Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video


The housewarming is perhaps the most ambiguous holiday. On the one hand, moving to a new house is a joyful event, and on the other hand, the whole way of life has changed, a new environment, new acquaintances, mastering a new space. Therefore, there are a housewarming with a sense of something unknown, with an adventure taste. Guests who are invited to the holiday usually give new selers household items, kitchen utensils, household appliances. Here it is proposed to make a gift for a housewarming with your own hands, you will then won't have questions that give.

Money Tree

The best, perhaps the gift will be a monetary tree. This is a talisman to attract money to the house, and a beautiful souvenir. It can be done both to the topiary, and as a panel on the wall.

Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Master class, how to make a tree from coins, is presented at the end of the article in the form of a video.

Unusual dolls

The original gift will be a bag-bag. It is intended for storing bulk products.

In such a bag of cereals, it is stored for a long time and looks aesthetic.

Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Such a doll is made on the principle of Beregini's doll (video at the end of the article), only a lush skirt is hiding a bag with a cereal. You can modify it a little, making the body and the head more voluminous as in a soft toy, and drawing a face.

There is a mass of the newly associated newspaper.

One of the most common - before entering a new home, first need to run a cat. There is a cat from the owners or not, it does not matter. You can give them a cool cat made by your own hands.

Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Another sign is connected with the houses that lives in every home and follows the economy.

Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

These superstitions can be beat, handing funny gifts. It is known that the house one from the old house needs to be transported on a broom or in Lapte. Gift broom can be turned into a bouquet, respectively, packed and decorating it. Laporn can weave from strips of paper or flattened straws, as in the photo:

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Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

You can weave or make one big lap from cardboard, in which the child can fit, and give it, filling with sweets, pastries and fruits.

Subsequently, such a cool gift can serve as a duct for storing things or children's toys.

Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Native and loved ones

Gifts to close relatives are much easier than friends and acquaintances. Surely already known the size of the future dwelling, how many rooms and what furniture. For example, the sister will like the curtains presented as a gift on the windows, the cloth for which was chosen together, and sewed sister-needlewoman. Or hand-knitted plaid, suitable in color to the interior. Even if the girl never grown flowers, the idea of ​​giving her a living flower in a pot, the originally decorated with her own hands, can change her life.

Be sure to tell how to care for the flower and what it means. Only, getting a flower in a pot, it is necessary to give a donor coin so that the plant felt well in a new place.

It is best to give a money tree, it attracts money to the house.

Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Spathifulum, or women's happiness.

Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Geranium is not just a beautiful and useful flower, he also normalizes the energy, gives calm and self-confidence.

Gift for housewarming with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Video on the topic

Money Tree:

Grain doll:

Motanka doll:

How to wept Napti:


How to tie a plaid:

Woman's happiness:

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