15 useful minimalist principles that help live better


There is such a quote: "Less is more." This idea is guided by people who adhere to minimalism. Indeed, why calamize the house for a long time unnecessary things, which, as many believe, will definitely be useful in the future?

The house is not a warehouse and non-storage, but a cozy place where a person can relax and have a pleasant time. Make it truly comfortable will help minimalism.

Basic principles

Adhere to minimalism is difficult, but if you follow the principles described below, you will succeed!

1. Remove too much

Set the decor on each shelf? Copy unnecessary things? It's time to remove them! You will immediately feel freely.

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

2. Competently organize space

For minimalism, an open layout is characterized by mining interior and partition items. This visually expands the room, creates the effect of ease, freedom and calm. And just - as convenient: no need to go around the furniture and stumble about every angle.

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

3. Maintain order and cleanliness

Came from work? Gently put clothes in the wardrobe. Do not throw it on the floor or on the back of the chair! First, it will still have to remove it, although later, secondly, the room looks sloppy. And the eternal Bardak spoils the mood.

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

4. Do not buy thoughtless

Yes, the shares "2 + 1" or "2 at a price of 1" are attractive, and not to buy for marketing tricks is difficult. But compliance with minimalism implies a refusal to this.

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15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

5. Buy only the necessary things

Saw a beautiful thing, immediately wanted to buy? Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do I really need this thing?
  • Why and how often will I use it?
  • Will the benefit from this purchase?

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

6. Use multifunctional furniture

Furniture that can perform several functions at once, significantly saves space, makes storing things more convenient.

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

7. Remove in the wardrobe

Remove the clothes that is small you are not going to wear - leave only the necessary one. Surprisingly, a fact: after that, the feeling that even more choices appeared.

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

8. Do not procrastinize

Why postpone cleaning if it is necessary to do? Do not turn the snowball into a huge snowball.

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

9. Leave the surface free

Practical solution: There are no items that collect dust, cleaning becomes easier.

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

10. Do not go for fashion trends

If some thing is considered fashionable, it does not mean that it needs it. In pursuit of fashion, people often forget about practicality, which is the key to comfort.

11. To adhere to the principles constantly

It is impossible to achieve minimalism for 1 day, you need to abide by its principles daily.

12. Wash money reasonably

It is not necessary to buy new interior items, sometimes it is much more important to invest in self-development. You can do this by purchasing a new book by posting courses for new knowledge, skills.

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

13. Each subject has its own place.

This simple advice will help quickly find things, and not to spend half an hour a day in search of keys.

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

14. Give unnecessary things

Throwing good things - optional. The best option is to give to those who can come in handy and benefit. There will be no difficulty finding organizations and places taking old things.

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

15. Do not adapt under the frame

Minimalism implies a failure from a plurality of things, but does not mean that it is necessary to throw everything now and immediately. If you feel that it is uncomfortable to cook with 2 plates, use more dishes.

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15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

Minimalism should bring comfort precisely to you (this is his appointment), and therefore it is quite individual.

7 principles of minimalism in your interior (1 video)

Minimalism in the interior (14 photos)

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

15 useful minimalist principles that help live better

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