Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video


Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselinic wallpapers are becoming increasingly popular and more popular in the market. Building materials. And the reason for the high performance properties of wallpaper and their external persuasiveness. Wallpaper from phlizelin are a two-layer coating, namely, a fliesline substrate and a decorative top layer. It is the substrate and gave name to wallpaper.

Fliseline wallpaper: what it is

Flizelinsky base is such a coating that in its strength unambiguously wins the paper. Fliselin is a canvas of compressed fibers. Cellulose fiber and special additives make such wallpapers with wear-resistant, elastic, durable, not afraid of scratches and not strong pressure.

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

During the sticking of fliesline wallpaper, glue is applied to the wall; On the wallpaper apply the adhesive substance it is not necessary: ​​it is one of the important advantages of such wallpapers

In a word, where paper wallpaper is at risk of deformation, flieslinic uses their technical properties.

Pros and Cons Flizelin Wallpaper

The advantages of these wallpapers are really a rather big list.

Pluses of fliselin wallpaper:

  1. With shrinkage at home, such wallpapers are not deformed;
  2. Wallpaper for painting is allowed to repaint 6-7 times;
  3. To remove these wallpapers, they do not need to be wrapped with water - they are already easily removed (and how much time it saves);
  4. Small height consumption, because it is necessary to miss only the wall, and this also saves time;
  5. Wallpaper from flieselin breathing, because they have the property of passing air and water, but if the vinyl layer is applied on the phlizelin, then these properties are lost;
  6. These wallpapers have high light resistance;
  7. They are not toxic;
  8. It is possible to glue phlizelin wallpaper on any surface, plasterboard, concrete, wood, chipboard.

Pluses rarely exist without minuses, which, however, are small.

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

The most important minus fliesline wallpaper is bad sound insulation

Cons Fliselin wallpaper:

  • Compared with paper, the cost of phlizelinic is significantly higher;
  • They do not differ high heat insulation and sound insulation.

On average, the characteristic is not bad: they dry quickly, environmentally friendly, the service life with proper care is considerable, any width - you want, take standard, and you want meter. We need only a blur with glue of the walls, and, of course, the preparation of the walls.

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Fliselin wallpaper: reviews

How many opinions, so many feedback. But if the minuses and dignity can be found in the "Characteristic" section, the informativeness of feedback is higher if there are some practical advice. For example, what to choose a brand, what sizes of the roll is preferable for certain premises, how many rolls it is necessary how to quickly dry by those or other wallpapers.

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Although the glue is applied and not needed, but before sticking wallpaper, it is necessary to carry out the primer and putting the wall

Reviews include the following points:

  1. The color of the surface before swinging should be homogeneous;
  2. Only special glue for fliesline wallpaper should be used (as many as proportions, indicated in the instructions);
  3. If the wall is needed, do not avoid this stage;
  4. First check the cloth in the roll on the marriage, and only then cut the stripes.

Much depends specifically from the type of wallpaper.

Types and characteristics of flieslin wallpaper

It is worth explaining what exactly the wallpaper is from Flizelin, and what is a phlizelin wallpaper. Many confuse these concepts, and then surprise that wallpapers do not correspond to their expectations.

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Wallpapers on a fliesline basis are more like dense paper than, actually, on the phlizelin wallpaper

Each type of wallpaper has its own fundamental differences, they affect both the price and the features of the wallpaper.

What do both types of wallpaper look like:

  • Fliselinov can be called the wallpapers that are made exclusively from Flizelin. This is a multilayer coating, the layers are all smooth and smooth, except for the top. Typically, the top layer is embossed, it is possible - hot peasants.
  • Wallpaper on a flizelin basis. The first, the lower layer in such wallpaper phlizelin, and the second or textile, or paper. The top layer determines how the coating as a whole looks like. The top layer, of course, is responsible for the bandwidth of the wallpaper, for the possibility of painting them and so on.

And at least, in fact, these are two different types of wallpaper, in the people and those, and others are customary to call phlizelin. After all, from which they make them - from Flizelin, to one way or that.

Flizelin wallpaper: composition

In its composition, flieslinic wallpaper is a finishing nonwoven material produced from natural fibers. In it, the content of cellulose is up to 70%, and there are textile fibers there, and, of course, the binding polymers.

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Thanks to its special composition, such wallpaper is easy to wash

The product is similar to paper, but it is characteristic of it about high wear resistance, high strength indicators and such an important property as "ability to breathe."

The material is considered environmentally friendly and is also used in the clothing industry.

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Notation on Flizelin Oboh

Marking on the wallpaper helps to figure out how to use the wallpaper correctly, how long they dry, is it possible to wash them. In the same place on the label you will read whether they correspond to GOST, a word, a whole characteristic in the symbol.

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Be sure to pay attention to the marking to know about the most important performance characteristics of the wallpaper.

Pictures and designations on wallpaper:

  1. Brush and three wavy lines . Wet care is possible.
  2. Sun . Good light resistance.
  3. Vertical line brush . The glue is applied only on the wall.
  4. Horizontal line brush . The glue is applied to the wallpaper.
  5. One wavy line . Wallpaper washable.
  6. Three wavy lines . This is super-washable, resistant to abrasion.
  7. Half Sunny . Middle light resistance.

There are both alphabetic designations, for example, if wallpaper (any) are designed to paint, you will see the letters "Page".

Palette of colors

Typically wallpapers from Flizelin are not the brightest coloring, although they are, of course, there is a palette. Just the texture of flieslinic wallpapers itself is bright enough that it is not necessary to beat this by color at all. But bright colors can be obtained if you decide to paint the wallpaper.

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

It is best to use acrylic or water-dispersion paint

Wallpaper, the production of which Italy, is a stylish print, this is attention to the trifles, modernity. But Russia in the design of wallpaper does not lag behind - from a strict strip to the most interesting samples with flowers.

As for the fashionable palette, in the 2019 season, the deep, juicy colors of natural shades will be relevant. For example, juicy olive, rich eggplant, soft emerald.

Flizelin substrate under wallpaper

Construction Flizelin is often used as a substrate under the wallpaper. This rolled nonwoven material made of modified cellulose. This material is valuable in that it is vapor-permeable, which contributes to the natural ventilation of the walls. And natural ventilation, in turn, is a good moisture and dampness from the room.

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

This substrate is perfect for the kitchen or bedroom.

Flizelinskaya Clast, besides, perfectly aligns the wall, removing small wall defects. This ensures the elasticity of the material. Roll length of the construction fliesline - 10-12 meters, width - from 0.6 m to meter.

Flizelin substrate can be used in all rooms.

Is it possible to wash phlizelin wallpaper

If you have seen the corresponding designation on the wallpaper, it means that they can be washed right. They dry pretty quickly, just do not overdo it with washing.

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

You can apply talc to remove bold stains

Wallpaper Cleaning Tips:

  • If you see stains, for example, from fingerprints, try to erase them with an ordinary eraser - often it turns out to be enough;
  • With serious pollution, put a paper napkin on a stain, after which it is a preheated iron;
  • Small spots remove the moistened with a sponge;
  • Wash the wallpaper carefully, without much effort, use either a light soap solution, or soft cleaning products.

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Smooth with flock wallpaper is also allowed to wash warm water with dissolved soap. If lacquer got on the wallpaper, you can remove it with a liquid for removing varnish.

How to wash the wallpaper (video lesson)

Why phlizelin wallpaper bubbles

If bubbles appeared on the wallpaper, it means that the technology of sticking wallpaper has been broken. You either did not prepare the wall, or not so applied glue (either and the glue is not one), and maybe the temperature regime is broken.

Bubbles, by the way, this is not only an inesthetical sight, it is also the risk of a large bundle of wallpaper and the likelihood that insects will begin to multiply under them.

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

If during the sticking of the wallpaper, air falls under the wallpaper, that is, the likelihood of bubbles

You can remove bubbles like this:

  1. Smooth the canvas with a roller or a soft cloth;
  2. The bubble can be pierced by a medical syringe, and then smooth out;
  3. The bulk bubble will help to remove the smooth blade, and, making an incision at the bottom of the bloating, fill in the void with a syringe.

Do not glue wallpaper at temperatures above 23 degrees, the composition of the adhesive applies to the canvas evenly, acquire glue with a pink indicator. And the tissue band is correctly lubricated: from top to bottom, from the center to the edges.

Whether phlizelin wallpaper shine after drying

To shine phlizelin wallpaper can, if they are light, thin, and the wall was originally darker. Still in the store you can solve this problem - attach a fragment of wallpaper to some surface, preferably multi-colored. Immediately it will be clear whether the picture will be shown.

If you need precisely bright and thin wallpapers, prepare the wall carefully: align her color with white primer or white paint.

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

If the wallpaper is applied to the concrete base, the dark colors wallpaper should be used. In addition, it is necessary to put the wall: In addition to leveling the wall, the concrete surface becomes lighter

We are interested in the store, how to behave wallpaper when sticking, how to store wallpapers, if the repair you are just planning, what glue advises to buy a manufacturer.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper (video lesson)

Flizelin wallpapers are a good choice, use them correctly, the glue according to the instructions, choose a convenient size. And then the price will justify itself, and the repair will not be delayed, and will be completely satisfied with the result.

Good choice!

Fliselin wallpaper (photo)

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

Fliselin wallpapers: pros and cons, photo, what it is, how much dry, reviews and composition, palette for walls, properties, meter, video

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