How to build a toilet for giving


To ensure a comfortable stay in the country site, you need to build a toilet first of all to build natural needs. Since the sewage system is rare on our dacha arrays, the toilet will have to do with a cesspool. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right toilet location to avoid unpleasant odors and problems with neighbors. In addition, because of the harsh winter, it is advisable to make a country toilet insulated.

How to build a toilet for giving

Where to locate a toilet? How to make a cesspool? What materials use during construction? And finally, how to build toilets of different types? You can find out all this by reading our article.

Location of the toilet on the plot

First of all, you need to know - how close to the surface of your site are groundwater. If the groundwater is closer than 2.5 meters to the surface, then in sanitary standards, it is impossible to do a cesspool. Saving a position in such a situation will help plastic capacitance for uncleanness located at a small depth.

Secondly, do not place the toilet in lowlands, it can lead to a rapid filling of the cesspool during a strong rain, or during the melting period.

Thirdly, take into account the smell factor, no matter how well the toilet was isolated, unpleasant evaporation will still be seamless from the cesspool and spoil the air in the area. For this reason, it is best to place the toilet away from housing and recreation sites.

In the fourth cesspools of any toilet needed cleaning, so when choosing a place toilet, consider the possibility of a unhindered entrance to the association technique.

How to build a toilet for giving

Asshenizator car

Making a cesspool

Cell whales can be made from monolithic concrete, bricks, plastic containers and concrete rings. Use to build a cesspool pit tanks from metal is not recommended, because over time, the walls of the iron tank will be corrosion and sewage will begin to pollute the soil.

Celebration pit from monolithic concrete

For the manufacture you will need:

  • Cement.
  • Sand.
  • Small crushed stone.
  • Armature.
  • Liquid glass.
  • Wire for mating fittings.
  • Formwork.
  • Concrete mixer or tank for the manufacture of solution and shovels.

How to build a toilet for giving

Celebration pit from monolithic concrete

The correct order of work for the manufacture of a cesspool from concrete is the following actions:

  1. Drop the pit.
  2. Failure the bottom of the pit and pour it off with sand.
  3. Install the reinforcement bar on the bottom and tie them with wire.
  4. Make a cement mortar and fill it with a bottom of 15-20 centimeters with a layer.
  5. After drying the cement mortar, set the walls of the pit, pre-manufactured reinforcement grid.
  6. After binding the reinforcement, set the wall of the walls of the pit - formwork. Setting the formwork, consider the fact that the concrete walls of the pits should be higher than the level of the soil of 10-20 centimeters, this will avoid rain or melt water in the pit.
  7. Fill formwork with cement mortar.
  8. When the solution is completely dry, remove the formwork.
  9. For additional sealing of the pit, process walls and bottom, liquid glass or bitumen mastic.

Celebration of bricks

For a pit of bricks, you will need:

  • High-quality brick.
  • Cement.
  • Sand.
  • Armature.
  • Bituminous mastic.

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How to build a toilet for giving

Celebration of bricks

To make a cesspool of a brick pit:

  1. Drop the pit.
  2. As in the variant with monolithic concrete, make a fill and reinforcement of the bottom of the pit.
  3. Making bricks around the perimeter of the pit walls.
  4. After drying the cement mortar in the masonry, make the plaster of the walls of the pit.
  5. Treat the walls with bitumen mastic.

Celebration pit from concrete rings

By selecting the option of cesspool from reinforced concrete rings, keep in mind that you will need a special technique to move them. The pit is made as follows:

  1. Drop the boiler round shape, the size of the pit must allow concrete rings into it.
  2. With the help of the crane, install the rings in the kitty. Make sure that the concrete rings get up smoothly, without distortion and cracks.
  3. Take the gaps between the rings with cement mortar.
  4. Put the soil space between the walls of the pit and rings.
  5. Fill the bottom of the cement mortar, to increase the bottom strength, you can pre-reinforce.
  6. Treat stitches between rings with liquid glass or bitumen mastic.

How to build a toilet for giving

Celebration pit from concrete rings

Cesspool of plastic tanks

This variant of the cesspool is the easiest in production, but requiring the cost of purchasing a roomy plastic container. The form of the container should allow freely uninstalious from it.

A hole is broken to install a plastic tank. After placing the tank in the pittal, the space between the walls of the tank and the pit is covered with soil.

How to build a toilet for giving

Cesspool of plastic tank

It should be noted that all listed variants of cesspool can be made without a hermetic bottom, only with a filtering layer of rubble or sand. This method of a cesspool device allows to reduce the rate of accumulation of uncleanness, due to the leaving of the liquid directly into the soil. But not hermetic cesspools are prohibited by sanitary standards.

Also during the construction of a cesspool, do not forget about the outstand to exit combustible gases formed during the decomposition of organic substances and with their significant accumulation creating conditions for fire.

Toilet options for cottage

Toilet from bricks

The brick toilet is much harder in weight than wooden, so it is best to build over a cesspool of a monolithic concrete and use the walls of the pit as a foundation.

How to build a toilet for giving

Red brick toilet

Stage first - Pouring base

  1. Make a formwork with the main hole for the receipt of uncleanness, located in the center and optional for the removal of gases located behind the walls of the toilet.
  2. Install the formwork in the cesspool and secure it on several rods of reinforcement.
  3. Make the lattice from the reinforcement reinforcement and install it on the formwork.
  4. Fill formwork with cement mortar, the layer thickness must be at least 15 centimeters.

How to build a toilet for giving

Brick toilet

Stage Second - Wall Laying

  1. Implement the first rows of bricks. To avoid distortion and uneven masonry, use the level and plumb.
  2. Gradually increase the number of brick rows, constantly turning with a plumbing and level, especially this remark concerns the doorway.
  3. Having reached the end of the doorway, install the jumper from the iron corners.
  4. For a single-piece roof device, the front wall of the toilet should be made above the back for 20-30 centimeters. The side walls are made with a slash transition - from frontal to the rear wall.

How to build a toilet for giving


The third stage - the manufacture of the roof and installation of the door

  1. Install the longitudinal beams from the bars section of 150x50 millimeters on the walls.
  2. Wheel on the beams of transverse rails with a cross section of 50x20 millimeters.
  3. Schifer, metal tile or professional flooring to come to the resulting doomlet.
  4. Install the door frame by securing it on the anchor bolts.
  5. Hang the door leaf on the canopies and set the handles with the lock.
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Stage fourth - wall decoration, floor and ceiling

Separate walls and ceiling in the toilet can be different materials. Western walls are best separated by the material that was used to finish other buildings in the country. This will save the overall style of the site. For interior decoration, you can use PVC panels, plaster or wooden rails. Using options with PVC panels and slats, you will have the possibility of additional warming of the walls and the toilet ceiling by mineral wool or foam panels. To finish the floor in the toilet put the tile or simply fill the linoleum.

How to build a toilet for giving

Reiki sheathing

Stage Fifth - toilet arrangement

For more convenient use of the toilet, special toilets are installed on the central hole, which have no sewage "knee". In order not to experience difficulties in the winter, it is advisable to spend heating in the toilet. For complete comfort, carry electricity to the toilet and make lighting both inside and outside.

How to build a toilet for giving

Toilet without "knee"

Instructions in photos for the construction of a brick toilet are also available in the video:

Wooden toilet

The advantage of a wooden toilet in front of the brick is that it can be made separately from the cesspool. Also, thanks to an easy weight, a wooden toilet can be installed above any kind of cesspool.

Toilet - "Bedroom"

This is the most budget version of the wooden toilet. The toilet "Bedroom" allows you to save financial costs for your construction, but it greatly affects its comfort. Therefore, this type of toilet is mainly used as a temporary solution and upon subsequent arrangement of the site, is replaced by a more solid construction.

Below are the drawings for which you can build a toilet with your own hands:

How to build a toilet for giving

How to build a toilet for giving

The procedure for performing work in the manufacture of the toilet:

  1. Checking with a drawing, make a frame.
  2. Cut the rail to the framework (sizes are specified in the table).
  3. Cut the frame floor and roof roof.
  4. Make the door and hang it on the loop.
  5. Close the roof of the rubberoid or other roofing material.
  6. Install a toilet to a cesspool.
  7. Treat the frame and racks of Olifa, after that, paint the toilet paint.

How to build a toilet for giving

Toilet "Bedroom"

Detailed instructions for the manufacture of the toilet - "Birdhouse", you can look in the video:

Toilet - "House"

"House" is a more comfortable and durable version of the wooden toilet, compared with the "Bednament". To build a toilet - "House", it takes more time and costs of building materials, but this justifies itself to more comfortable operation. Check out the toilet drawings:

How to build a toilet for giving

How to build a toilet for giving

How to build a toilet for giving

The procedure for performing work is almost the same as in the manufacture of a toilet "Bunny", the main thing is to be more often with the drawings.

How to build a toilet for giving

Toilet "House"

Toilet with shower

The combination of two household buildings in one, saves a place in the country area and reduce the costs of their construction. True, such a neighborhood will have its own minus, expressed in the form of an unpleasant odor during the taking of the soul. Therefore, the shower cabin should be made more isolated, without cracks and gaps.

This type of construction consists of two cabins combined under one roof and having a common wall. The cabin is intended for the toilet, should be over a cesspool, and the shower cabin must have a drain for water. Below are approximate toilet parameters with shower:

How to build a toilet for giving

Toilet with shower can be made of: brick, slag blocks, wooden rails or boards.

Let's look at the construction option from the tree. To work, we will need:

  • Four vests of 2.75 meters long and four bar 2 meters, cross-section of 10x10 centimeters.
  • Brucking with a cross section of 5x10 centimeters and 2 meters long in the amount of 24 pieces.
  • Wooden boards for the root, cross section of 1x10 centimeters.
  • Brucking with a cross section of 5x10 centimeters, 2 meters long, in the amount of 12 pcs.
  • For floor in the toilet, a cross section of 4x15 centimeters in the amount of 20 pieces.
  • Plastic pipes and drains.
  • Cement mortar in the amount of one and a half cube.
  • Plywood sheets for formwork.
  • Sand and gravel, or crushed stone.
  • Metal tile or other roofing material.

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How to build a toilet for giving

Toilet frame with shower

How to make a cesspool, written above, so let's go to the manufacture of the frame:

  1. Make the bottom strapping using the brucks with a cross section of 10x10 centimeters.
  2. For the construction of frame walls, set the corners of the bars with a cross section of 5x10 centimeters. To connect them to the bottom strapping, use metal plates and corners. Check the correct position of the bars using a level.
  3. Install the two bar in the frame for fastening the future door.
  4. Make the upper strapping by connecting with the vertical supports of the brucks with a cross section of 10x10 centimeters.
  5. On the top strapping, install three racks with a skunk board.
  6. Make rafters for a duplex roof with a pitch of 60 centimeters using a 1x4 centimeter boards.
  7. Make a trim from edged boards.
  8. Cover the roof of metal tile.
  9. Go to the installation of the floor cabin to the toilet. Make a frame for the pedestal and cut it and the floor of a 2 centimeter thick.
  10. Wall toilet with boards.
  11. Install foam panels in the frame and fill the cream mounting foam.
  12. Clean the inner walls.
  13. Make the floor in the shower of the cement mortar. Pouring gender, make a slope for draining the water.
  14. On top of the concrete floor, install the finishing floor of the board.
  15. Wall the wall with boards and install foam panels as well as in the toilet.
  16. Install the doors in the pasists.
  17. Move the pipe with water and install the shower. If there is no water supply at the cottage, then install a tank of water heating on the sun on the roof.
  18. Swipe electricity to the cabins and make lighting.

How to build a toilet for giving

Toilet with shower

How to make a toilet with a shower on a tubular foundation Ca You can find out visiting the video:

Unusual options for country toilets

Toilet for giving can be made from almost any material and give it the most unusual design. Below we will give you photos of unusual country toilets:

    How to build a toilet for giving

  • Toilet from Breign. Made along the old technology, the method of styling logs with a suitable diameter, each other.

    Pros: beautiful design, strength, durability.

    Cons: Large Weight, Weak Fire Safety, Pest Insects.

  • How to build a toilet for giving

  • Toilet from profiled sheet. Budget version of the country toilet.

    Pros: Low cost.

    Cons: Terrible design, terrible heat inside in summer and strong cold in winter.

  • How to build a toilet for giving

  • Toilet - coach. The most unusual country toilet today.

    Pros: Beautiful design, originality.

    Cons: the complexity of manufacture, lack of a cesspool (corrected).

  • How to build a toilet for giving

  • Toilet - Mill. Toilet from boards stylized under the mill.

    Pros: inexpensive price, unusual design.

    Cons: cheap, weak fire safety.

  • How to build a toilet for giving

  • Stone toilet. Original stone toilet.

    Pros: beautiful design, strength, durability, fire safety.

    Cons: High price, difficulty manufacturing.

  • How to build a toilet for giving

  • Toilet from straw. Very original use of straw.

    Pros: Beautiful design, ecological safety.

    Cons: DISTRIBUTY, very weak fire safety.

The manufacture of a country toilet is a difficult matter, requiring at least minimal skills in construction, so if you are not sure that you can cope, contact the specialists. If you think that you can make a toilet with your own hands, we boldly begin to work!

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