How to make redevelopment to legally sell an apartment


There are 2 types of re-equipment of interior apartments - this is redevelopment and reorganization. Sell ​​an apartment after them is possible, but you need to follow the rules.

How to make redevelopment to legally sell an apartment

The value of terms

Reconstruction inside housing is the transfer of communications, replacing them or reinstalling.

Redevelopment is a change in the inner design of the premises, their configuration and square.

All data on such works should be listed in the technical passport of the object.

Replacement in the apartment of old internal partitions to new - not considered the restructuring of the premises. It does not require coordination and making changes to the technical documentation of the structure.

Elemental re-equipment of housing

The owners of apartments often make redevelopment of the property, without coordinating it documented.

Previously, it was almost impossible to sell an apartment with an impersonal restructuring. Now banks issue loans for the purchase of an apartment with some inconsistencies, if they are not significant. This is reinstalling partitions and doors.

With serious violations - transfer of the bath or kitchen - the sale of real estate will be denied. Do not forget that when an accident in a nearby room or when checking, you can have serious financial losses.

Getting permission

The process of obtaining permits for redevelopment is standard:

  • Creating a draft made changes;
  • Obtaining results of expertise and inspections;
  • Coordination of paper in supervisory organizations;
  • Transfer of documentation in MFC.

The final decision on the restructuring of housing takes the authorized body with the district executive committee.

How to make redevelopment to legally sell an apartment

What work can be done, and what you can not

The list of works to which permission is possible is:

  • Merging and separation of rooms;
  • Union of the bathroom and toilet can be done, not assigated generalic property;
  • Connection of the room with kitchen, while maintaining the functional of each room;
  • Combining loggia with room, but compliance with many conditions prescribed by supervisory authorities.

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After a number of works, sell an apartment and get permission to redevelopment will be impossible. Among them:

  • Put the bathroom over the kitchen neighbors below;
  • Arrange a kitchen room over residential rooms;
  • Affect engineering communications, hide them into the walls;
  • Make the ventilation system restructuring;
  • Overload the estimated capacity of building structures;
  • Make the insulation of the loggia at the expense of central heating.

If the execution of such a number of documents did not beat off the hunt for changing the internal appearance of housing - proceed to the preparatory part of the process. Trust this work in incom-real estate specialists - all permits and coordination will be obtained much faster, without complaints from inspection instances.

  • How to make redevelopment to legally sell an apartment
  • How to make redevelopment to legally sell an apartment
  • How to make redevelopment to legally sell an apartment
  • How to make redevelopment to legally sell an apartment
  • How to make redevelopment to legally sell an apartment

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