"2 days for repair": how to completely change the bedroom for 48 hours


The bedroom is a place for relaxation and sleep, and often a person in it is the least of all time. But in this room, the situation is gradually annoying. Designers recommend to update the bedroom interior at least twice a year. Many are not solved for repairs, thinking that it needs to spend a huge amount of time. But to transform the bedroom, make it comfortable, stylish and comfortable in just 48 hours.

  1. Definition with style, color design room. When cardinal change, the bedroom will change the color of the walls, ceiling, gender, various accessories. It is worth repelled from your color preferences, to determine the dominant color. So it will be easier to choose and combine color solutions among themselves.

If you need to expand the room, sand, beige, yellow, should be selected as the primary color. Blue, green, gray-blue color are recommended for visual bedroom elongation.

  1. Preparation of the room It is necessary to make the furniture, clean the ceiling from paint, walls from wallpaper. Linoleum or carpet on the floor should be removed. Laminate or parquet leave, they will serve as a base for a new coating.

To make the wallpaper easily, you need to pre-mix them with water with a spacing. After 10-15 minutes, they will begin to move away from the wall.

  1. Ceiling update. The overall perception of the room is depends on the ceiling. The battalion is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to reflect the room. With several levels, you can create additional lighting, combine colors, create extraordinary reliefs. It is not necessary to choose a traditional white color. If the room is narrow and dark, it is worth a preference to dairy, pinkish shades. Warm colors add lighting in the room. For those, want to save and get a natural "breathable" ceiling, it is recommended to paint it.

The ceilings of greenish, lilac and grayish shades are elegantly shut down in spacious bedrooms.

  1. Wall decoration . An excellent way to update the bedroom is the painting of the wall or pasting it with wallpaper. If you use fliseline wallpaper, the wall surface can not be placed, the microcracks and irregularities are not visible under them. Color solutions can be experimenting. If you need to expand the space of the room, you should choose blue and blue shades; To revitalize the interior - green and yellow; Wallpaper pastel tones perfectly fit under any furniture.

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  1. Flooring. In the bedroom it is desirable to choose warm materials for the floor. For quick and high-quality transfiguration, carpet or linoleum will be the best options. They can be treated on top of the previous coating. If the floor covering is not planned to be changed, then a small rug will be able to create comfort, comfort and style.

Dark floor should not be monotonous, otherwise dust and garbage will be visible.

  1. Update furniture. If it is not possible to replace the old furniture, it can be restored. Bedside stands, headboard bed, cabinet doors are easily repainted in the desired color. In stores a huge selection of quick-drying paints designed to work in the room.

  1. Rearrangement of furniture. With the help of competent placement of furniture, you can give the bedroom a completely new look. It is not recommended to put the bed headboard by the window, opposite the door, mirrors. The ideal option will be the location of the wall. The cabinet is preferable to put in front of the window, close to the wall. A good option will be an angular cabinet. Dresser can be placed in any place.

The two-bed bed must be positioned so that it can be coming out on both sides.

  1. Adding decor. Various accessories will help to transform the room, focus on the selected color. The most important decorom room is curtains. They are combined with a color gamut on the wall, with a carpet, with a bedspread, and they can also be an independent color accent in the interior.

If the windows in the bedroom are located on the northern side, the curtains should choose warm tones, if on the south side - cold tones.

New bedspreads, pillows, mirror, indoor flower, photo frame, painting - these items will be able to change and transform the room, add its space.

In the presence of desire, fantasies and a short weekend, you can change the bedroom beyond recognition.

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