Painting for wall decor


Each person wants to make his living room unique and unique. In order for guests to enter him by revealing the mouths from surprise and admiration. And it is not always worth resorting to the purchase of dear furniture and ask for professional assistance from designers. We offer you the perfect and simple solution - use painting for wall decor. The idea is not new, but believe me, it is worth it. In this article we will give you a few examples, as using it you can significantly decorate your naked walls.

Pluses of use

Before you give you some tips, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the main advantages of using painting for wall decor:

  • Efficiency. Paint is an order of magnitude cheaper than buying wallpaper.
  • Rapidity. Also, it also applies it faster and give the placement of aestheticity than glue the same wallpaper.
  • Uniqueness. With the help of paint, you can create a unique design and implement your creative fantasies.

Painting for wall decor

Painting for wall decor

Painting for wall decor

Painting for wall decor

How to use painting for wall decor

Now it is worth come directly to work, namely the choice of colors, ideas, and its implementation. We give you some major advice:

  • Color spectrum. All paints you will figure out your wall cover must be harmonized with a common room interior. A deviation is allowed to 2-3 tones, but not more.
  • Creative ideas. If a thought has long matured in your head, how to make a wall with painting, immediately proceed to work. And for other people we will give several additional advice. First of all, it is necessary to focus on your creative skills. If you have a good handwriting you can make a wall in a calligraphic style. If you have a tendency to writing landscapes, embody ideas in life. Well, if you have a completely tight tight with drawing, you can resort to the purchase of ready-made paper cutouts for the "Copy", draw monotone trees with original additions in the form of light bulbs, etc., or dwell on ordinary geometric shapes.
  • One head it's good, but two better. Before proceeding with work, ask for help from your friends or acquaintances, tell them about your idea. Perhaps they will give you some useful advice, thereby not let you make a rapid designer error.

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Painting for wall decor

Painting for wall decor

Painting for wall decor

Painting for wall decor


You see, it turns out that it is not difficult for painting a painting of the house or in the apartment, it is only necessary to include your imagination and give freedom of flight of creative thought. We hope that this article was very useful and relevant for you at the time of reading. We wish you in good luck in these endeavors!

Painting for wall decor

Painting for wall decor

Painting for wall decor

Painting for wall decor

Painting for wall decor

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