How to arrange a room in the style of the franchise "Saw" [the main elements]


"Saw" is a cult series of films, which despite the entire nightmare on the screen, can conquer millions of people. And at all, not because of the abundance of bloody scenes, bringing genuine horror at the auditor, and abiding the nature of the main acting person of all parts, John Kramer. This person was not simply able to turn the vector of thinking of his victims and spectators, but also to make a unique interior, from which the blood is blocked in the veins. But is it unique in the design of the rooms? Read the article and find out how to arrange a room in the franchise style "Saw"

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

General atmosphere

To make a room for the film "Pila" will task much more difficult than the other film, and all because of the unique features of this franchise. But perhaps, and you need to start with general, namely:

  • walls;
  • floor;
  • doors;
  • lighting.

Before moving to small details, you need to work out the general atmosphere of the room. As for the walls, the best choice is a corporate tile that appears in all parts. To enhance the effect, it can be laid inaccurated and places to beat, calm, crack. Such a reception will fill the room with a story that could happen here. Tile can be replaced with decorative brickwork, which is also better to create and climb. The easiest option is naked concrete shabby walls, similar to those in the abandoned industrial premises.

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

In order for the room to be better needed to put the appropriate floors. Since the film is associated with horrors in the torture cameras, it is necessary to avoid the use of warm materials, parquet, linoleum, and only cold as possible. The best option remains the tile, which will form the composition, will add a canonical look to it, but concrete is suitable.

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How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

If you plan to live in this room, then take care of the installation of a warm floor, which will protect your stay on the cold surface. Because long-term finding on such materials leads to a serious disease.

The next element is the interior doors and lighting. An ordinary iron entrance door is suitable for the door, but here you can experiment. On a metal door you can breed a number of elements, rivets, loops and so on. For pointed entourage, you can put the door made of metal lattice, as in prisons. For lighting, use fluorescent lamps of cold shades, best of all blue tones, as in the first part. Lamps better suspend if the ceilings are allowed, and you can also install a special device for creating flickering in lamps for the desired effect.

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style


When a common tone of the room is created, then you should begin the selection of furniture. And here the fans will get a dilemma: choose the design under the chamber of torture or under the "Designer" workshop. If you choose the first, then minimalism will come to the rescue and the complete exception of natural lighting. To climb the windows, of course, you can not install special curtains that are completely isolated a room from light. It is best to use furniture suitable for the overall tone of the room that contains ceramic and metal parts. In the furniture you can use a tree and a minimum of upholstery. Add metal frames and bulky iron structures, in the form of cabinets and boxes. An important attribute will be a big wall mirror, it is not worth breaking it, but it is quite possible to calculate it. And of course, do not forget about the electronic clock with the countdown function and an old small TV with which you will be offered to play "game".

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

If the choice fell on the crater workshop, the "saw" itself, then it is possible to furnish the room as it should, but it is always necessary to respect the order in all things. There should be more than two tables in the room and better if somewhat is combined into one large under the lamp. To accommodate things, use closed wooden and metal cabinets, drawers and hinged shelves. Just do not use designer carved accessories from wood, the furniture should be simple and practical. An important element will have several small TVs that will be a surveillance point for victims.

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How to arrange a room in the franchise style

Decorative items

As a result, the final strokes will remain, in the form of metal chains, canonical saws, sticking pipes, reinforcement structures, all that franchise loves. Another interesting addition will be medical attributes: syringes, ducks, surgical instruments and much more. As an original lighting, you can use the board for the lumen of X-rays, on the board you can put your pictures or buy special with terrible fractures.

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

Pay separate attention to sounds and music, everything should be at the level. Place the columns in different angles from which the branded frightening sounds and the most famous music from the film "Saw" will have to come. A little more strokes in the form of blood stains, fingerprints, sublists and a room are ready, you can make criminals to investigate the case.

Saw 3 - John and Amanda prepare a bathroom (1 video)

Interior in the style of the film "Pila" (14 photos)

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

How to arrange a room in the franchise style

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