Interiors from the movie "Hitchcock"


Hitchcock was known what was able to create an atmosphere of anxiety expectation. In 2012, a film was filmed about his life during the period when he became popular thanks to his films. In it, the directors tried to accurately convey the atmosphere that prevailed in the House of Genius.

Features of the design of Hichkok

Hitchcock was distinguished by the fact that he did not like to communicate with the press and attend various techniques. Most of the time he spent at work next to his own wife. In the film about the director was transferred to the atmosphere reigned in the house. At one of the first frames, it can be seen as Hitchcock breakfasts on the terrace with his wife. They are surrounded by metal openwork furniture.

Interiors from the movie

Hall in the house of the director is fully covered with wood, and near the entrance door you can see a classic wooden chair with a soft seat and a clock in human growth. It is important to note that the trim tree is typical for English hallways, and glass doors are installed in American homes. This styles connectivity reflects the features of the personality of Hitchcock.

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

The brilliant director suffered from a phobia, in which a person is frightened by oval items. That is why in several scenes the film can be seen as the main character lies behind a rectangular wooden table. Like chairs, it is made in a classic style and has a lacquered surface.

Interiors from the movie

In addition, the viewer may notice other features:

  1. The walls in the bedroom have a light blue shade, but the wall, near which the bed is installed, has a niche with wallpaper, which shows the floral pattern.

Interiors from the movie

  1. 2 Single beds are located in parallel to each other and each has lamps with lamps with lamps.

Interiors from the movie

  1. Near the window in one of the personnel you can see a classic dressing table.

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Interiors from the movie

  1. In the scene, where the director is in the bathroom, you can see her purity and the fact that all things are in clearly defined places for them. This frame emphasizes the feature of Hitchcock, which was the desire for order. According to data that has been preserved about this person, after washing, he wiped her sink with several towels.

If you pay attention to such features, you can better understand how a person was Hitchcock.

Finishing and combination of colors in the house of Hitchcock

The director's bathroom, according to the frames from the film, had large sizes, and the bath itself was installed in a niche. It can be noted that the floor and wall near the bath are separated by a white tile, and there are 2 mirrors and sinks under them near the other walls.

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

Between the mirrors in one of the frames, 2 square pictures can be seen, one of which is located above the other. They are bright objects and make the interior harmonious. Without such accents, the bathroom would be faceless and cold. Also to the right of the mirror are visible live flowers standing out on the background of a white wall.

Interiors from the movie

In all rooms, except for the bathroom, the floor is seeded with wood, and in the hallway and wooden cabinet are the walls.

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

In the room where the director with his wife has breakfast, visible light floor and red walls. But thanks to the large windows in the room, a gloomy atmosphere is not created. Hitchcock kitchen in the film is shown light. With its consideration, you can see the walls of sandy and white furniture. Also in the room a lot of furniture with metal elements. In an example, you can bring chairs with metal frames and brilliant cabinet knobs.

Interiors from the movie

Hitchcock. Russian trailer, 2012 (1 video)

Interior as in the movie "Hitchcock" (14 photos)

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

Interiors from the movie

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