Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details


Sean Justin Penn is an American actor and director. He is one of the most awarded people in the film industry. Its awards include Oscar, the Prize of Cannes, Berlin and Venetian Film Festivals. The most significant works of this person: I am Sam, a mysterious river (as an actor) and in wild conditions (as director).

Lives the actor in a large mansion, in which three bathrooms and bedrooms. There is a library, a guest room and a kitchen.


Sean Penn lives alone, respectively, the kitchen is suitable - "bachelor".

For a long time there were rumors about the novel of the film director with actress Charlize Theron.

The floor is made of lacquered orange wood, and the walls and ceiling are monophonic beige. The room is very spacious. Despite this, in the kitchen a large number of fittings. All table tops are white at the base, and the upper part is performed in a green cell. In the kitchen there are several shelves (also white) on these shelves, the actor posted the dishes and decorative parts to which plants include decorative items and books.

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Dining room

The dining room is combined with the kitchen, but it goes only with a plus, since the room and the interior itself looks spacious. More precisely, two dining rooms. The first dining room includes several bar chairs and countertops in the center of the kitchen.

The second has a separate territory in the room branch. The center of this zone is a small round table, in the center of which a glass vase with flowers. Around the table are brown leather chairs, more similar to the chair. In the corner there is a wardrobe for dishes from the dark tree. The cabinet itself is made under Vintage and instead of dishes there Vases and other decorative objects. In the dining room hanging two big pictures of modern artists. One simple - on her orange flower. The second picture has more details and is more like an icon, but gloomy. Made also in the style of vintage.

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Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details


Another room combined with the kitchen is a library. This zone is located in the very long part of the room, closer to the door. A large brick fireplace is very highlighted in the library, over which two paintings hang. Surround the fireplace sofa and armchairs. All furniture is made in one style. The base is braided, and the main part is white, soft. In the center the actor posted a glass coffee table. There are candles on the table and liapass magazines and books.

Candles will bring a special charm to any interior. The room will become warmer and more cozy. And if candles are aromatic, then pleasant smells will even more effect on the impression.

Opposite the fireplace, behind the sofa, the entire wall of Sean Penn posted a book regiment, which was completely forced by books.

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Books lie in many places of the common room. This allows you to create smooth transitions between zones, which is why the interior is perceived by one.


Another distinction of the house is a large number of corridors, each of which is a separate room. Each corridor is furnished and decorated accordingly. Dear surreal paintings hang on the walls, and on the shelves are the same expensive figurines. These things will be more suitable for one of the main rooms, as these things attract the attention of visitors. The fact that Sean Penn decided to leave the decorations in the corridor makes the house equally pleasant in all his rooms.

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details


The actor courtyard also has its meaning. On the territory of the mansion is the pool. Near the pool, he built a rest area. The reason for creating a zone was the old dead tree. Instead of cutting it, Sean made from his branches canopy. Under this natural canopies are soft sofas, chaise lounges and a place for breeding fire.

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

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Sean Penn House (14 photos)

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

Sean Penn: Star Interior in all the details

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