Perfect Studio Apartment


Studio apartment is an excellent option for small-sized housing. Of course, before demolishing the walls and redo the layout should turn to the designer. Deleting partitions requires permission, so the repair is also better to trust the construction company. When all three participants came to a common opinion, it is possible to start the layout of the room in a new style.

So what is it an ideal studio?

It is usually a room with a minimum partitions so as not to spend valuable space. Most often partition can serve as a rack, a bar stand or podium. Even the zoning of the space will be the starting point to the area of ​​the room.

Perfect Studio Apartment

Perfect Studio Apartment

Perfect Studio Apartment

Perfect Studio Apartment


  • More useful area;
  • Much light in the apartment;
  • Non-standard design allows you to feel comfortable;
  • Elegant, fashionable, gorgeous.

There are also cons in this layout too: this is a special furniture to order, since the standard to squeeze will be quite difficult. It is impossible to retire, because all zones in sight. We will have to maintain a flawless order, since the storage systems will be not enough.

When planning a studio apartment, it is desirable to combine the bathroom and a bathroom to increase space and convenience. In addition, the kitchen is simultaneously merged with the living room. You can separate them with a bar rack or podium to which the kitchen rises. The first option is more convenient, as people forget about different levels of the floor and may fall.

Perfect Studio Apartment

Perfect Studio Apartment

Perfect Studio Apartment

The bedroom in the house is better to highlight the partition or a separate wall. No need to mix the living room with the bed, even if they are in different levels. For high-quality sleep, you need silence and a minimum of light, because of them will have to refuse themselves in something else, if they watch TV or the morning has come.

What must be in the studio apartment:

  • Wardrobe coupe or dressing room to fold all things. Additional bedside tables and chest of space may not be enough;
  • Bar rack instead of dining table and cabinet, bar chairs, which will also perform a double function;
  • Soft sofa. It can replace one sleeping place if guests have entered or the inhabitants work on shifts to not interfere;
  • Maximum light in different levels. This will allow not only to divide the apartment to the studio on the zones, but also to create a comfort;
  • The design for the studio apartment is suitable in the style of Loft, minimalism, High-tech, modern. The rest here will look inappropriate.

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Perfect Studio Apartment

Perfect Studio Apartment

Perfect Studio Apartment

Perfect Studio Apartment

The room should have a minimum of accessories and very high-quality furniture and materials. It is in this case that the apartment studio will look gorgeous.

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