Choose an electric cultivator for giving: species and reviews


Choose an electric cultivator for giving: species and reviews

Today, few people are already using a shovel for processing the garden at the cottage, as motor blocks and cultivators appeared for these works. Naturally, the shovel is the simplest device that is, as a rule, is replaced by mechanics, but there are advanced manual models.

These are also cultivators, but are controlled by operator power. The hand cultivator will not require electricity or gasoline as mechanical models.

  • 1.1 Cultivator-Ripper
  • 1.2 Light models
  • 1.3 Medium Models
  • 1.4 Heavy models
  • 2 Electric Cultivator for Cottage
    • 2.1 Is it worth purchasing an electric valve for virgin?
    • 2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of electrocultivators
    • 2.3 Specifications
    • 2.4 Customer Reviews
  • How to choose a cultivator for giving?

    Choose an electric cultivator for giving: species and reviews

    Cultivators Equipped with a long handle So that the operator can not bend while working (at least there is also short). They are used if it is necessary to rinse the earth on the flower beds, so as not to break the flowers, since even light cultivators can not always gently explode the territory with such gentle plantings.

    Manual models are divided into rippers and rotary Cultivators. In the latter on the spinning shaft there are discs for the processing of land in the form of stars, and therefore rotary models are also called asteropoly cultivators.


    Choose an electric cultivator for giving: species and reviews

    Ripper Different with its capabilities Due to its design. For example, the ripper will be able to cope with the soil covered with a crust or nailed rain. Can loosen the clay soil with which the star cultivator will not be able to cope.

    To date, mechanical cultivators are basic. They can be divided into three options:

    • Lungs;
    • Medium;
    • Heavy motor-cultivators.

    Light models

    Choose an electric cultivator for giving: species and reviews

    Light models usually use those who need Treat land in the same greenhouses or flower beds And everywhere where there is a light soil. In light cultivators there is one obvious advantage in contrast to heavy and medium, this is their small weight. Let's turn to reality - almost all the work in the garden usually perform women. For female strength, light cultivators are suitable, just perfect. Mass of light devices -7-14 kg. They will be able to cultivate the ground at a depth of 25 cm and 35 cm wide.

    Not very functional but For small works perfectly fit . Light motor-cultivators have two: electrical and gasoline. The latter are equipped with a low-power two-stroke engine. Electric cultivators are powered by the network, you can connect this unit through the window into the outlet, but there is a flaw, the cultivator wire is completely confused and interferes. This type of devices is limited to the processing of the area up to 12 hectares and will not be able to explode more than once.

    Medium models

    Choose an electric cultivator for giving: species and reviews

    These cultivators already a little hard and use them, as a rule, men . We have a weight of 14-37 kg. A suspended equipment for the processing of the soil can be installed, which needs a powerful engine and in sufficient mass of the carrier. On light motor-cultivators never install mounted options, the device of this weight simply will not be able to mask them.

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    For medium cultivators Manufacturers developed canopies like sakes, flat . For semi-light models, 4 clock motors are installed, due to which the equipment develops the power of 2.5-6 liters. from. With an average cultivator, you will be able to explode 35 hectares of territory. At the same time, it can capture the soil width to 65 cm, and explode depth to 22-28 cm. All devices of this type work on gasoline.

    Heavy models

    Choose an electric cultivator for giving: species and reviews

    The best Suspended equipment is designed for heavy electrocultivators . They can work on the basis of any complexity. These aggregates are often treated with virgin lands. Heavy models can use flat, occupy, plow, rotary mower, shovel-dump for cleaning the area from snow.

    Manufacturers of various cultivators make different suspended options for their products, because during the acquisition of the device, find out from the seller, which canopy can be fixed on your equipment.

    Heavy models capture the width of one meter , and the depth of Kolo 35 cm. Due to the large width, these models are very uncomfortable for processing narrow sections, but the advantage is that often in heavy devices it is possible to regulate the width of the Earth's seizure. The aggregates of this level have a mass of about 40-65 kg. They develop power up to 7 liters. from. and can be treated at a territory of 35-65 hectares.

    Given the described characteristics described Pick up the equipment you need To work in the country. If you have a greenhouse or a garden that periodically take processing, then you are most likely to be a compact and lightweight cultivator, which can cope with light soil and narrow area without damping areas. If there is a big garden, it is better to choose a heavy mechanism or a medium unit.

    Electric cultivator for giving

    Prior to that, we briefly described the light cultivators. It should be noted that many of this group are electrical devices. Lightweight electrocultivators are very helpful in greenhouses and flower beds.

    Is it worth getting an electric valve for virgin?

    Choose an electric cultivator for giving: species and reviews

    If a You purchased a country area , And the former owner scored for some time and did not cultivate the territory, or you acquired a wild land plot, which no one has absolutely engaged in you, then you will need an electric valve with a bunch of various additions. It is heavy models for which there is a large selection of all sorts of canopies.

    You are most likely We will not be able to use the average motorcultivator when processing complex soils And they certainly can not use the electrical assembly that is made only light. At the same time, you will need a truly and in the literal sense of the word plowing at virginity, it will take a flat, occupier and plow, and how do you put it on electrical equipment? It may be used only cutters.

    Advantages and disadvantages of electrocultivators

    Choose an electric cultivator for giving: species and reviews

    Any device created by man Calculated for a circle of certain and clear tasks . That is, it is useless to blame the car in the fact that it cannot move around the crossed road and is not a tank. Also, the electric cultivator is good only for some works, but by and large cannot produce others.

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    To begin with before answering the question, how to choose the electroofraction , consider that it is only calculated for one operation: rupture of the Earth. At the same time, not any, but light - consisting of suits or sandy, and is also suitable for the treated chernozem. Therefore, do not force the equipment to be overshadowed on the virgin, bite into the lawn with big grass or handle heavy loam.

    Electric cultivators have their advantages, and they are quite significant:

    • Good performance;
    • Ease of maintenance;
    • Simple control, compact size and low weight;
    • Low noise;
    • No exhaust.

    Choose an electric cultivator for giving: species and reviews

    Experienced Gardener will result in this list a lot of important information . A small weight (6-30 kg) - denotes, a fragile woman or an elderly man can cope with this mechanism with ease. Any electrocultivator can be easily transported to the cottage in a passenger car.

    Defining for yourself What to choose a cultivator petrol or electric, do not forget about the factor of environmental friendliness. The absence of gasoline exhaust is the basic condition for working in a closed greenhouse and health benefits. The small noise of the electric motor will highly appreciate those people who have for for hours to listen to howls and cracking of the cultivator at the next country.

    Easy maintenance is a factor that is very important for any user. To break your head over a weak engine compression, replace the rings or search for a missing spark - lessons are not for all daches.

    Disadvantages of electrocultivators leak out of their design:

    • Weak power;
    • Bad mobility.

    Choose an electric cultivator for giving: species and reviews

    Electricity dependence - a significant drawback of the cultivator with an electrical drive. Therefore, it is acquired for a small country area, where using the treatment zone can be enhanced up to 70 meters. An optimal object for this device is a greenhouse. Here the length of the beds is small, the earth is lightweight and electricity has been carried out.

    Low power As already spoke, the indicator is relative. For an electrically cultivator, designed to plow the upper layer of light Earth, 0.7-1.8 kW is quite enough.


    Manufacturers define such characteristics of electrical cultivators:

    • Weight;
    • Power;
    • Number of cutters;
    • Diameter cutter or processing depth;
    • Processing width.

    Choose an electric cultivator for giving: species and reviews

    To create rows and enhance the beds, some devices are equipped with additional screw occupy.

    The main indicator for electrocultivators - engine power . It is located in the range of 0.5-2.5 kW. From it directly depend on the width and depth of the earth processing.

    For example, a device with a capacity of 500 W loose ground is not deeper than 12 cm with the highest width of the coverage - 28 cm. When the engine capacity of 2500 W, the cultivator enters the soil by 40 cm, and the coverage width increases to 70 cm.

    Any device has the ability to control the depth of loosening. Therefore, they can not only process the land "on the pin" shovels, but also get rid of surface weeds without risk to break the roots of trees.

    Most The optimal size of the territory being processed For electric cultivator 2-4 acres. On this area, it does not strongly tire you dragging the wire and does not overheat. For a larger defense, it is desirable to choose a motor-cultivator. It should be noted that the quality of the processing of the soil with an electro-cultivator is much higher hand-made. The ground after use is enriched with air and becomes very loose.

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    Customer Reviews

    Choose an electric cultivator for giving: species and reviews

    Summing up, you can confidently say that For the right choice of cultivator For a start, it is necessary to decide what amount of work it is obliged to perform. If we consider different cultivators for the cottage, then the reviews of many dachensons are more prone to the choice of electrical units. Since electrical devices have many advantages, one of the significant is ease of control.

    At the same time, many gardeners and dackets celebrate in the reviews Ecology cultivator Since the cottage for most people is a place in which you want to hide from the pollution of the metropolis. But there are also some negative feedback. The owners of fairly large plots, for example, not with hand through the entire territory to pull carrying.

    Another good advice, which is also mentioned in the reviews, is the presence in the reverse unit. Often, if you encounter an obstacle that it is impossible to drive around, the only way out of the situation will be reverse.

    Also no need to chase behind the most expensive And the last, while having a vegetable garden with more than 7-9 acres, although, judging by the reviews, it is also not worth saving here. Since the cultivator is purchased for several years, and it is from the competent choice that the time of its service is significantly depends.

    Acquisition is pleased. I read the reviews, and immediately sank cutters immediately, made the couch himself and threw the wheels - absolutely not needed. The cultivator is light - for the handle is transferred in the country without difficulty. With compaturated mills, handled the clay after duck up potatoes. Slow, but it turned out. The speed came out, a little faster than a shovel, but much better and absolutely not tired. And slowly because rushing into the floor cutters, I consider it unnecessary! I blurt out completely in the wings, because I do not under the flowers, but under potatoes.


    Most likely, the most simple of all cultivators, it is Hyundai, but we bought this cultivator due to compactness and ease. Reviews, the store compared gasoline and electrical models and came to the conclusion that vibrations and noise are smaller from electrocultivators. We have a big dacha, but under the landing of a place a little. The main task of the cultivator is the loosening of the Earth, and even convenient to treat land between the rows. Small weeds grinding with ease. Earth we have sandy and cutters do not break and do not get bend, but I don't know how hard the soil do not know how to behave. A cultivator is used to processing the garden, and without him nowhere, in the future we want to acquire a more multifunctional model.


    Excellent machine. We bought his father to work to work in a greenhouse. Before that, everything was manually treated - the difference in colossal, with the cultivator of forces and time and is spent, of course, much less. We grow vegetables for sale, it is necessary to have a lot, therefore the cultivator in this plan has greatly reversed.


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