How to wean a cat to fuck wallpaper: what to do the cat scratches furniture, wallpaper that do not fight cats, protect the walls, liquid wallpapers and cats than to separate the walls


How to wean a cat to fuck wallpaper: what to do the cat scratches furniture, wallpaper that do not fight cats, protect the walls, liquid wallpapers and cats than to separate the walls

In order for this proud animal, it really happened to you, a lot of time and effortlessly, there is no man who would be indifferent to cats - a real happiness luxury lumps and good mood: this animal gives positive emotions and a sense of joy to every person who has tamed the cat. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fully tame this beast: a cat is a proud animal, and it can often show its character. Almost every owner witnessed how his cat scratched her favorite furniture or wallpaper. Of course, you can first forgive it: After all, the cat as a child - without understanding herself, can harm something. But when this happens is systematically, it immediately arises an irresistible desire to wean a cat from this terrible habit - to drag wallpaper: after all, buy new furniture or finish the walls again I don't really want, and there is no desire to get rid of the domestic pet.

Why does a cat tread wallpaper: self-preservation instinct

Cat is a real predatory animal: she has laid on an instinctive level that it should always be ready to reflect the attack from other dangerous animals. Naturally, in order to be worthy of competing with other predators, her claws, teeth should be constantly sharp and suitable for the confrontation of the enemy. At home, where there are no suitable places so that you can swing the claws, the cat chooses the nearest available purpose - a favorite sofa, a wall or something else: there is a problem - "home predator" begins to scratch, drag the wallpaper, showing your true, Animal origin. Wean a cat to tear wallpaper - a rather difficult task: it means that a person goes against natural animal instincts, his habits; That is, comes against nature.

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How to wean a cat to fuck wallpaper: what to do the cat scratches furniture, wallpaper that do not fight cats, protect the walls, liquid wallpapers and cats than to separate the walls

Most of the cat's paws suffer from wallpaper and sofa

And at the same time, in this "war" you can get out the winner, showing the cat that in the modern world he has nothing to be afraid, and from this habit you can gradually get rid of.

What to do: cat tread wallpaper

The most efficient way to wean your favorite spoil wallpaper is a bratechka. Kogttechka is a special device designed to make the cat sharpen their claws about it. It can be done or bought in the pet store.

How to wean a cat to fuck wallpaper: what to do the cat scratches furniture, wallpaper that do not fight cats, protect the walls, liquid wallpapers and cats than to separate the walls

You can choose brates completely different shapes and sizes.

If you decide to do on your own, then you need to adhere to some rules:

  • Kogttechka should be attractive for a pet: a cat is drown only what she likes. That is, if you just take a piece of wood and put in front of the cat, it is unlikely to want to make the wall for something completely new and incomprehensible to him.
  • Be sure to do it with a rack: so that the scratching has not rarely thunder when the cat does her and not grown.
  • Kogttechka must necessarily be large so that the cat can squeeze his claws, even if it is squeezed.

Naturally, at first the bracetchka will not cause much interest in the cat. You can help him with this: pour on adaptation by Valerian or mint. If the animal has a favorite toy, then you can put a toy near the brates.

The whip and gingerbread method is just suitable for raising a cat.

It is important to note that if the cat is still refusing to the new toy, then you can start training it: when it starts to do the dirtyness, then you should "punish" your pet, splashing on it with water. Do it necessary every time. And on the contrary: when it uses the brake, then it is necessary to praise it and encourage delicate. With this method, you can wean the walls of the walls almost any cat.

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How to make a bratechka with your own hands (video lesson)

How to wean a cat to fuck wallpaper and furniture

There are so many ways to loosen the cat to drag wallpaper. The easiest and simple and banal is just to force the way to wallpaper with another furniture, tanning the road with a homemade animal to welcome mining. As the saying goes: "No wallpaper - no problem." Well, wallpaper disappeared, and what to do a cat next? Right - scratch furniture. In this case, the owner simply drives himself into a continuous circle of suffering created by a harmless cat. Naturally, this option is not the most suitable, but it also has the right to exist.

How to wean a cat to fuck wallpaper: what to do the cat scratches furniture, wallpaper that do not fight cats, protect the walls, liquid wallpapers and cats than to separate the walls

To force the cat to stop the dirtiff can only the owner who manifests respect for his animal

There is not a completely humane way - it's just trimming the cat claws or purchase special claws.

This method has many minuses and disadvantages:

  • You simply deprive your friend of the only defense that Nature presented him. Naturally, it will not be a full-fledged animal that will not be able to protect himself, hitting a dangerous situation.
  • The nature and behavior of the cat can change in not quite a positive side: after all, lose part of the body - quite strong stress for the creature.
  • Circumcisions of claws deprives the cat of one of the most important pleasures in his life - Lasagna in trees.

How to wean a cat to fuck wallpaper: what to do the cat scratches furniture, wallpaper that do not fight cats, protect the walls, liquid wallpapers and cats than to separate the walls

You should not deprive the cat of all the joys of life: she simply follows his instincts, and herself does not realize that it brings harm

It is logical that this method has more flaws than advantages. So what else are there ways to wean a cat from such a habit? In fact, options that there are many options.

What wallpaper do not fight cats

There is a type of wallpaper that cats do not like scratching. Their name is liquid wallpaper: they are not soft, they are impossible to fully contemplate, because they are not paper. Such wallpapers can be purchased almost in any construction store for a small price.

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How to wean a cat to fuck wallpaper: what to do the cat scratches furniture, wallpaper that do not fight cats, protect the walls, liquid wallpapers and cats than to separate the walls

If you do not want your cat to spoil your wallpaper, you can buy liquid wallpapers

Please note that it is just another way to avoid the problem, and at the first opportunity (with the appearance of paper wallpapers at home or away), the cat will still take the old one.

And you want to reassure your pet from scratching wallpaper times and forever. So, this option is also not quite suitable: it can just start tearing furniture.

How to protect wallpaper from a cat

If you, nevertheless, decided to use the brake, then the best solution will be to buy it in the store than to do it with your own hands. Still, there is a difference in quality between Kogtetchochka, which they made on their own and which bought in a specialized institution.

How to wean a cat to drag wallpaper (video)

It is worth spending: after all, it is better to let the cat mans something that is not so necessary for a person than does the pain with the wall. The main thing is not to forget that the cat is exactly the same living being and part of the Universe, as we with you: that is why, even when you raise the animal, you need to always do it with respect; Then the cat itself will answer you gratitude!

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