How to use old boxes in the interior?


Each time, buying shoes, household appliances or another thing, the box remains. It is not necessary to throw it out, you can just leave it to decorate and give a second chance to exist.

In the house will definitely find things that are needed, but there is no possibility to put them on a prominent place or there is no place to store. In this case, the abandoned cardboard boxes are suitable. They are decorated and used for their intended purpose.

Purpose boxes

Storage of things in boxes allows you to hide from prying eyes extra in the interior of objects and organize rational storage. Decuting each thing in his place, find it in the future will not be difficult and takes little time.

Such a storage organization will enjoy adults and children. To give the original and neat appearance of the boxes decorated them, depending on the destination. Usually boxes are used for storage:

  1. Clothes;
  2. Shoes;
  3. Jewelry;
  4. Stationery;
  5. Toys;
  6. Cosmetics;
  7. Objects for needlework;
  8. Tools, etc.

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

Boxes in different rooms

Boxes will become indispensable assistants in all rooms:

  1. Large cobes are suitable for the living room, in which it is convenient to store board games, maps, photo albums and other entertainment items. The dishes that are rarely used, mostly on holidays can also settle in large boxes. It is convenient to use one storage box of items intended for the same event or event to do not look for a long time;

How to use old boxes in the interior?

  1. More compact boxes are suitable for the kitchen. They store: cereals, coffee, sugar, salt, towels, taps, aprons. The original boxes with fruits and vegetables will look original;

How to use old boxes in the interior?

  1. In the children's room boxes can be used for storing toys, books, stationery, clothing. They must be bright;

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How to use old boxes in the interior?

  1. For the bedroom it is better to choose spacious baskets. They store bed linen, towels, seasonal shoes and clothing, cosmetics, decorations;

How to use old boxes in the interior?

  1. In the hallway it is advisable to use open boxes. They are convenient to lay keys if you put them at the entrance. In this case, you do not have to constantly run and look for them all over the apartment. Sponges for shoes, paint, laces - all this can be placed in original organizers;

How to use old boxes in the interior?

  1. The bathroom is subject to temperature and high humidity drops, but it also has a place for the original decor. Before putting a cardboard box in the bathroom, it needs to be reapped and stole a scotch, so that the dampness does not spoil the paper.

How to use old boxes in the interior?

Original boxes will be by the way in any room, the main thing about to choose the right color and pattern to emphasize the style of the interior and hint that it is stored in this container.


Almost in any interior can be accommodated boxes. They are used to zoning spacious wardrobes. For convenience, each item signs or decorate accordingly so that you can understand what is inside and not to search for a long time.

To do this, they are covered with ribbons, colored paper, cloth, lace or draw certain pictures, characteristic of the style of the room. The decoupage technique is popular.

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

For reliability at the end, the box is opened with varnish to extend the life of its operation, especially if it is often used, in particular in the children's room.

It looks original and unusually stucco, but it will have to tinker and spend quite a long time. But the result will be excellent. Such a box can be put in the living room and store different little things in it.

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

Boxes decorated with their own hands will become a highlight of the interior and help rationally use free space and not clog it scattered things.

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How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

How to use old boxes in the interior?

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