5 unusual solutions for the balcony


Very often in the apartments you can see that the balcony or loggia from the light and cozy room turns into a dusty warehouse of unnecessary things. However, with the right approach, a completely unusual and functional corner can be made from this small space. The implementation of any of the ideas initially assumes that the balcony is insulated with the climate of the area for the possibility of its year-round use.

Idea 1. Relaxation Place

Probably the dream of any person - to create a place where you can retire and relax. The balcony is ideal for this suitable, especially if it opens a beautiful view. On the balcony enough to lay a soft rug, install a comfortable chair, a small table and complement the accessories that create the atmosphere of comfort - candles, lamps, photos, paintings and other little things.

5 unusual solutions for the balcony

5 unusual solutions for the balcony

If the view from the window does not contribute to relaxation, it can be closed with beautiful curtains or rolled curtains, which will make the situation even more intimate.

Idea 2. Cabinet

There are people who prefer to work at home, and they are simply necessary for their office. The possibilities of the apartment often do not allow it to equip it, it is in this case a balcony comes to the rescue. Its area perfectly allows you to install the desktop, a soft comfortable chair and a rack for papers or other working materials. For dimming, it is ideal to use blinds, which will give the room an office appearance.

5 unusual solutions for the balcony

5 unusual solutions for the balcony

5 unusual solutions for the balcony

Idea 3. Balcony - Orangery

If the balcony windows overlook the sun, then it can make a real garden of green plants. If the area allows, you can supplement the interior of garden furniture from natural materials.

5 unusual solutions for the balcony

5 unusual solutions for the balcony

With the arrangement of such a garden, it is necessary to use only those plants, the conditions of the content of which coincide with the microclimate created on the balcony. Be sure to take into account the required levels of illumination.

Idea 4. Home Library

Such an option will definitely appreciate the booklers that have already exhausted all the available books of storage of books inside the apartment. It is enough to install racks or bookcases of the desired size. It is also possible to equip the corner for reading.

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5 unusual solutions for the balcony

5 unusual solutions for the balcony

5 unusual solutions for the balcony

When implementing this option, it is necessary to ensure the required storage conditions of books, eliminating high humidity.

Idea 5. Gym

Physical activity is very useful not only for body beauty, but also for health, so the arrangement of such angle can be a very promising solution. You can buy any simulators as far as it allows you to make the area of ​​the room and the disposable budget. Time for classes in such an improvised hall must be found.

5 unusual solutions for the balcony

5 unusual solutions for the balcony

5 unusual solutions for the balcony

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