Meadow with robots from Studio Drift


Duet from Amsterdam, within the framework of the design of DDW'18 (October 20-28, Eindhoven), presented his kinetic installation with the general public. Until spring 2019, it can be admired in the Kazerne cluster.

Ralph Naouth and Lonnek Gordeine are performed in the style of Tech Art - now this direction is at the peak of popularity. It is characterized by entertainment, imitation of processes occurring in nature, with the introduction of advanced scientific achievements.

What pleased Studio Drift your fans? The inverted landscape, whose purpose, the reminder to the audience that the seasons of the change. Supplement this was choreography of 18 robotic components. Thanks to the kaleidoscopic effect, the viewer meets a kind of botanical being, which seems to be ignited by the energy of visitors. And the name of this creation was given "Luga" (Meadow).

Meadow with robots from Studio Drift

As designers told, artificial objects are static when everything is alive - exposed to the environment and constant metamorphosis. They had to conduct a study of imitation inanimate objects of changes that express emotions and character traits. In such a good result of their work was the installation of the "meadow".

Meadow with robots from Studio Drift

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