Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video


Cashing creativity, children brief in themselves such qualities as heaviness and attention, develop coordination of movements. Learn to see the perfect in the most common things. Autumn is the time to create crafts from vegetables and fruits. With the help of parents, they can make the original compositions for the exhibition.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Autumn fantasy

Children who came out of kindergartens have already mastered some technique in making crafts. The best work occupies a place at the exhibition that stimulates the creative process, and they work with diligence with vegetables and fruits, creating interesting crafts.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Several tricks, how to make crafts with hands from vegetables and fruits for school.

From large vegetables, such as pumpkin, cabbage, zucchini can be cut out volumetric figures, cutting the peel and pulling out the flesh.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

A detailed master class is presented in the video at the end of the article.

Products can be decorated with other vegetables, leaves, greens, add paper parts and get funny characters. Eyes for such crafts can be bought in stores for needlework.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

The minimum of work, the maximum of fantasy and the exercise is ready for the exhibition, as in the pictures.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Shridly autumn

In the composition you can add other gifts of autumn, which it generously scatters: flower petals, multicolored leaves, moss and grass - all this will decorate exhibition products.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Thanks to such skills, children will learn to decorate a festive table.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Acorns, bumps and twigs also open the doors of fantasy.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Children of kindergarten is curious everything in the world, they try to attach their small handles to everything. To direct them with energy to create your favorite heroes, you only need to tell how to make them from natural material.

Crafts for kindergarten from what lies under the feet:

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

And so loved by the kids sinks of vegetables and fruits, as in the photo:

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to the exhibition for school with photos and video

Working with products turns for children in a fun game, helping them develop.

Article on the topic: Cover for books with your hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Video on the topic


Master class how to cut a carriage from pumpkin:

Lemon mouse:

Dolphin from Banana:

Ducklings from bananas:

Turtle from zucchini:

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