How to make a concrete mixer with your own hands: video and drawings


How to make a concrete mixer with your own hands: video and drawings

Many people like to carry out repair with their own hands. To fix the foundation of the house, pour tracks, put an elevation on the columns, such an unit is needed as a concrete mixer. Create an industrial model There is no point because it will be very expensive. In this case, the manufacture of concrete mixers will be a great solution, for which large financial costs will not need. So how do you make a concrete mixer yourself? Thanks to the video presented, you can visually see the entire process of such manufacturing.

  • 2 Concrete mixing technology
  • 3 stages of manufacturing concrete mixer with their own hands
    • 3.1 Production of capacity
    • 3.2 Installation of the base
    • 3.3 Engine installation
  • What is a concrete mixer?

    How to make a concrete mixer with your own hands: video and drawings

    Many believe that a small amount of solution can be easily mixed with shovels. However, as a result, a mixture of very low quality is obtained. The fact is that it is very difficult to interfere with the solution in a shovel. Such physical exertion is not for everyone under power, therefore Easier to install concrete mixer , collected by your own hands from the barrel. In addition, if you knead a large amount of mixture, then the composition will result in dry. The solution begins to lose moisture much faster than it is time to stir up to the necessary consistency.

    Concrete of good quality will not work in the event that you use a drill. When fixing it on the bracket in the mixture there are sand lumps. Drill not only should spin, but also move back and forth and in a circle. Often the tool does not withstand such a voltage and breaks.

    To understand the principle of work of self-made concrete mixer with their own hands, which is manufactured for a small amount of work, it is necessary to consider the process of stirring the solution. There are 3 ways:

    • gravitational method;
    • vibration method;
    • Mechanical method.

    How to make a concrete mixer with your own hands: video and drawings

    Gravitational method. In industry, this method does not apply, because the obtained cement has low quality. As a result of the gravitational mixing, the container rolls up, the components begin to "flip" each other and mix into a relatively homogeneous mass.

    Vibration method. Consider The most reliable way of production Concrete in industry. In recorded badge, the vibration engineer begins, resulting in high-quality solution.

    Mechanical method. Used only with gravitational. At the same time, or the mixer begins to rotate in fixed badge, or a badge with protrusions inside performs rotation.

    Making concrete mixing technology

    There are a large number of self-made units that fit for the manufacture of concrete. The most simple design can be made from an ordinary dairy bidon, a large pan, old welding. Its drawing is quite simple, and the manufacturing technology is even easier:
    • weld the capacity to the axis;
    • In the cover, they hide a stick, a piece of pipe or rubber harness and very much attract the cover to the handles;
    • To simplify the design Couplings are not used , and cut the arcuate filings in the face and put the axis on them.

    To make a more practical aggregate, you need to use other drawings.

    Stages of manufacturing concrete mixer with their own hands

    Making capacity

    How to make a concrete mixer with your own hands: video and drawings

    Before you begin to create a concrete mixer with your own hands, you should choose a container. It is best to use metal barrels for this that can accommodate at least 200 liters. Exactly This volume is considered optimal. In order to knead the required amount of concrete at a time. Plastic tanks are better not to use, since they will not last long.

    For the manufacture of concrete mixtures, a barrel with a lid and a bottom will be required. If the container does not initially have a lid, then it should be welcomed, cutting out of the metal sheet. After that, the bearing flanges with bearings should be attached to the bottom and lid of the barrels. The hatch is cut into the side, through which the components of the solution will subsequently fall asleep. Such a hole is best done closer to the end of the container, which in the process of concrete mixer will be below. The carved part of the barrel will be used as a hatch cover. It is fixed with the help of hinges and any locking device.

    In order for the solution better, the blades are welded on the inner walls of the barrels at an angle of 30-40 degrees. The angle of inclination is calculated in such a way that the concrete can "pushed out" in the mixing process. In addition, such blades can be fixed on the walls , and on the very shaft of the device.

    If it is not possible to find a suitable container, then it can be made with your own hands. For this, the following tools and materials will be needed:

    • Sheet metal with a thickness of 1.5 - 2 mm;
    • welding machine;
    • rollers;
    • Wooden mall or hammer.

    Before you start cutting metal, Drawings should be prepared With the specifying the desired size. To make the concrete mixing case, the central round section will be required, the bottom of the tank and the two truncated cones, which are the lower and upper part of the structure. Details cut on the markup must be beaten in rings. It is more convenient to do this with the help of rollers. After fitting all parts of the seams are securely welded.

    Installation of the base

    How to make a concrete mixer with your own hands: video and drawings

    Homemade concrete mixer should have a reliable and sustainable base. Otherwise, the design can turn over during operation. If it is not supposed to load a large amount of concrete into it, then the core is better made from a square wooden bar having a cross-section of 10x10 or 15x15 cm. In order for the base of the design to be affected by the vibration during operation, it should be used by the "In Poltera" type connections or "in Ship". After the assembly, you need to skim all the joints and pull the self-drawing.

    If you need to create a more reliable and durable unit, you should give preference to the frame that Weld from a metal corner The size is no less than 45x45 mm. You can also use a chaserler. If there is no gas welding machine, then the frame is fixed with rivets or nuts with bolts.

    If there is such a desire, the base can be equipped with wheels. This will require an axis without bearings and wheels themselves. Such a concrete mixer is easy to turn over and move. Collecting the base, it is necessary to provide handles. With their help, the device can be moved.

    In the process of assembling the frame necessarily provide for the place for the engine. Also Need to be a counterweight So that when unloading concrete, the design does not overturn. If you plan to unload the solution with a shovel, then in this case the counterweight will not be needed. All these moments must be provided during the drawing creation.

    Engine installation

    To make a concrete mixer more efficient, any single-phase motor is needed, the speed of rotation of which is no more than 40 rpm.

    Many masters creating a homemade design advise the use of electric motors from old washing machines, such as "wave" or "seagull". Such motors are capable of working for a long time and not overheat. Choosing the engine, it should be remembered that the optimal speed of rotation of the baud is 20 - 30 rpm. This uses various gearboxes. However, the optimal and simple option is the use of pulley and drive belt.

    Instead of the engine from the washing machine, You can use a motorcycle motor or a moped gasoline operating on gasoline. In this case, the concrete mixer will not need to be power out and can be used in any conditions. The engine mount is carried out using 4 bolts to the bracket or frame, which are welded to the gearbox housing.

    However, homemade concrete mixer is capable of working with manual control. In this case, neither electricity or gasoline will be needed for it. Such a simplest device is mobile, easy to assemble, and each can control it. The only disadvantage is the presence of an assistant to mix the solution.

    At the end, the shaft is trained through the construction capacity. In order for the device to be more stable, it should be chopped into the ground at an angle of 30 degrees.

    So, to make a concrete mixer with your own hands, no special skills are needed. More vividly manufacturing process can be seen on the video. Before you start collecting such a device, you should use the drawings. They will help correctly and accurately create a homemade design without serious financial investments.

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