Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates


Sometimes I want to surprise friends or relatives and please them in a significant day something unusual. Moreover, gifts made from the soul and do it yourself are always valued and accepted with gratitude and delight. One of these interesting surprises is a cake. What is unusual here, you ask. And the fact that the homemade cake will be completely inedible, but with a lot of good congratulations and pleasant little things. Cake from cardboard with wishes with your own hands is a great gift for any holiday, both adults and children.

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

Each piece of cake contains the original congratulation and a small surprise, which will definitely raise the mood to its owner, because the psychology of the person is arranged in such a way that opening gifts and get surprises is a guaranteed splash of hormones of happiness. Yes, and such a cake will probably enjoy those who do not eat sweets or follow the figure.

Such a cake is perfect for thematic parties or children's holidays. It is enough to calculate the number of guests, make the required number of pieces, put in every wish with a surprise and spend a kind of lottery or fortune telling - what a desire to be fulfilled from an elongated one or another piece. Without a doubt, the joy from such an event will not limit!

In this article, we find out how to make a cardboard cake with your own hands, what instruments and materials will be useful and what wishes and gifts can be left as a surprise.

Cardboard sweets

So, it will take for work: thin cardboard, scissors, glue, a ruler and a pencil, for decoration - colored paper, ribbons, beads, and all that will tell fantasy.

MK on the manufacture of cake begins with creating a drawing of each piece.

You can use a ready-made cardboard cake template with dimensions, for example, such:

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Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

Or print on paper such a template:

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

We carry stencil on cardboard or draw the item yourself, and then cut out the contour.

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

For convenience, you can immediately use color cardboard - you will need 13 sheets of different colors. Now in the stationery stores you can find the material not only a variety of bright colors, but also a factory, overflowing, holographic and other types of cardboard. So the cake will look very impressive.

On dotted lines, bend the workpiece to the inside of the cardboard.

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

We glue the face and make a small cutout according to the following scheme.

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

We leave a wide side of a piece of pieces to fill it with wishes and surprises.

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

And now the most interesting is filling the contents of the cake. In every piece we put a note with a wish. Only congratulations can be limited to, but the biggest delight will cause small gifts-surprises, corresponding to each wish.

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

Cutting pieces close using a slot into the details as a lock. And then decorate the cake with a ribbon or beads.

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

Ornaments can be very different. Below is a few photos with the idea of ​​the design of the cake:

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

The polymer clay or plasticine is also successfully suited to create the effect of a real cream or cream on the cake, or in order to put and fix small candles. But you must be careful when using real candles and comply with fire safety rules.

By the way, the pieces of the cake can be made in the form of triangular boxes with a lid, for example, such:

Cake from cardboard with your own hands with wishes: MK with templates

Wish options can be the most diverse, ranging from standard and ending with the most personal and special. Let us give an example of some congratulations and good facilities:

  1. "Sweet Life" and put chocolate or candy.
  2. "Bright impressions" - color pencils, crayons or multi-colored candies are suitable.
  3. "Huge good luck" - symbolizes playing bones or lottery ticket.
  4. "Indecent wealth" - of course, money or coins.
  5. "Have a good rest" - a shell or magnet.
  6. "Good health" - the vitamins are suitable, ascorbic acid or hematogen.
  7. "Unlimited love" is a small heart.
  8. "Home heat" - you can put a candle.
  9. "Family add-on" is a small doll or nipple.
  10. "Cheerfulness of the Spirit" - the coffee beans are perfectly suitable in beautiful packaging.

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And many different surprises and gifts can be invented for any holiday.

Video on the topic

More interesting ideas of making and design Cardboard cake with wishes can be seen in the following videos.

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