Than to wash the mirror without divorces: how to protect against moisture and clean from a limescale


The microclimate in the bathroom is caused by high humidity and temperature, so special requirements should be made to any subject of the interior. Are no exception and mirrors. In rooms with elevated dampness it is recommended to use products with amalgam made of silver, because aluminum can crack and crumble under the influence of steam.

Basic rules for placement and care

When installing the mirror very often placed close to the light source. This is one of the main errors - only reflected objects should be lit. If you get a straight ray to the surface, the mirror can hang out, so it is better to use a backlit mirror.

Than to wash the mirror without divorces: how to protect against moisture and clean from a limescale

Mirror lighting

Also under the influence of high temperatures, the amalgam cracks, the stain from which can be masked with the applied foil to the back of the surface.

The main sources of dirt appearance on the glass are:

  • dust;
  • cigarette smoke;
  • Hand fingerprints.

The traditional cleaning of the mirror consists of 3 stages:

  1. Removal of dust with soft cloth.
  2. Spraying cleaning substance.
  3. Polishing with a cloth or paper.

How to make the mirror in the bathroom do not swam

To fully care for the surface of the mirror, it is necessary to clean it with a soft cloth on a regular basis and at least 2 times a month to use a rag from the canvas without fibers, moistened in the vinegar solution. The Capron moistened in cold water also helps to quickly clean the mirror.

Than to wash the mirror without divorces: how to protect against moisture and clean from a limescale

Mirror dove

It is not recommended to use automotive fluids due to extensive content in their composition of chemical elements that cause dizziness and headaches.

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How to protect the mirror in the bathroom from moisture

The easiest way to protect the mirror surface is the following:
  1. Covered the face of the mirror with gelatin solution in proportions of 1 h. Spoons on 50 ml of water.
  2. Give the solution to swell and warm in a water bath.
  3. Cool

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Alternatively, you can use a special means for automotive glasses, which contributes to the prevention of fogging.

How to wash the mirror from lime

A simple solution of water and soap or citric acid can help in removing a lime flying with mirrors. It is known that glass surfaces are easier to be cleaned than other materials.

Systematic cleaning 3 times a week will help effectively deal with the problem of plaque. Before cleaning, you should give preference to pasty and cream facilities.

Lemonic acid is ideal for any type of surface. Lime after applying the solution is removed quickly and without harm to the skin of the hands. It is also possible to use a weakly concentrated solution of water and ammonia alcohol. It is applied to the surface for 20 minutes And washed off with warm water.

Traditional means for cleaning mirrors

Before the procedure, a logical question arises - how to wash the mirror without divorce?

Than to wash the mirror without divorces: how to protect against moisture and clean from a limescale

Divorces on the mirror

The classic means for cleaning the glasses contain in its composition a plurality of chemical elements that are able to damage the structure of the glass, so they can be replaced by the following traditional means:

  • Black tea;
  • Warm water with the addition of blue;
  • Alcohol diluted in water.

During the emerged pollution, the onions are perfectly helped. For cleaning, you need to wipe the surface with a bulb, rinse it with hot water and wipe the soft and dry cloth. You can also use a solution of vinegar and chalk. This requires dilute in proportions 1 to 1 vinegar and chalk in 500 ml of hot water . Give a fluid to break a little and wipe the mirror with a soft web.

Than to clean the mirror so that there were no divorces

Dirt removal

Before cleaning the mirror you need to remove from the surface of the fat and the remnants of dust. It is important to use the sponge and the usual cleaning agent. It is strictly forbidden to spray liquid on the mirror - in this case, the divorces cannot be avoided. A classic dishwashing detergent or ordinary shampoo is perfect.

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Pollution is removed as follows:

  • The sponge is wetted with water, applied and replaced the dishes;
  • The mirror is wiping with the back side of the sponge (it is impossible to use abrasive elements - they can damage the glass);
  • The detergent is removed by the same sponge or microfiber cloth.

If the glass remained dried drops of fat or any other dirt, then it can be carefully removed with a sharp blade from a razor or knife. After surgery, the surface must be wiped with a soft cloth.

Than to wash the mirror without divorces: how to protect against moisture and clean from a limescale

In the case of extensive contamination perfectly Suitable powder for washing dishes or pasta . The tool is applied to the sponge and moistened to the formation of pasta consistency.

If there is no cleaning agent at hand, then boiled water and ammonia alcohol can be applied as identical by the properties of the solution. The solution is placed in the sprayer and applied to the mirror, after which it is rubbed with a rag.

Vodka, which can be added to the ammonious solution in proportions 2 tablespoons per glass of solution, has good cleaner properties.

Washing with clean warm water

After removing the mud residues from the glass surface, it is necessary to apply clean water on it. Ideally, boiled water is used, which is applied to a soft sponge or cloth.

Creating brilliance

For this operation, paper or microfiber fabric is best suited. Paper will help remove divorces from the mirror and, unlike textile tissues, will not leave the fiber and the collected dust on the glass. It is possible to use and newspapers - such paper has the perfect softness for cleaning and absorbs the excess fluid without decaying the fibers. For operation, several crumpled newspapers will be required. The resulting lump is very conveniently wiped glass coatings. Paper towels can perform analogue.

Before using paper, it is important to moisten the glass with a special means for washing. You can purchase them in any store in the form of a container with a built-in sprayer. The tool is applied to the mirror and is wiping with a lump of paper or a cloth. After this operation, the divorces will not remain.

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