Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space


Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

The bathroom takes a special place in the life of every person, because with her day begins and it ends. Therefore, everyone tries to create a special atmosphere of comfort, comfort and beauty in the bathroom. Before repairing the room, you should view design logs, visit some sites to create interior design. In ordinary apartments, the space of the bathroom does not boast of big sizes. In such a situation, many begin to think about how to make a bathroom room not only beautiful and original, but also functional. To accommodate all the necessary hygiene items in a small space of the bathroom, you should consider the availability of storage and shelves. Namely they are: shape, color, material and fastening type. And then the bathroom will become harmonious and cozy.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

How to choose

In the furniture stores today there is a huge variety of shelves, many of them are perfect for the bathroom. Their premises makes it possible to use space rationally. In fashionable magazines that specialize in creating interiors, as well as on various sites on the Internet, you can find a lot of photos, they present different modifications of the shelves with a detailed description. They can be built into mirrors and even heated towel rails.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

Depending on the style and design of the entire room, you can purchase or make an independent wood shelves, plastic, glass or metal. Before choosing a shelf, it is necessary to decide on the interior of the bathroom, so that the shelves harmoniously complemented it. You can also place the shelf in different ways: mounted shelves are preferably fixed near the mirrors and in those places where it is necessary for the items all the time "at hand".

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

Do not clutter hinged open shelves. They should only have essentials and items and accessories that will emphasize the style of the bathroom. Note that even ordinary towels and toilet paper can be decorated with a plumbing node. It is worth only a little to dream!

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

The placement of the shelves in the corners will significantly save space, so they are an excellent choice for small bathrooms. The shelves are placed in the shower or directly above the bathroom to have comfortable access to hygiene when making water procedures.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

Required minimum

Before driving the shelf for the interior of the bathroom, it is necessary to determine what form and material of the manufacturer to give preference.

We note only some options and modifications of the shelves for the bathroom:

  • shelves under a washbasin or under the bath;
  • cabinets with open or closed shelves;
  • shelf on the floor or mounted;
  • stationary or removable shelves;
  • Shelves made of wood, metal, glass, or plastic.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

As for the built-in shelves, they are created from brick or drywall. Therefore, during repair work, it is necessary to think about this form of the shelves and create a frame that will be facing together with the rest of the walls.

The main advantages of installation of stationary shelves:

  • It creates an ergonomic space in niches or overwhelms, where for some reason it is impossible to place mounted shelves;
  • they are durable and not exposed to moisture;
  • They are drawn up together with the walls of the room and decorated for any interior, giving fashionable accents to the room;
  • It is convenient to store different items and bath accessories.

To ensure that the bath is neat, and the means of hygiene and other necessary items have always been in their places, there will be an excellent option for storage. They can accommodate many different items that are very necessary in the bathroom, but are intimate or do not fit into the decor of the room and hide from their extraneous eyes.

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Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space


Corner shelves are very useful for the bathroom, because they have many advantages:

  • help save room space - they usually occupy the place that would be empty;
  • produced in a huge assortment and are made from various materials;
  • Will become an element of decorating a bathroom.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

Decorating the interior

The shelves in the bathroom make the space not only functional, but also cozy, and finished, emphasizing the selected interior style.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

For the premises of small sizes, the shelves are the necessary part, they allow you to make the room visually spacious and will be able to store many different items that are needed in the bathroom.

Little tips on the railing and holders of the shelves will help create a special atmosphere, After all, they have a huge variety of color shades and different forms. To create a special design of the room, you can use the painted glass, which is highlighted by original lamps.

The angular shelves are mainly used for storage of bathrooms, but can be put on the shelves decor. For example, interesting figurines, flavored candles in decorated candlesticks, different compositions created with their own hands. You can decorate a bathroom with all sorts of trifles, it all depends on your imagination.


In modern construction and furniture stores, you can find the shelf for every taste, because the list of materials from which they are made very large. Before making a purchase, you need to think about where the regiment is installed.

The choice of material depends on how often the shelf will have a contact with water or steam. For example, wood shelves are not recommended to be attached to the washbasin or bath, from constant exposure to water or steam they can come to unsuitability. In order not to worry about high humidity, the bathroom is better to use glass or plastic shelves.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

So, the shelves are produced mainly from:


Plastic shelves are the most popular, because the variety of forms, color palette and sizes allow you to find the perfect model for the selected interior of the bathroom. Plastic shelves will help to emphasize the selected style or arrange bright color accents.

Care of plastic shelves will not bring special hassle, because they are very easy to wash, as well as wipe from different kinds of pollution or dust. Another advantage of these shelves is a small cost, reliability and long service life.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space


Metal shelves have a stylish appearance, so they will become a beautiful decor in the interior of the bathroom. It should also be borne in mind that the metal has high strength and will not break under the weight of heavy items, but such shelves have one significant disadvantage - rust is formed on metal from high humidity or from constant contact with water.

Also, after entering water on this material, white spots may appear, which will have to constantly delete. If you choose everything on a metal shelf, then place it away from water.

Installation of such shelves is the perfect option for a hi-tech bath, nickel-plated and chrome shelves have proven perfectly in use in bathrooms, care for them is a bit more complicated than behind plastic. Forged shelves will spectacularly look in the Bathroom in Provence or Country style.


Glass shelves They will become a beautiful accessory for the bathroom in any style and bring airiness to the room and do not grind space. The bathroom will be much lighter and elegant.

But, glass has some disadvantages that should be considered when buying:

  • First, the glass is not able to withstand large loads.
  • Secondly, after drying water, stains remain, so the cleaning of glass shelves should be performed almost after each water procedure, but care does not take you a lot of time and strength.

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Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space


The tree is the oldest material for the manufacture of shelves. A well-processed or painted tree for many years will serve its owners. Before buying a wooden shelf, it should be verified that it has been qualitatively processed and protected from moisture exposure is also worth checking how well the ventilation is working in the bathroom.

Buyers acquire wood shelves because they are a very stylish decor element, and the room becomes cozy and soothing. Wood shelves will help dilute the cold colors of ceramic tiles, the room will become more comfortable and warmer.

It's easy to care for shelves, but they do not like the effects of aggressive chemicals and abrasive substances. When leaving it is better to use a wet soft rag.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

Another type of shelves are marble, but they are not popular for the reason for the high cost, the complexity of installation and greater weight. Most often if such shelves are needed in the interior marble replace on an artificial stone, which is often used for the production of tabletops under the sinks.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

Types of shelves in shape and design

When buying shelves, you should immediately think about the functionality and harmony with the selected design of the bathroom, but the special emphasis must be made at the convenient location of the shelves. Therefore, you first need to measure the place where you plan to fix or install the shelves, because there is the possibility that the wrong placement will create inconvenience when using the washbasin or will be a hindrance to open the cabinet, or will prevent the free move on the bathroom.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

Depending on the place of attachment, all shelves are divided into such types:


The use of mounted shelves has many advantages, but there is one drawback - they occupy a lot of space. Therefore, the suspended shelves are very rarely used for small bathrooms. If you still use the mounted shelf in small rooms, you should consider first, where it is to place it so that it does not interfere.

For example, a good place will be fastened over a stylish machine or on a free wall above the bathroom. Depending on the accessories and things that are stored on it, make the height of the fastening. If the shelf is designed to store shampoo, gel for the shower and other hygiene products, it should not be fixed high to sit in the bathroom. It was convenient to take the necessary tools.

If a towel or boxes are stored on the shelf, it should be placed at the level of the mezzanine to avoid water from entering.

Various materials are used to create mounted shelves. They are suitable for any style of the bathroom, because the model row simply affects its diversity. Behind the idea of ​​the mounted shelf, you can contact the design logs, where the most original and unique options are presented.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

The shelves can be massive and wide, then they are conveniently stored towels or bathrobes. Narrow small shelves are perfect for the placement of shampoo, creams and even household chemicals. To create an originality in decorating a bathroom, small shelves can help on which vases with flowers or special flavored candles can be placed.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space


The floor shelf should be used only in spacious premises, because it takes a lot of space. It should be considered as furniture with many advantages.

Usually floor shelves can be different in height and overall dimensions. On the lower shelves, you can store clean things, and the top is used under the means of hygiene. The best arrangement of the shelf on the floor is near the washbasin or bath, so that with the ease of getting the necessary object or means.

There is another variety - angular floor shelves that help significantly save space in the bathroom and can store a large number of items.

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Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space


The corner shelf is a very popular variety of shelves for the bathroom, thanks to functionality and convenient placement. Often the space of angles is not used, with their help in an empty corner it will be possible to place many things in several rows and create order in the room.

They are mainly fixed in the nearest corner from the bath to get the necessary hygiene products without any problems during water procedures. In the rest of the corners on the shelves, you can store things, because the possibility of water from entering is minimal or used to decorate the bathroom. The angular shelf will always be appropriate in a small room.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

Built into the wall

The embedded in the wall shelves are a comfortable and original idea for the bathroom. It is necessary to engage in the preparation of the place for this type of shelf, and it should only be installed by specialists. After all, this is a complex and time-consuming process, which will be able to fully perform not everyone, so it's better not to do this.

You can create a drawing so that the professionals can make your idea in practice.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

Fastening options

The most common and proven method is the mounting of the shelves with the help of dowels or self-tapping screws. Before proceeding directly to the installation, it is necessary to prepare. For drilling holes for fasteners, you must first work on the markup and calculate all the attachment points.

When working, use the installation instructions, where it is described in detail and the installation process and sequence of actions are explained in detail. The shelf mounted in this way will last long and will withstand a large weight of the items that will stand on it.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

For small shelves, which will be located near the bath, you can use another type of fastening - on suction cups. To attach the shelf, it will take at least effort and time, and also do not need to produce preliminary calculations. Fastening with a suction cup will not be able to withstand heavy items. Therefore, there can be relatively light items on the shelves with this fastening: shampoo, shower gel, soap or other hygiene products.

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

Self installation

Talking about the installation of shelves on suckers makes no sense - it can even make a child. Therefore, we consider the option to install an angular hinged shelf. To do this, you will need:
  • drill
  • Selfless
  • level.

The process of installing an angular shelf:

  • Determine the mounting place and mark the wall markup. This will help the level and marker. It should be noted all points for future fasteners.
  • Make holes with a drill, the diameter of which will be equal to the diameter of the locks for the screws.
  • In the created holes insert special locks.
  • Screw the shelf with self-draws.

The main rule is to stick the horizontal level. Therefore, you need to use a building level, which will help produce horizontal fasteners of the shelf. Even a small error will be noticeable.

Making shelves do it yourself

Anyone can independently create a bathroom shelf. With the help of your hands and fantasies, you can make unique and original shelves that will become fashionable accents in the interior of the bathroom. For example, you can make the shelves made of plastic window sills or braided baskets. You can also make not only the shelves, but also lockers under the sink. Things made by their own hands will give the room warm, comfort and individuality. It is worth only to try and your bath will become exclusive and convenient, and the cost of such an interior will be minimal!

The presence of shelves in the bathroom is a very important point for organizing the storage systems of the necessary items and means, as well as for design and placement of accents. Different shapes and colors of the shelves will allow radically change and transform the room with a bathroom, to make the space functional. Your bathroom will be comfortable and unique!

Shelves in the bathroom - optimize space

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