Latin American trends


2019 became truly unique in terms of excitement of imagination with Latin Americans. Their modernism, according to experts in the field of design, is the most sultry, brightest and very harmless.

The standard of spectacular modernist forms have become architectural and design solutions of such masters such as Oscar Nimeier and Louis Barragan. Recall that the first is a pioneer and an experimenter in the sphere of reinforced concrete architecture, and the second is a supporter of such a flow as uncompromising flat minimalism with the preservation of national specificity.

World auctions with great pleasure take objects from exotic tree species that served Sergio Rodriguez and George Zalzpina. Their cost in the current year is growing rapidly.

The theme of modernism is entirely supported by museums of the world, among them Moma Museum - the exhibition "Tarsila Amaral: inventing contemporary art in Brazil." She was organized by the Museum of Modern Art Chicago. Nilufar Depot has passed the best exhibition. The Milan Design Week of 2019 was decorated with masterpieces of Lina Bardie and Giancarlo Palante. Biennale in São Paulo also did not bypassed the fashion trends of the Latin American Art. The Latin American Perspective is also seen by Luksu, for example, a plaid, which was decorated with his drawing a Mexican artist Miguel Castro Lenairo, decorates the exhibition "Hermès: Home Collections 2019-2019".

Latin American trends

Latin American trends

Latin American trends

Latin American trends

Latin American trends

Latin American trends

Latin American trends

Latin American trends

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