How to drain the water from the boiler: video instruction


With cumulative water heaters, which are installed in a residential building or apartment, water should be performed periodically. Sometimes this manipulation may need suddenly.

Despite the fact that manufacturers of such systems assure buyers in the simplicity and ease of procedure, i.e. how to drain the water from the water heater, not all owners can understand.

How can I do this

Before merge water from a boiler (video instructions for different models are represented in our gallery), you need to decide on the type of device, since the course of "operation" will depend on it. There are several options for devastation of the container:

  1. The design with the valve and the tee is found quite rare. But if you have exactly such an aggregate, then for drain, water should be blocked at the inlet to the boiler, and then open the crane placed between the valve and the input nozzle.
  2. Devices equipped with a trigger (lever resembling a trigger) on a protective valve, get rid of water easily: just to put on this lever. At the same time, on the nose of the valve, it is desirable to fix the tube or hose that will divert the flowing fluid to the designated place. True, the process will take at least two hours by duration.
  3. In the heater equipped with a check valve, you need to unscrew the cover counterclockwise. In this case, the pressure will depend on the amount of water in the tank, respectively, than it is greater - the higher the load. As the volume of fluid decreases, the pressure will decrease. It is worth taking care of a long durable hose and a container where water will be given. Optimally send the flow immediately into the bath, sink, toilet or buckets. Sometimes it happens when the reverse valve is unscrewed, there is water in the tank, but does not flow out. In this case, it is necessary to check the hot water drainage: if it is completely rejected, the air will fall inside the tank.
  4. If desired, the check valve of such an appliance can be "replicated" to another place - to the cold water meter. True, Vodokanal workers are extremely approved by such manipulations. Having installed such a system, the owner will not give water to the tank from the tank into the pipeline when the feed is turned off, and will also allow it to save and fill other containers (for example, a toilet reservoir).

Important: Before draining water from a boiler, you need to cool the liquid. Including the electric unit must make sure that the tank is filled, otherwise the risk is not only to damage a very checked device, but also to arrange a real fire.

How to drain the water from the boiler: video instruction

How to drain the water from the boiler correctly

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When water needs to merge

Cancer and salt precipitate formed in the water heater capacity during operation, it is necessary to regularly delete. These manipulations are periodic and prevent the device breakdown, thereby lengthening the service life. But there are situations where the emptying of the tank must be conducted "on emergency indicators":

  • When the unit is located in a room without heating and the temperature of the surrounding space may fall over +5 degrees. If you do not drain the liquid on time, it turns into ice. And then you will have to contact specialized service services, or even buy a new device.
  • If the device does not work or needs to be repaired. True, this question is better to entrust warranty care professionals. Independent actions to eliminate the cause of problems are possible only after the expiration of the contract for warranty service, otherwise the owner will lose the possibility of free repair.
  • If the quality of water leaves much to be desired, cleaning the tank from the resulting salts and scale may be required more often than the period recommended by specialists (1-2 times for 2-4 years of work).

Unfortunately, some owners of boiler systems allow mistakes, devastating the container from water without visible to the causes.

How to drain the water from the boiler: video instruction

We merge the water from the boiler correctly

When the water is not worth merging

The most obvious - when the water heater is on warranty service and gives out "Ogrechi". You do not need to personally eliminate water and visible problems, call the Warranty Master. Otherwise, experts are quite justified may refuse free repairs. Therefore, call professionals.

If the device is assumed not to use some time, but the temperature in the room will be higher than +5 degrees, it is not necessary to merge water for the winter. The elements of the boiler are faster exposed to external factors (corrosion, dusting, etc.) without water than under it. In addition, there is always a risk that the owner will forget about the absence of water and turn on an empty device into the network, it will easily trigger the output of the TEN.

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The long-honored "rest" of the unit will inevitably lead to the fact that water will acquire a characteristic stagnant odor. To get rid of it, you just need to completely change the whole liquid (two to three times) and before starting work a good device warm up.

Without unnecessary need and not at all, you should not climb into the device and the work of the boiler. Each new "intervention" in his life increases the chance of breakdown.

How to drain the water from the boiler: video instruction

Connection scheme, supply and drain of water from an electrical heater

What to do with breakdown

When the water heater behaves strange, there are interruptions in work, sudden shutdowns and foreign sounds, the device definitely needs repair, and hence the water drain. That's just if he is under warranty, the owner is better to call service, since with independent repair free help "burns". Another installation is desirable to make sure that the seller and the repairman of the repair were from one organization. In this case, it is much easier to get comprehensive qualified support. Warranty repairs in most cases are carried out at the place of installation of the aggregate.

How to drain the water from the boiler: video instruction

Valve for draining water from a boiler

Instructions on the example of the THERMEX water heater

  1. Initial action (always, with any electrical appliances) - disconnecting from nutrition.
  2. Turning off the boiler from the network, wrap the valve controlling the access of cold water, and give hot water to cool to room temperature (or spend).
  3. In order to reduce the pressure in the tank, open the hot supply at any crane closest to the water heater and leave it turned on until the water is over.
  4. In the place where the boiler is a cold water tube, a safety valve is located. There are nuts that need to be unscrewed.
  5. After the nuts, unscrew the valve itself, holding the hose in the ready, which must be fixed to the hole immediately, and the tank for the drain, otherwise the moisture part of the tank is over.
  6. After completing the manipulation with cold water, proceed in the same way to the hot, twisting valve from the corresponding nozzle. Water will go quickly, as the tank will start filling the air.
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For a more detailed description, see the video: "How to drain the water with the thermack boiler" (video section).

Instructions on the example of the ARISTON water heater

The first three steps are performed in the image and likeness of the termex boiler. Further actions look like this:

  • On the water supply, unscrew the hot water supply valve for filling the reservoir by air;
  • on a pipe that brings cold water to the boiler, lock the plum hose, pre-lowered it into the container or bath (sink, toilet);
  • Unscrew the valve on the same pipe to empty the tank.

How to drain the water from the boiler: video instruction

We drain the water from the water heater of Ariston

See more about how to drain the water from the boiler Ariston (video instruction) in the relevant section of our site.

Finishing strokes

Drain of water from a water heater tank - not yet finals, especially since the moisture is still in the tank of the device. The volume of fluid depends on the model / device manufacturer and on the amount of scale / precipitate.

For the full release of the boiler from water, it is necessary to remove the tubular electric heater (TEN). To make the casing, it was easier and more convenient, and there were no problems with electrical components, the device can be lowered to the floor, after which it is to suspend.

Before removing the last moisture residues, often a dirty sediment, substitute a bucket or pelvis. And prepare rags, as such work is often accompanied by random subteps. Remove the nut on the tane and drain the water.

Important: If there is no need, you should not merge water from the water heater. But in the case when the reason is serious, and the warranty has already ended, scrupulously follow the recommendations to avoid errors.

To facilitate subsequent plots on boilers, you can install tees.

How to drain the water from the boiler: video instruction

How to drain the water from the boiler correctly

How to drain the water from the boiler: video instruction

Valve for draining water from a boiler

How to drain the water from the boiler: video instruction

Merge water from a boiler

How to drain the water from the boiler: video instruction

Connection scheme, supply and drain of water from an electrical heater

How to drain the water from the boiler: video instruction

We merge the water from the boiler correctly

How to drain the water from the boiler: video instruction

We drain the water from the water heater of Ariston

How to drain the water from the boiler: video instruction

How to drain the water from the boiler correctly

How to drain the water from the boiler: video instruction

We drain the water from the water heater termex

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