Table top of plasterboard in the bathroom - cheap and beautiful


We will tell lovers to make your own hands, how can you turn the bathroom into an exquisite room by adding an ordinary worktop to its design. The master's task includes installation of a frame of metal products, a frame of a frame of drywall sheets, cladding of the finished tabletop with ceramic tiles or mosaic.

The table top of plasterboard for the bathroom will significantly save and so a small space of this room. In addition, you can build several shelves in the design, which will serve as an excellent addition to the countertop you made.

Table top of plasterboard in the bathroom - cheap and beautiful

Table top for bathroom - multifunctional solution of a good owner

We implement plans

Today dictates its own rules, and it is today that the design of the bathrooms attaches a special meaning. After all, after the Soviet settlement of designer thought, the baths became a real storehouse for the embodiment of various ideas, both in style and in the design.

Now the bathroom is considered not only from a practical point of view, but also with aesthetic, so that the comfort and hosts can be appreciated and their guests. Therefore, even the smallest element of the interior in the bathroom is important.

As for the countertop, it is much easier to make it at the stage of construction or repair in the apartment - the design can be included in advance in the design project.


Before starting the construction assembly, you must perform the drawing. With him it will be much easier for you to implement the main types of work and decide on the table top (shelves).

Table top of plasterboard in the bathroom - cheap and beautiful

Example drawing of the future table top

Procedure for the manufacture of table tops of drywall

Like any other design, the plasterboard countertop in the bathroom has its own technological features.

List of materials and tools required for installation:

  • Metal profile for assembling the frame (quantity depends on the complexity of your design);
  • brackets;
  • plasterboard sheets (moisture resistant and ordinary);
  • putty moisture-proof;
  • several plywood sheets;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • Lobzik (Electrolovka);
  • a protective solution on an epoxy basis;
  • Ceramic tile or mosaic (for cladding).


In small bathrooms, it is hardly possible to leave the tabletop with an independent interior subject, so you should immediately think about the embedded sink.

The sinks built in the worktop will be able to transform the entire room and emphasize its elegance and uniqueness.

Table top of plasterboard in the bathroom - cheap and beautiful

Modern bathroom with plasterboard countertop

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Now consider in detail the process of manufacturing table tops:

  1. To begin with, you need to measure the workspace and decide on the sizes of the table top . It is important to determine the most accurate examples of the table top, in order to know, the embedded sink will fit into it or something else. By the way, many prefer to use a countertop to hide the washing machine.

    After removing all the necessary measurements, proceed to assembling the carcass made of metal mills for drywall. This frame can be made of wooden plates, but immediately the problem occurs in their processing of moisture protection compositions and other chemistry.

    The main thing is that the frame is not hacked and served as a solid base for drywall.

  2. In order for the tabletop to the bathroom from drywall, it is necessary to fit in size, before installing it, it is necessary to immediately outline the outline of the future sink and cut it with a jigsaw.

    Now we apply molds (in advance made as a template) and cut out two forms: one - from the plasterboard, the second - from plywood. Then, on the form of plasterboard, make a cut down for a new sink.

Table top of plasterboard in the bathroom - cheap and beautiful

Cutout under the sink

  1. Next, the most firmly attach two bracket to the wall . They attach a shape made of plywood on them, then the shape of drywall, with a neckline under the sink.

    The design of the structure should be attached to the remaining plasterboard form, which we left the whole.

  2. After you securely fastened two forms, you need to start making a concave end . It is enough to make it enough from the strip of ordinary drywall.

    In order for the leaf bent, it is necessary to make cuts on every centimeter throughout the entire length. The resulting end must be pretty screwed to the inner end of the countertop. As further processing, the end should be coated with a primer and a layer of moisture-protective putty.

  3. On this installation work is over. Now it follows the finished tabletop to cover with a special liquid waterproofing mixture (it is necessary to lift the finished surface in two layers).

    Thus, we can more reliably protect the countertop from moisture and make it durable. After drying, the finished surface can be processed to the outer finish. For example, lay out a beautiful decorative layer of mosaic.

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Table top of plasterboard in the bathroom - cheap and beautiful

Beautiful Mosaic Tabletop

Profile Types - Make Eternal Frame

Table top of plasterboard in the bathroom - cheap and beautiful

Profile for plasterboard

In order for the frame under the table top with a tab, for many years, it is necessary to competently approach the choice and installation of profiles.

For example, there is a profile under the plasterboard 27 × 27, which is mounted around the perimeter of the structure, and the profile of 67 × 27 is perfectly adjacent to the above. The whole design from the profile for drywall is attached and tightened with a self-drawing.

It turns out that with competent use of even such unstable, at first glance, materials, it is possible to build a sufficiently solid and durable design. Despite the fact that the profile is made of metal, special self-tapping screws are easily included in the surface and securely fasten the details.

Pay attention to the fact that the P-shaped profile is very light. When the frame of the frame under the plasterboard can not be afraid of the lining of the walls and the ceiling - even if you are driving it, the light profile will not be able to apply any serious damage.

Installation of walls and further facing

Table top of plasterboard in the bathroom - cheap and beautiful

Countertop with wardrobes and niche under washing machine

If you decide to make not just a countertop shelf, but a whole tube, then the wall structures can be made on the same principle as the table top itself. The wall frame is attached to both the wall and the already existing corners of the table top, and is also attached to the dowel-nails to the floor.

Doors can be made of MDF plates and hang to the walls of the design on comfortable loops.

Now go to the facing of the cabinet itself (in our case - mosaic tiles):

  1. Initially, the outer surface of the walls of the table top and the doors is processed by special moisture-resistant glue.
  2. Then we stick and press the mosaic tile to the surface of the countertop and other surfaces for which the cladding is planned.

    In the event that the mosaic has a paper protective layer, it should be pre-tweaked and removed.

  3. In order to trigger ugly joints in the corners, you will need a special rubber tool for the rocket and moisture-resistant grout, which prevents moisture in the structure of your design.
  4. If you have not yet attached a tabletop to the main design, it should be fixed and insert a new sink into a pre-prepared connector.
  5. Fresh sink. To do this, you will need a sealant that should be poured into the gap between the sink and the countertop. After hardening, the glue reliably fix the sink.
  6. If you are an amateur of new products in design, then you can put the mirror in the niche of the obtained stands - it will visually increase the space in the bathroom.


Pay attention to the ready-made acrylic countertops that can be just buying in the store.

They have only one disadvantage - when buying countertops, the price of your entire project will increase significantly.

Facing the countertops can be performed not only from mosaic and ceramic tiles. For example, if the external finish of your bathroom is made of PVC panels, then the facing of the table top and the tubes from PVC panels will have to be likewise.

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Table top of plasterboard in the bathroom - cheap and beautiful

Tabletop made of plasterboard serves as a niche under the washing machine and sink, as well as a functional shelf for bathroom facilities

The most important thing is that the design resulting in the end was moisture-proof and practical (symmetrical appearance and the presence of shelves - this is the secret of success). After completing the work on the worktop and the cabinet, you can choose several beautiful and useful bathroom accessories, which are well complementing the overall design.

Table top of plasterboard in the bathroom - cheap and beautiful

Laconic tabletop under the sink, facing - blue mosaic

As a conclusion

Human opportunities are endless! And if you have even minor skills in construction, then you can easily build a beautiful countertop of plasterboard.

And if suddenly something is incomprehensible, then we have special photos, as well as a video structure that will introduce everyone to those who want with the basics of installation and design. Make your life perfect, and start it with a bathroom!

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