts from injuries in the shower.

    We are building with your own hands: shower without pallet

    Registration of the podium mosaic

The manufacture of the podium is advisable in large bathrooms, where there is a place for the device of a raised floor section. Most often in urban apartments, the bathroom has a very small area, where the extra "step" can prevent the installation of a washing machine, plumbing or the movement of the owners themselves. In this case, it is better to prefer an option without podium.

How to make a plum in the bathroom?

A very convenient option for small bathrooms is a shower, which is limited only to the temporary walls of plastic curtains. When no one uses the shower, the corner busy provides greater space in the bathroom. For hygienic procedures, it is enough to drain the curtains. Even in large bathrooms, the device of inconspicuous shower is becoming increasingly popular. It is convenient and beautiful, although it requires material costs and work on the fill of the concrete screed on the entire bathroom space.

We are building with your own hands: shower without pallet

The principles of the device of the shower without podium are no different from the construction of such on the raised section of the floor. The first step should be a reliable waterproofing of a purified coating and a base screed. Unlike the device, the podium isolate the entire area of ​​the bathroom and the bottom of the walls of the room. The shower ladder must be installed in a destination for the owners. This is usually a distant angle of the room: there the cabin will not interfere with walking.

The assembly and plum connection is made in the same way as for the podium. After it is installed, you can determine the height to which the floor level will rise, and mount the connection nodes to the sewage to the other plumbing for the bathroom. Further, everything happens in the same way as indicated for the podium device: PPS plates, screed from concrete, waterproofing and screed again.

We are building with your own hands: shower without pallet

The last layer of the screed is formed with a slope toward the drain hole. The options for making the inclined floor can be a lot:

  • quadrilateral;
  • smooth circular, cup-shaped;
  • bilateral (if the plum is in the very corner);
  • semicircular or in the form of sectors;
  • One-sided (convenient if tray trays are used longer than 1 m).

The tile is put on top of the screed and thoroughly rub the stitches between the tiles.

After the flooring work is finished, you can install water fittings: the faucet cranes, a shower hose with watering can or other spout systems ("mountain waterfall", cascading, rain). In order for water to be sprinkled throughout the bathroom, it is equipped with a glass fencing of the cabin or suspended protective curtains from plastic.

How to make a fence?

If the bathroom is large, then the shower room is still prior to the start of the flooring, protect the stationary walls of brick or glass. In this case, it may not be necessary even to install the door, because space inside the cabin is enough so that the splashes do not fly out. But in a small bathroom in taking into account every centimeter of the square, so the wall is better to make sliding. The easiest option is curtains.

We are building with your own hands: shower without pallet

Stationary glass walls

Such a fence can be removed when the cabin is not used, just shifting it to the wall. To hang the curtains you need to install a barbecue brackets. There are different models of these suspensions. The general for them is that the support brackets are attached to the walls in the right places, and between them laid a straight or curved bar.

A more complex option can be considered the installation of glass walls and doors. These devices can be purchased in the finished form or make to order. As a rule, for fastening them on the floor and the ceiling, plastic or metal profiles are provided. They need to be installed and consolidated as the manufacturer recommends. Typically, profiles are also the seasons for moving the sliding door of the cabin. After the frame is completely mounted, you can glazole the booth and hang the door.

We are building with your own hands: shower without pallet

Glass walls and door

Choosing an independent device of the shower without installing the pallet, you can make the cabin of such forms and size, which will be convenient to the owners. With a large selection of fittings and finishing materials, this construction will be no less aesthetic than expensive models of purchased plumbing.

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