Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video


Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Especially popular in recent years has become pasting fabrics by wallpaper of different colors and a fact how to punish the wallpaper of two types competently, not every specialist will tell. Nevertheless, it is not so difficult - the walls of the walls are standard. And the design options exist very different - you can choose exactly the one that best will fit into a specific interior.

What effects give bleaching of two species

The design of the premises with wallpaper was widespread. This material is convenient for incarnation even the most bold design solutions.

Wallpapers have many advantages, they can:

  • Denote zoning;
  • Provide the necessary visual effects;
  • Interestingly and stylish decorating the room;
  • Make repairs inexpensively and beautiful.

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpaper will help to emphasize the merits of the room and hide its shortcomings.

In order to achieve the desired effect, it is not enough to stick the wallpaper you like. There are examples of unsuccessful gluing them. It is important to comply with the basic rules guaranteeing success.

We are talking about a competent combination of colors and textures, the correct techniques for gluing this material and the corresponding selection of wallpaper types for one or another room.

Wallpapers of two types in the kitchen interior (video)

How to punish a room with different wallpaper and pick up the "right" colors

You can come up with different variants of the combination of wallpaper.

At the same time, the basic rules should be followed - they will help to avoid stupid errors in the design:

  1. Combining wallpapers of different tones and one color scheme.
  2. Compound of monotonous wallpaper of contrasting colors.
  3. Casting paired with monophonic wallpaper of such stripes to which a bright ornament is applied or a motley pattern.
  4. Use of wallpaper with different drawings.

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Various combination methods may include the use of coatings in one color range, but with different drawings or texture

By issuing the wallpaper, you can achieve a simple, and complex combination of colors. In the first variant, the colors will simply complement each other. And in the second they can connect to shades and smoothly move from one tone to another.

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A competent combination of textures is an important component of the blending of the wallpaper of two species

Before you punish different wallpapers, you should think well from which materials they should be made. First of all, it is necessary to repel from how you manifest themselves in practice. For example, some wallpapers should not be used in the kitchen or in the bathroom, and there are such species that will fit only in the most exquisite and luxurious interior.

Types of textures can be the most different, these are the most common of them:

  • Paper;
  • Vinyl;
  • Fliseline;
  • Textile;
  • Liquid.

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

A successful combination of cloths of different types guarantees success in the design of the premises

The main thing is to think about the textures, focus on the same thickness. This will prevent the occurrence of non-accurate seams and joints.

Wall pastries with two colors: Popular and successful solutions

There are different options for combining wallpaper. Some allow you to successfully zonate the premises, others complement the design, and the third help to hide the irregularities of the walls. Bold and gifted designers constantly come up with new design options. After all, it is not only convenient to use wallpaper for this, but also incredibly interesting.

Here are the most common techniques for combining them:

  1. Vertical stripes with different pattern stick to the walls alternately. Such design options help to lengthen the visual premises regardless of the color solution. For this option, the stickers should select the wallpaper of the same texture so as not to spoil the interesting design of non-accurate seams. A game with color and so will attract a glance, and the change of textures will be overwhelmed. The width of the bands is usually also the same in the same way.
  2. Horizontal strips - good reception for visual expansion of the room. Good such method to use for rooms with high ceilings. The wall is conditionally divided into two horizontal parts. The wallpaper of one species paste on the bottom strip, and on the top - the other. With a horizontal division, you can take wallpaper with a variety of colors. It can be patterns, symmetric patterns, as well as monochrome colors.
  3. Method of small inserts: The walls mark the zones on which the wallpaper of the necessary color is placed. Such zones usually have forms of geometric shapes. After directly stickers, the wallpaper inserts are most often framed by a border or molding. Such ideas are relevant in rooms where you need to draw attention to some object of the interior - painting, mirror, TV. This method of design of the premises is convenient because the wallpaper inserts can be made on the walls of the walls are saved or stained.
  4. Many designers make large-scale bulk inserts - in the size of the whole walls. Beautifully decorated in this way of room using photo wallpapers. Today's choice is so high-quality samples that sometimes they are even difficult to distinguish from the original works of art. The method of large-scale insertion can be achieved to achieve a spectacular allocation of a whole wall, and when the wallpaper sticker and the ceiling is the original zoning of the room.
  5. Patchwork technique: wallpaper with different patterns are cut into small pieces of the same shape and glued. Wall design options can be the most different. This method allows you to wonder the cloths of various colors and textures, while the wallpaper must be very good with each other. They can be cut into squares, rectangles and even triangles. To perform the technique of patchwork wallpaper strips of glue and braziness, and online.
  6. Selection of the relief of the walls. It is interesting to attach niches and protrusions with only two types of wallpaper. If it is competently distinguished by such structures with more saturated or deep tones, it will be possible to make an interesting focus on relief wall changes.
  7. Cutting walls and ceiling. The performance of the wallpaper of the walls and the ceiling in two colors will be successful only if the height of the ceilings is at least 2.7 meters.
  8. Parking the corners of the room. Visitiously increase the room will help the pasting of its corners with wallpaper of a darker color when covering walls with strips of light tones. The technique of angular combination is admissible if the design does not require strict laws in the design. Good such options are used in rooms with angular furniture.

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Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Combine saturated and bright wallpaper follows with calmer and muted colors

For those who want to place a room in bright colors, it must be borne in mind that they can cause fatigue and irritation

Wallpaper of two colors in the interior of the living room (video)

Basic rules for combining wallpaper of two types

Simple and understandable rules will help better understand how to punish the wallpaper of two types and thereby achieve the realization of interesting ideas in design.

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Furniture and other interior items must be selected so that together with wallpaper all the components complemented each other, creating an interesting and harmonious design.

Here are the main of them:

  • The color solutions of the premises should be used not only on the wallpaper, but also to be reflected in furniture, textiles or accessories;
  • If the main wallpapers are made in bright colors, then the optional version must be muffled;
  • If a floral pattern is applied to the main wallpaper, then in a pair they can choose a textured component;
  • Wallpaper with a geometric pattern is well combined with abstraction;
  • To wallpaper with patterns, it is best to select one-photon fabric;
  • Bright colors should be combined with muted shades;
  • Triple combination is also possible, and successful combinations make the interior especially interesting.

How to glue two species wallpaper

Wallpaper sticking is simple, but requiring certain knowledge. If the room is glued in the room with two types of coloring or invoice, the rules act the same as for standard wall salaries.

It is important to take into account that different textures require the use of certain types of glue.

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Textile, vinyl and paper wallpapers are glued with different substances

The jack of joints is necessary if the wallpaper of different textures are used.

To do this, you can purchase special funds:

  • Moldings;
  • Reiki;
  • Tapes;
  • Borders.

It is important to preliminarily prepare walls even before placing the room with wallpaper. Each wall, you need to clean from old paint or wallpaper, remove the remains of plasters, sharpen and clean it. Depending on the type of wall strips of walls, the walls are grinning more or less carefully. If in the room raw, you must use drugs from mold.

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Some additional tips, how to shove a room with different wallpaper

In order to competently combine the wallpaper, there are some more secrets.

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpaper with two different colors is better to buy in one store

The main ones are:

  1. It is best to choose the glue in the same store where the wallpaper is bought.
  2. You can independently select the width of the bands in the wallpaper.
  3. Determining the boundaries of the joints need to be pre-measured and marked with a pencil.
  4. Wallpaper paste begins on top, and then the bottom stripes are already glued.
  5. It is necessary to make allowances for the seams in the case if the bands are boosted when dried.

How to combine wallpaper (video)

Decorating the walls simply, if at hand quality and beautiful materials. The market today is rich in various products. A competent and skillful combination of textures and shades will help to realize the most brave design, which will delight the owners and amazing guests.

Fixing wallpaper of two types (photo)

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

Wallpapering of two types of wallpaper: photo, how to punish different, options for room, pasting beautiful, ideas, design stickers, color, examples, video

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