How to make a lamp do it yourself


How to make a lamp do it yourself

Lamp do it yourself

In fact, there is nothing difficult in how to make a lamp do it yourself! A cute house offers to your attention a master class and ideas for inspiration on polymer clay luminaires. Plastic - the material is very fatty, comfortable, and the resulting crafts always look very original. The space for creativity is huge - these are outdoor lamps, and table lamps, and all sorts of candlesticks.

How to make a lamp do it yourself

How to make a lamp do it yourself

Minimum fantasy, a bit of manual labor and the whole direction is obtained in the subject of interior lighting. And most importantly, it is not necessary to pay money for it! It is enough of its own imagination, or inspiring pictures and, in fact, from what we will sculpt our craft. So, today I propose a lamp of plastics, or as it is also called - polymer clay.

The idea of ​​this desktop lamp has occurred to the sculptors from the Aton Studio, in Canada. Designers have come up with an interesting and very easy way to make creative copyright lamps.

On sale, in stores with needwelded goods you can purchase a polymer clay. It can be different consistencies, including in the form of pasta. Such shops are in any more or less large city. Of course, spending will be, but not so significant as if you decide to buy a ready-made lamp in the store.

How to make a lamp do it yourself

How to make a lamp do it yourself

one - Take an ordinary cardboard package from kefir, or any other packaging, from under the juice for example. If you want to get a cylindrical shape, you can use a bottle or tube from the paper roll.

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2. - Then we squeeze on this workpiece from the package in the arbitrary direction polymer clay.

3. - Let us dry as you can dry, and then carefully remove the base from the inside - a box or a bottle.

four - After that, you can already install our resulting lamp on the design with a light bulb. So that the frame does not heat up, it is recommended to use the LED lamp instead of the incandescent lamp.

Here, actually all work - the lamp is ready for use. It can be put at home, but you can take the cottage and use there.

If suddenly it will happen that you will not find a liquid polymer clay, it can be replaced by solidifying sealants or liquid nails. There are also putty and putty. But with them you need to be more careful - they are fragile. In the same rest, the principle of manufacturing the lamp does not change.

Video master class - lamp do it yourself from polymer clay

Making a candlestick made of polymer clay from Tatiana Brynzova.

Lamp made of clay with your own hands

How to make a lamp do it yourself

This wonderful lamp house from clay will look wonderful in the children's room. Or in the living room, if you do not have kids. Read the description and manufacturing technology at the address

How to make a lamp do it yourself

Similar, but in more detailed form with a description of the technology of manufacturing ceramic houses, we found at

There you can also read about the luminaire of the Elf's house and the lamp of the temple. These houses are made from the most real clay, they need firing in the furnace. Well, we can simply take advantage of the idea and cut out a similar facility from polymer clay. And in this case, nothing burns.

In addition to plastics, such a house can be made of salt dough. After the modeling, the craft can either bake in the oven, or dry at room temperature, and then coat with several layers of transparent varnish for the fortress and protection against moisture.

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How to make a lamp do it yourself

Our lamp got widespread on the Internet. And now they have already appeared those who made their own crafts on it. It turns out very well. Read and see the master class based on photos at the beginning of this article.

In the future, we will add links to other interesting master classes here.

Ideas of lamps do it yourself from polymer clay

How to make a lamp do it yourself

Beautiful lampshade for the top lamp in the children's room.

How to make a lamp do it yourself

Polymer clay suspended lamp. There is a donyshko inside the lamp, and tea candles can be inserted into such a suspension.

How to make a lamp do it yourself

Plastic texture lamp made with your own hands.

How to make a lamp do it yourself

And in the completion of the selection of three other original ideas on the lamps. These crafts are simple, they cover tea candles, but, if you wish, you can make the base with the cartridge and insert a real light bulb.

see also

I also told how to make ordinary New Year lamps from cans.

Also, I have an interesting material about the lamp of Jack - how to cut the lamp from pumpkin to Halloween.

Well, if you like Eastern Decor, you can make a Japanese lamp do it yourself.

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