How to draw a gazebo: express our dreams financially


Cottage or plot look complete, if there is not only a well-kept garden, but also a gazebo. Often the host places such a paradise with no less diligence and investments than the house itself. Then the gazebo becomes the subject of pride, symbolizing the respectability and high status of the owner.

But there are no less proud of this kind of structure and those who independently invented, and then built and decorated their brainchild. Of course, first of all, we consider a lot of options for ready-made designer developments, photos and drawings of the arbors, the results of the works of our friends and neighbors.

How to draw a gazebo: express our dreams financially

In the photo drawing a gazebo.

Then choose what I liked, leaning on the seen, and pull out all the "most delicious". As a result - the original, unique place to relax in nature is born.

We convey your preference paper

How to draw a gazebo: express our dreams financially

Pre-sketch of a plot with a gazebo.

Many builders and all professional designers before starting the embodiment of ideas in reality, make a sketch and drawing of the future building. Do not move away from these principles in order not to get frustrated at the end of construction.

Trust your fantasies with paper, and even if you can not draw at all, it will also clearly get a vague, but the idea of ​​what you want to create in real life.

  1. Before making a drawing of the arbor, let's lack about how and where in your garden you want to relax. In the same place there will be a structure that will grow around him, which of your loved ones and friends will come to visit. It is very helpful to check the power of your imagination, the more clear you will see a picture in your head, the easier it will reproduce it on paper.
  2. Be sure to review the projects of finished design work. You will be surprised what a variety of proposals and unusual solutions is found there. Faced and materials from which you can build a masterpiece. As they say - "cheap and angry".

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How to draw a gazebo: express our dreams financially

Ideas for recreation can be brought to professional artists.

  1. It was unusually fashionable with us and abroad became modern artists, embodying relaxing landscapes on the canvas, as well as the drawings of the gazebos surrounded by flowering trees, emerald pollasts and cozy ponds.

Note! After standing at such a picture, I immediately want to get into this place. Having inspired, be sure to draw your plot on which the gazebo of your dreams is.

Take a pencil

So, your Family Council by a majority of votes approved the construction of the arbor in the near future. You have already voiced the basic requirements for her, understood her style and calculated their strength. Well, it's time to work in creativity in a family circle, and combine useful with pleasant.

Figure exterior

How to draw a gazebo: express our dreams financially

Exterior of a plot with a gazebo.

  1. Make a light sketch of the place where the arbor will be located. Try to convey all the buildings around the structure, plants and objects in the correct proportions. Do not reserve all secondary parts too carefully. Only where the gazebo is planned - the drawing should be clear.
  2. Panorama should cover a fairly large area around, so, do not draw everything too finely, or vice versa, very large. The ratios of trees, plants and buildings are plausible.

How to draw a gazebo: express our dreams financially

Surely you will use drawing accessories.

  1. After you, barely touching the pencil, sketched the rear and medium plan, go to the main part - the gazebo itself.
  2. Draw at the beginning bottom, starting with the foundation, observing the rules of the prospects. The track that goes to the design is also indicated in the future, that is, on the principle of leaving the distance in the distance. Closer to us it will be wider, further from us - already.

How to draw a gazebo: express our dreams financially

It is not difficult to cope with this task.

  1. You have already noticed that we draw a gazebo in stages, starting from the back plan, continuing average, and finishing the front. For the image of beams or racks, it is possible to use the ruler. It turns out half the drawing, half a sketch.

Note! Do not paint the composition until you finish doing it into a pencil. So fix, erases not obtained, it will be much easier.

  1. After the main part of the arbor is finished and corrected, share the decor of the exterior. Fence, decoration of the roof, steps, railings, lanterns - all this is described gradually and is already more carefully.

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How to draw a gazebo: express our dreams financially

Write what you want to see around the gazebo.

  1. Next, depict what will grow, stand and lie around. Alpine slides, mini pond, small fountain or waterfall, lawn, animal figures or fabulous characters.
  2. Now you can start the most interesting stage - coloring. Note that the price of pencils and paint is small, but the pleasure of all family members is provided. Again, be sure to start from the far plan - from the sky and the most distant bushes, fence and trees. They are made fuzzy, lightly blurred, do not need to be written carefully, everything that the back should not "climb" forward.
  3. Any instruction in drawing and painting advises at the beginning to close the entire space of the canvas or paper with color ratios, and then write the little things. Stick this rule, and you will all work out as conceived.
  4. Lastly register in color the structure and what is in front of him is a path and greens.

Sketch of interior

How to draw a gazebo: express our dreams financially

Interior arbor.

You have depicted only the appearance of the future paradise. Not bad if you sketch in a pencil, and then in color the inner panorama of the arbor.

Although at the moment a huge number of designer computer programs, the wizard of the interiors, for the most part prefer to make sketches from hand.

This is correct, the way, though old, but tested by time and experience.

  1. Try to draw what is inside, in an angle from the entrance.

How to draw a gazebo: express our dreams financially

Computer visualization of the interior of the structure.

  1. Start from the floor, then the walls, the ceiling. Then furniture made by their own decor elements, flowers in Kashpo, lampshade. It will be interesting if you depict all those who come to sit after a cup of tea. Do not reserve the characters too clearly, enough hint, outlines of people.
  2. Collaped is from the main intended color. And only then color accents are prescribed - covers on furniture, pillows, tablecloth, curtains for the arbor. Try creating a lighting effect inside by applying black and white technique. In the shadow of paint, there are always cold shades, and in the light - warm. We leave the glare white, the nearby items are discharged carefully.

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Now, when you learned how to draw a gazebo, it would be possible to look at clearly what is not yet in reality. And only after the end of construction, you can take a picture of the fruit of your work.


Since the gazebo is for the most part creative, then the approach to its development is needed appropriate. Having a visual manifestation of your dreams is very helpful. So, you will not only faster construction, but you will know that in the end it will turn out (see the article "Interior of the Arbor - modern ideas and styles").

A lot of interesting to you will open a video in this article, the visual examples always inspire, because we perceive the overwhelming part of the information visually.

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