Separate bathroom or combined: what is better


Combined bathrooms with a bathroom often do not cause much delight from the owners of a small apartment or a small house. After all, the bathroom combined with the toilet for many people is a problem, since the family often has to share the territory. And especially, this discomfort is felt in the morning and evening hours: someone needs to be brushed teeth, to take someone, shower, and women wash the cosmetics and so on.


In the combined rooms there are often no windows and there is no good ventilation. Therefore, in such premises, install the built-in hood (electric fan). This is necessary, since the use of all kinds of air fresheners will not be able to hide the unpleasant odors, which will always be indoors, where there is no circulation of clean air.

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Combined bathroom with bathroom

Therefore, it is not entirely hygienic that towels, toothbrushes and other personalities of personal destination are in a poorly air facility. Thus, even if you plan to do the partition in the combined room, the question of the availability of ventilation also remains relevant.

Shower cabin

As a rule, in small-sized apartments, the bath area with a toilet ranges from 3 to 4 m2. Accordingly, find an excess place for the washing machine, the bedside tables, the lounge basket is very difficult, since the main area is covered by a large bath. In this case, save space will help the shower cabin, thanks to which it is almost half a number of valuable meters. In fact, the massive bath is designed for water preventive medical measures, but from a hygienic point of view, the souls are much more practical.

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Combined bathroom - option

So better: combined or separate bathroom? The connected bathroom with the toilet is justified if the room is not the only bathroom in the dwelling and when no more than three people use the room. Consequently, despite the widespread desire to increase the area by the destruction of unnecessary wall partitions, first should be thought of the possible consequences of this action.

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In a large room (from 8 m2), filled with air and light, there are all the necessary plumbing elements and special furniture. And if there is an additional bathroom in the dwelling, then in a joint room it is difficult to find minuses.

The functional bathroom provides its users:

  • bath;
  • big washbasin;
  • Places for location and installation machines for washing, bidet, toilet or jacuzzi.

With proper zoning, one can functionally divide the area. And also make the original interior, heated floor and place a lot of interesting accessories. Then, in such a room, it will also want to make not only cosmetic procedures, but even breed indoor plants, which are diverse design by plant motifs.

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Combined bathroom

Naturally, not everyone can afford to make the combined rooms with a cozy and spacious room. However, if desired, it is still possible to increase the square, adding a few meters to the room, where there used to be a storage room or a chunnel.

Separate bathroom


  • small area;
  • The entrance door is uncomfortable;
  • Closed spaces create a feeling of discomfort.

Little area and improper door location

Separate bathroom has two most significant disadvantages - the wrong location of the door and limited space. Two of these factors do not allow placing the sink in the toilet. However, if you change the design and make the doorway for the door elsewhere, then the washbasin can be placed in the corner of the room or in the wall opposite to the toilet. But still, when the square is very small, then this decision will be inappropriate.

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Separate bathroom


Unfortunately, the closed space makes you feel some kind of discomfort. For these reasons, if a separate bathroom is impossible to combine, then one should visually increase the space by means of competent lighting, light tones and mirror surfaces. At the same time, it is necessary to take care so that the space is well ventilated.


When two people live in a small-sized apartment, then a separate bathroom is the best option. Therefore, many tenants of small houses wish that the bathroom in their dwelling is divided, so that every resident of the apartment will feel absolutely comfortable.

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Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Separate toilet

Today, quite often in spacious apartments there are two bathrooms. This allows you to make in the apartment as a combined, located next to the bedroom and a separate bathroom (guest), where there is a washbasin and toilet. As a rule, the latter is located near the exit from the apartment, next to the kitchen or at the second level, if any. And if the guests are a rare phenomenon in the house, then a special children's toilet can be made from the second bathroom.

To decide which bathroom better: a separate or combined owner of an apartment or at home, coordinating all intentions with other residents, as well as based on the possibilities of housing planning.

Separation of combined bathroom

Have you been planned to bring order in your bathroom for a long time, but have you constantly lacked for this or time? And now the moment came when the room waited. If once the combined toilet with the bathroom was decided to combine, and now you want to make the rooms separately, but at the same time you don't want to repeat the red bricks? Then you can make a small wall, which will perform a fencing function, separating the washbasin and toilet with the bathroom.

Thus, the layout looks like this: along the length of one wall there is a machine for washing, a toilet and wash basin, and the angular bath is mounted along the other, while the height of the chromium dryer is scheduled at the entire height of the bath. The latter will not only perform its basic function, but also it is necessary for heating the room.

Stages of bathroom separation with toilet

  1. The workflow began with the fact that it is necessary to remove the linoleum, and then disrupt the concrete floor, which can be asked in certain places, and it can also be deepest cracks.
  2. After you should replace the old pipeline to a new, consisting of plastic. In this case, the sewage from the intact cast iron can be left in prior odd. The plumbing should be hidden under the tile. To do this, use the angular grinding equipment and the perforator for cutting in the wall of the steres.
  3. Concrete screed can be made without the use of building mixtures. For these purposes, it is sufficient to use a solution of 3 hours. Cement and 1 h. Sand. When the composition freezes the surface of the screed should be pouring a self-leveling mixture.
  4. If you do not want to make red bricks - replace it with moisture resistant plasterboard.
  5. If the walls in the room are curves, then their irregularities need to be launched with a mortar from the cement with the PEC. And so that the composition is easy to stretch into it, it is necessary to add some lime to it.
  6. The field of how the plaster is grabbing on it using an acute object, for example, a nail, you need to draw lines to enhance the adhesion of plaster with a tile.

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At the end of the preparatory work, you should proceed to the masonry of the tile and the installation of sanitary elements. By the way, all the draft types of work can be done. But it is better to hire professionals to lay the tiles.

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Combined bathroom

Laying Cafel

  1. Initially, it is necessary to make marking of places where the tile will be placed.
  2. It is necessary to stack the product from the top angle, and the lower part of the tile should rely on the rail, nailed earlier.
  3. In our case, the tile is placed on the basis of cerezite. When he grabbed (one and a half or two hours), the rail is removed and you can begin to lay a new row.
  4. The laying of the initial row is a difficult work, because putting the tile on top of the book is not entirely comfortable. But then, thanks to the vertical markup, the tile stacked much easier (from the bottom up) and the workflow will go much faster.
  5. By the way, to save in the process of laying a tile on a vertical surface, cerezite on the edges of the product is applied point. But in the case of floor laying, it is better to apply Cerezite to the entire surface.

Now you know how to make a separate bathroom with a combined bath. Therefore, reserve the necessary materials and boldly proceed to the separation of the bathroom!

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Combined bathroom

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Combined bathroom

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Combined bathroom - option

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Combined bathroom with bath

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Combined bath with toilet

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Combined bathroom with toilet

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Separate toilet

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Combined bathroom

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Separate bathroom

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Combined bathroom

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Combined bathroom

Separate bathroom or combined: what is better

Combined bathroom with bathroom

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