Making a crusher with your own hands


Making a crusher with your own hands

In the country house, there should always be a maximum of breeding agents and items that facilitate daily concerns about the house, the garden and garden. For a rural resident, a crusher will be completely useful, with which you can smoke both solid materials and fragile.

This device is used to destroy the stones, crushing the metal objects, wood, domestic garbage, plastics, etc. This is a car applied in both industry and in everyday life.

In the household it can be a real universal device. Experienced and economical dachas during the spring-summer season are collected in separate heaps trimming fruit shrubs, weeds, and then grind this material with a crusher, creating Beautiful fertilizer For garden plants and trees.

  • 2 How does the homemade shredder work?
  • 3 make a crusher with your own hands
  • 4 Step-by-step instructions:
    • 4.1 Installing cutters
    • 4.2 Collect the crusher frame
    • 4.3 Installing the housing and bowls for receiving the material.
  • 5 Nuances of Preparation and Assembly
  • 6 How to apply homemade crusher?
  • Types of crushers

    This device by type of use is divided into crushers for:

    • plastics;
    • household garbage;
    • metal;
    • tree;
    • Stone.

    Also, this unit is classified in size, highlighting the machines of large (0.3 m), small (0.02 m) and medium crushing (0.1 m).

    Depending on the characteristics of the device allocate:

    • knife devices;
    • Crushers with cone-shaped bunker;
    • Tile devices;
    • Rotary-knife machines.

    Making a crusher with your own hands

    If you need to split solid materials, you can safely use knife apparatus . It has a power that allows you to destroy the items of this kind. And in order to grind them, rotor-knife crushers apply. Their main purpose - Secondary crushing of waste . Currently, such devices are available in small quantities, as foreign production crushers gradually displacing domestic due to better quality.

    In production, such devices are most often used, which crushed material due to convergence of two plates . Such crushers are called cheek. They are perfectly recycled asphalt, reinforced concrete, building stone. In some cases, they are even used for crushing glass and ceramics.

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    Especially strong building materials recycling conical Crushers. The principle of their work is that at the moment when two cones, one of which is stationary, come closer, the solid object is crushed.

    Convenient in domestic use are crushers with rollers. This design can also be made independently.

    Ultra-solid materials, such as wood, household garbage are crushed with a hammer crusher.

    How does the homemade shredder work?

    The homemade apparatus for grinding functions just as the usual meat grinder , in which the material passing through the receiving bowl (drum) and getting into the crushing system, is quickly crushed. The compartment for grinding consists of a cutter and several cutters. The performance of the device depends entirely on the power indicator. Since the homemade crusher will be used only at home, this figure should not exceed 2.6 kvatt.

    Make a crusher do it yourself

    Making a crusher with your own hands

    Being in anticipation of the creation of this unit, prepare the following Materials:

    • motor ; The acquired motor will ensure the creation of a silent machine capable of changing waste in small quantities. In the process of work, it does not emit harmful substances, and its operation is possible both outdoors and indoors. Only minus The electric motor is a direct dependence on the power supply.
    • Saws having a thickness from 0.06 to 0.1 m, in an amount of 10-20 pieces (the more cutters, the better the crusher).
    • Stud for hanging drank,
    • Nuts and washers,
    • Metal professional profits (to create a crusher frame),
    • Casing and bunker made of galvanized metal,
    • welding machine.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    Installing cutters

    1. Making a crusher with your own hands

      Everything Cutting saws Dress on a pre-prepared axis. Their diameter should be equal to the diameter of the cutters. Installed discs are fixed using washers and nuts. In order for the rotation of them, their sharp edges did not hurt each other, it is necessary to use special thin washers for dilution saw. In this case, the number of disks must be 1d more than the washer.

    2. When the axes are fixed and disk drives, Install pulley . It can be borrowed from the generator of the domestic car. In order for the hairpin to rotate, it is necessary to use two bearing with a diameter of 2 cm.

    Collect the frame crusher

    • Prepared metal professional professional Weldow Rama among themselves. Inside the design, two profiles required to strengthen the hopper and the grinding unit are mounted.
    • Metal sheet welded to the frame, in it Put Holes for motor and drum.
    • For the resistance of the construction to the body, 4 legs are attached.
    • Mount Disk providing belt tension. It must be located so that the saws are free to move. In addition, this placement will allow periodically to adjust the disk belt.

    Installing the housing and bowls for receiving the material.

    1. The casing is dressed on the saw system.
    2. The bunker is strengthened directly above the cutting block.

    Nuances of preparation and assembly

    • Before the direct assembly, do not be lazy to draw a small drawing - this will make it possible to clarify the individual moments of the assembly and avoid problems when creating a device.
    • For high performance, it is necessary to install as a larger number of cutting disks (up to 25 pieces) with a thickness of 0.1 m.
    • When working with a solid material than wood, it is best to use a motor block instead of an electric motor, since its power is much higher.
    • If you do not want to take care of the periodic feeding the cutters of the machine, purchase discs with alloy nozzles.
    • To create the pressure of the material in the process of grinding, to the design, opposite the bunker, you should attach a bar.

    How to apply a homemade crusher?

    Making a crusher with your own hands

    The machine for grinding, made with your own hands, is considered Universal device. Working with a homemade crusher is not limited to the processing of leaves or other small garbage. The high-quality apparatus, created by the foregoing instructions, is able to recycle wood and household waste.

    The described design based on the horizontal arrangement of cutting discs is more reliable in terms of durability. In the factory variants of crushers saws are installed Vertical What makes the user constantly monitor the humidity of the stems falling into the apparatus. Wet raw materials contributes to breakage of devices with such an arrangement of drank.

    Making a homemade shredder allows you to pick up Required capacity Engine corresponding to the material being processed.

    Thus, manifesting a little fantasy and skill, you can achieve a stunning result. After all, while your neighbor is kipped on an expensive crusher, you will already be able to apply the technical "fruit" of your efforts. Thanks to high-quality assembly Homemade apparatus For grinding it can become a universal machine for crushing many materials, including solid.

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