Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video


Foamiran is one of the most new materials in the market for needlework products. It is the sheets of foam rubber. It is light, velvety, malleable. In the processing process takes the specified form and saves it. Flowers created from Foamiran are easy to confuse with real, so realistic they look. In addition to artificial floristics, it is used for the manufacture of dolls, in scrapbooking, to create children's crafts. But still its widespread use is the manufacture of artificial colors. Of these, floristic compositions, fashionable and truly unique accessories, decorations for weddings. Each flower made of this material is unique. This article will discuss several master classes on Foamyran, who will teach you to do different types of colors.

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Guest from the jungle

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Orchid - guest from tropical jungle, which will not leave indifferent any lover of houseplants. Its unusual and varied flowers and color flowers will delight you for 2-3 months. And after they fade, you will again expect that magical moment when new color pains appear. This master class describes in detail the manufacture of Faleenopsis orchid colors.

So, you will need for work:

  • White Foamiran (can be taken any other, because the natural palette of orchids is quite wide);
  • A little purple phoamyran;
  • Candle;
  • Purple handle;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Cotton wand or bead;
  • Wire.

Pattern of the future flower looks like this:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

The first part is called the lip of orchids, drive it on a small piece of purple phoamyran with a toothpick. Detail, which is in the middle, you need to make a double - this is a side petal. Part of the orchid in the form of a triple petal should be one. Cut the details with scissors. Next, very carefully stretch the edges of the petals, while pressing the middle. You can do it with hands. If the phoamyran is not amenable to heat it with an iron or candle.

At this stage there is another nuance: if you have moldes, you can add the texture of the flower with their help, it is enough just to warm up the sheet and quickly attach it to the Moldus, it will turn out a beautiful imprint.

In this master class, the Molda are not used:

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Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Strengthen the bead on the wire, twisting its ends:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Attach the lip of the orchid to the wire as shown in the photo:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Slightly heat the lip blank at 15-20 cm from the flame of the candle. At that moment, when she starts to turn around, remove it:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Next, we collect the items, lubricating the place of the attachment a little glue. So this way:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Purple handle drawn accommodation from the core, until the middle of the petals:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Flower ready. If you remove the wire, you can attach it to any fittings and get a beautiful ornament - brooch, rim, hair comb, hairpin. Or add more flowerfish, wrapping a veil tape and get a wonderful twig for interior decoration:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Flower buttercup

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

The flower, similar to a small rose with a lot of petals, has a beautiful name - Ranunculyus. In fact, this is the most ordinary buttercup, just not wild, and garden. For its beauty, ease and grace, it is called the bride's flower.

You can get acquainted with the manufacture of this magnificent flower in this video lesson:

Mastery scarlet flower

For the manufacture of poppy Take: Foamiran red and green, coil threads of black, glue, scissors, a bead with a diameter of 2 cm, a floristic wire, a cardboard sheet.

Draw and cut out a blank petal for poppy from the cardboard. Attach it to the Foamyran and circle the toothpick, cut 10-12 petals, fold them with harmonic and twist, they will become wavy. Make a green circle of a green color with a diameter of 6 cm. Slide the bead on the wire, twist its ends. Heat the green circle on the iron and cover the bead by the cheese. Fix with black threads as shown in the photo. Make stamens for poppy from the threads and wrap them with them, look at the photo. Stick to the base of the beads of flower petals in two rows. Make the leaves from the green thomas, twist them and straighten them well. Cut the wire pads and glue the leaves. Mac out of from ready!

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Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Hyrangean twig

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Increasingly, hydrangea began to appear in the gardens and in the household sections of our compatriots. Small shrubs with large green leaves and colors collected in large inflorescences. This shrub was in honor of the princess of hydrangea, Karl Henry Nassau-Siegen, Prince of the Roman Empire, received her beautiful name.

With various techniques manufacturing this flower, you can find in one of the video provided below:

Colorful plants

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Georgina and Astra are the most autumn flowers, they even relate to one family - comprehensive. A large number of varieties and colors make them the subject of adoration of craftsmen, because there is where to give the will of fantasy. Below will be shown how to make these beautiful flowers.

Make an Astra will not be a lot of work, and on the basis of this master class you can make and dahlia, the technique is not very different.

To make an arrest, you need to take a strip of a yellow or green phoamioran (for the core) 2 cm wide and two more strips of any color 3 and 4 cm wide. A little green frum for leaves. Scissors, glue, wooden spanning or wire and iron - here, perhaps, all you need.

All rubber bands must be cut into a fringe, not reaching the edge of the strip:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Next, to give realistic flower, it is necessary to apply the edge of the fringe to the warm iron. At the same time, it will spin slightly:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

After that, on the basis of wires or shockles, screw the stripes, lining where it is necessary. Start with a flower core (green or yellow thomas):

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Take the strip of the main color and continue to increase the flower, also twisting and lining. Press the color strip a bit to the middle, the flower will turn out to be more natural:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Add greenery, pretty twisting the leaves between your fingers. Cut the wire. You can use a finished flower as a decoration, in this case, they were decorated with a hairpin:

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Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

To create a dahlia, you will need: yellow flames (for the middle) and purple color for the flower itself. A bit of green foamyran for leaves. Scissors, glue, wire, toothpick, iron.

The initial part of the production of the flower is very similar to the process of creating astra. Little frown of 1.3 cm. Mail. From the purple thomas, make three strips with a height of 1.7 cm, 2.2 cm, 3.2 cm and cut down the head. In essence, the same fringe, only in the form of leaves:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Using the pattern, take 45 petals №1 and 2 of their height of 3.7 cm and 4.2 cm. Sheet No. 3 cut out from green thomas, its height is 8.5 cm, 5.5 cm width. For a sewer. Make 6-7 Details 2 green and treat them, thoroughly twisting between your fingers, then straighten:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Bachrom and fences warmly on the iron and give them this kind:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Each petal is necessary with the help of an iron heat, bend in half and stretch slightly. They will acquire a boat form:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Flower core assembly technology is the same as Astra. This is what happens in the end:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

After assembling the core, stick the petals in a circle, tight to each other. So that in each row they walked in a chess and descended slightly below:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video


Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

It will only be left to stick a cup, add green leaves, and Georgine will be ready:

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Queen Flowers

Master class on Foamyran: Orchid, Georgin and Mac with photos and video

Fascinating beauty, mounted by a subtle aroma, holding their spines in sight, they are beautiful. Truly the queen of all colors - Rose! Who would have thought that this beauty is the fruit of a long-term breeding selection of wild rose. Rose - Creation of Human hands. She began to grow in ancient Rome, then they knew about 10 varieties of roses, and now there are more than 10,000 varieties of this beautiful plant.

Masters of artificial floristry wake roses, because such an abundance of varieties allows you to create new unique products.

Video on the topic

The technique of making queens of colors you can see in this selection of videos:

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