Instruction how to fill the liquid floor with your own hands


Instruction how to fill the liquid floor with your own hands

Among all durable coatings, liquid floor deserves special attention. It has many other, no less important characteristics, so this flooring is often used during the finishing of rooms with elevated mechanical loads. But this strength can not be achieved if everything is wrong. Therefore, before starting work, you need to know how to fill the floor. The photo shows what results can be achieved with such material.

Stage of preparation of the Square

Instruction how to fill the liquid floor with your own hands

Traditionally, first prepare the base. First of all, it is necessary to remove the old coating if it is. If there are no cracks, irregularities or tubercles in the old screed, then it can be used as a base for liquid floor. But if the cement screed has no better form, it must be dismantled, and then pour a new one. The screed is also needed, if the base is the wooden floor or the surface is not flat.

Before pouring a new screed, you must lay a layer of waterproofing. Most often, a simple runner is used as a waterproofing material, but the liquid floor is considered rather durable, therefore it is better to use waterproofing with a long service life.

To strengthen the screed, you need to reinforce. By doing everything yourself, it is better to use a grid made of galvanized steel, because it can be simply put on the floor and pour with a solution. The concrete screed must have a thickness of at least 10 centimeters, only then it will be strong enough.

How is the process of fillings?

Instruction how to fill the liquid floor with your own hands

How to fill the floor? As soon as the concrete screed dry, it is covered with primer. It must be done before pouring the floor, even if using an old screed. Priming strengthens the structure of the top layer of the screed and prevents the possibility of clusters for a variety of microorganisms. In addition, with the help of primer, you can provide high-quality adhesion of the formulation of the bulk and base.

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The primer is produced according to the manufacturers recommendations, all the necessary information is indicated on the packaging of solutions. Be sure to observe the level of relative humidity of the air, which should be indoors. In order for the liquid floor well to hold, you need to cover the entire surface, and not just some of its sections.

After the primer around the perimeter of the entire room, it is necessary to stick a specialized damper tape (it can be found in all stores of building materials). The ribbon must be pasted where the liquid floor will be approximately. This is done to create a depreciation layer that prevents the destruction of the coating, which occurs as a result of its expansion under the influence of high temperature. The use of the tape is mandatory, otherwise cracks or other defects occur on the surface.

After that, the lighthouses are installed. If the room is small, then you can use as lighthouses:

  • metal profiles;
  • pipes;
  • Guide corners.

During the placement of beacons, the distance specified by manufacturers on the package must be observed.

It is very important to properly put all separating stripes so that the vertices are located in the same plane and protrude as benchmarks during the choice of the thickness of the floor itself.

Instruction how to fill the liquid floor with your own hands

To observe this plane, it is not necessary to use a laser level that is not all. A simple construction level is also suitable, although it will not help measure between the extreme dots the height difference. To do this, you will have to lengthen it a bit by attaching to the level of a scotch, a wooden rail of appropriate size.

Before pouring the floor, you need to prepare the mixture. This is done according to the recommendations of a particular manufacturer. Stir the mixture is best for the extension, then it will quickly acquire a homogeneous consistency. The main thing is not to rearrange and use the drill on minimal revs, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect, blurring everything around.

The composition is better to prepare small portions to pour the floor gradually, in small sections. While the solution is captured, the following portion is mixed. Each manufacturer on the package indicates a certain time to which it is necessary to leave the composition.

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Working fi niche

After the fill, the liquid floor must be protected from the loads at least a week. The more accurate period is specified on the package, because each brand it can be different. If the floor is saved in the heat or at high temperatures, it is advisable to periodically make it water, as well as cover the surface with a polyethylene film. Only then the flooring will remain holistic and will not be cracking due to too fast or uneven evaporation of the fluid.

The bulk gender is considered a universal coating, and everyone can install it. The main thing is to do everything in stages, guided by the aforementioned instructions.

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