Categories Country with toilet and shower: Recommendations for choosing


Categories Country with toilet and shower: Recommendations for choosing

Small mobile buildings intended for temporary accommodation, as well as used as a warehouse for storing equipment and materials or as an economic unit, is called cabins. For example, there are very convenient and popular households with a toilet and a shower, when long-term fundamental construction works are underway on the site. In turn, the dacha dacha dacha is ideal for longer with the toilet and the shower for a longer stay in them, for example, for all summer, but not more. If it is planned to live in a country land plot and in the cold time, then a heated house must be built on a high-quality concrete foundation with durable walls and roofs.

Symbolic cabinets are divided into several types:

  1. Building tanks without hozblocks, designed for seasonal accommodation in them, construction workers (at the construction site).
  2. Wooden or dacha tunes, like with a hozblock, and without it.
  3. Block containers or cabins made of tin galvanized sheet.
  4. Trailed modification.
  5. The household-souls (together with or without toilet), as an option is very convenient when taking water procedures for a large number of workers on a built-in object (plot).
  6. Cames designed for security posts (CAT).

Categories Country with toilet and shower: Recommendations for choosing

Recommendations when choosing a lot

Catering residential forces with toilet and shower are an excellent alternative to the country house on the foundation. Such buildings do not require large financial spending and quickly mounted in the country area - can be said in a matter of days.

Read also our peat toilet article for giving.

In addition to other things, the external attractiveness of the construction plays a large role, these wooden houses will decorate any site, turning unjubly weavers in a truly real fairy tale.

So, what to pay attention to when choosing a temporary structure:

  1. Planning premises. The location of window and doorways, as well as the presence of mobile partitions inside.
  2. Production material. For example, plastic or wooden lining, MDV, DVP, laminated plates, siding, plywood, possess their specific properties. They can be combined in the manufacture of a custom design, and are strictly in one facing style. Of course, there is a spectacular at the same time. However, if you need to provide maximum hygienicity, the best option will be the cladding of plastic siding.
  3. The quadrature of the temporary design is manufactured, as well as the foundation (concrete or low pile, or without at all as such as such under the structure - on a smooth and clean region of the earth).

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Categories Country with toilet and shower: Recommendations for choosing

As a rule, delivery, installation and reason for any cabinet is carried out by the manufacturer.

Read also our article create a shower at your own hands.

Temporary souls and toilets for cottages

Even in the country it is impossible to refuse yourself in comfort. Therefore, to buy or make a soul toilet yourself with a shower just a paramount need.

According to designs, the toilets are distinguished for the following modifications:

  1. A typical wooden house with a cesspool, detached in the far side of the site or attached to the residential structure.
  2. Factory Bike.
  3. Patron-climbs without a bump, that is, with a mesh bucket (with a container with filler) instead of the exhaust pit.

Categories Country with toilet and shower: Recommendations for choosing

All these designs can be easily constructed in the country area. A little more difficult, the case is with the construction of a summer soul. In this regard, it is recommended to consider the options for joint construction of a shower toilet for giving.

The connected souls and toilets are the most optimal and economical buildings for giving. Not only finance, but also physical forces can be saved on such a unified design, since many elements can be elementary to group. For example, build a common cesspool, external walls, roofing, inner finish, while sharing only the room inside with one common partition and summarize water communications.

Categories Country with toilet and shower: Recommendations for choosing

If there is no possibility to bring the plumbing, it is worth getting a power pump and a water collection capacity. At the same time, the ideal source of warm water would be to install in the shower room of the boiler, or otherwise it will be necessary to pour fluid in advance to the tank so that it is heated during the sunny day due to the ambient temperature.

We recommend to read our article for which you need hozblocks for giving.

Categories Country with toilet and shower: Recommendations for choosing

Thus, the country's dachas with a toilet and a shower, taking into account all small minuses and also pluses completely arrange almost any mom, as to refresh himself in a summer meant with pleasure and wash off the nanile dirt when working in the garden is needed anyway. This option is acceptable mainly for those who have no alternative for the construction of a full-fledged house with all communications and other amenities.

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