How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes


In total, for some reason the balcony is perceived as another room for storing unnecessary things. There is stored all that it is a pity to throw or lazy to convey to the garbage. But on the eve of the Spring-summer season, we offer to look at the balcony with other eyes. It does not matter the owner of you are a big loggia or a small neat balcony in a classic style. There are techniques how to reflect the balcony even for the owners of Khrushchev, and then believe me, they do not boast square.

  1. The first thing is getting rid of all too much. Throw ruthlessly old bike, things, glass jars and other dishes, which you have been stored there. Well, even more so the remnants of the building material from the past repair is not a place on the balcony. You are unlikely to use the remaining things, and they do not just litter space, but also can be dangerous.

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

  1. We make a small repair on the balcony. Here you can decide: you can limit the small painting walls and railing, and you can carry out the full reconstruction of the balcony. And for the owners of the loggia, we offer to make an extra room in our apartment. Web walls and ceiling plastic. Now there are many different options on the market: monophonic or plastic with a pattern. There are also plastic models that are made under textiles or stone. On the floor, for a larger coziness, bed is a small rug or shutter completely carpets, and windows take the textiles.

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

  1. Add greenery to the interior. We recommend to substitute a few beautiful chest on the floor or arrange a vertical composition with flowers. Perfectly look at the balcony of curly plants or roses, but the latter needs careful care. You can also come from a practical point of view and arrange a small garden on the balcony. Take a couple of long pots and sit your favorite herbs, so you will have not only cozy on the balcony, but you can also surprise guests to cut the salad of our own production.

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How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

  1. Be sure to think over the lighting of the balcony. If electricity is not supplied with it, then you should not bother and drill the walls. Now in the shops for the garden and the garden there are many beautiful lamps that work from solar panels. Such lamps do not give very bright light, but it is not necessary, on the balcony, first of all, it is necessary to create a calm peaceful atmosphere and here it is impossible to fit the muted light.

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

In principle, this can be stopped. Especially on such a rework will be stopped by the owners of uncrowned small balconies. But others we offer to go further.

  1. If the space allows, the balcony can be made and place there a couple of small aspirations or wicker chairs, and also do not forget about the table. Little round tables on the balcony will be shown very cute. If space is missing, you can make a transformer table. Simply attach a small plank to the wall using a folding mechanism, let the table decline as needed. If with an area at all trouble, you can simply put on the floor of the mattress and arrange small gatherings with friends right on the floor, as a table use the folding tray, which is used for breakfasts in bed.

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

  1. In order to add comfort, do not neglect the decor. A pair of shelves on the wall is not placed on the balcony, in order to place the necessary little things there. You can still hang several paintings, it is best to use modular or collect collage from paintings by yourself. On the balcony will be appropriate vases, candles. To create a romantic atmosphere, decorative pillows on the otfik or chairs are particularly profitable.

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

Taking advantage of our advice, you can not only prepare a balcony to the new season, and also get a comfortable area of ​​recreation with friends or place of our own privacy.

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Preparation of the balcony for the spring (14 photos)

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

How to prepare a balcony to spring and do not make mistakes

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