Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world


The interior design of any room, including the bathroom, is based on tastes and owner preferences. Today, with the help of a competent designer, you can make a bathroom in any style. However, in most homes and apartments of different countries on the formation of interiors, in addition to personal tastes, another number of factors affect. First of all, these features:

  • housing architecture;
  • climate;
  • mentality;
  • national traditions.

Not the latter value is the financial situation. So, in European countries with a high level of financial capabilities, people are more likely to use the services of professional architects, and, accordingly, the interiors in their homes are more complex and varied.

Bathroom interior in Russia

In our country, bathrooms are usually designed small in the area. From here there are basic principles of design:

  • Colors are predominantly light;
  • Plumbing white, practical;
  • Compact furniture.

There are no individual compounds in standard Russian apartments. Not always such premises are provided in private homes. Therefore, in the bathroom, in addition to the necessary set of equipment, as a rule, there is still a washing machine and a dryer for the linen.

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Our bathrooms are often drawn up in a classic European style, which can be easily recreated independently, without the participation of designers. Spacious modern cottages are often used to finish with water-repellent wood or panels imitating wood.

Bathroom in America

American interiors differ significantly depending on the type of housing. For example, in big cities, many people live in small removable apartments with small bathrooms made in a minimalist modern style. From the bathrooms in our apartments, they differ in the absence of a washing machine (in apartment buildings there are public compounds), and almost complete absence of decorative elements.

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Private houses in America (as in many European countries) are designed with multiple bathrooms. One of them is combined with the bedroom, which is called the parent. Another bathroom is intended for children, and on the first floor, close to the entrance door is provided for the toilet with a washbasin. The design of the bathrooms can be the most different. The more spacious room, the more functional furniture and dark shades can be in it. In master bathrooms, expensive materials are often used, such as marble, tree of elite breeds, wrought metal.

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Distinctive features of American bathrooms:

  • The door opens inside the room;
  • The shower is installed static, without a flexible hose;
  • The toilet has a special design - water always fills half bowls.

To create an American-style bathroom interior, it is worth using multi-level lighting with wall and ceiling lamps.

Bathroom in Italy

In the Italian bathroom, the mandatory element is a window. In warm climate conditions, it is not necessary to worry about the fact that cold air or drafts will penetrate it into the premises. In addition, the window makes the interior more cozy and comfortable, allowing you to save money on electrical lighting.

Regardless of how much bathrooms in the Italian house, in each of them must be established by the bidet. And one more distinctive feature - even if the bathroom is very small in size, the Italians will still find place in it for decorations. For example, a mirror can be in a beautiful carved frame, and the cabinet for towels - on the curly legs of expensive metal. The walls are usually decorated with a tile with a rather fractional and contrast pattern.

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

The Italian interior design style is divided into Venetian (luxury and high cost), Tuscan (natural and provincial), modern Italian (practical and functional, with plenty of warm shades).

Bathroom in Egypt

The conditions of residence and features of the design of housing in Egyptian apartments differ from the fact that tourists see in hotels. In Egypt, as in other warm oriental countries, there are problems with water supply, and there is no need to avoid excessive humidity in the premises. Therefore, bathrooms are often without a shower. They are so wash just standing on the floor, and water goes into the drain, which is under his feet. With this solution, the design is not very cozy, and that the room does not resemble the public shower, it is decorated with tiles and panels with a bright pattern.

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Baths are usually not installed. A shower tray can be installed without plastic walls familiar to us. Water and foam, which splashes around the room during bathing, is cleaned with special brushes. Due to the weak pressure of the water in Egyptian bathrooms, various basins and buckets are traditionally present, which complement the flavor of the room.

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

For ventilating in the bathrooms there are small windows with opaque glass. They go outside or in the elevator shaft. From the inside resemble the windows connecting the kitchen and the bathroom in our shuttle.

Modern bathroom design (1 video)

Bathrooms in different countries (14 photos)

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

Compare the design of the bathroom in Russia and other countries of the world

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