How to assemble benches and table for gazebo do it yourself


Internal design of the arbor - the second is the importance after the assembly of the design itself. First of all, the situation is carried out, namely the installation of furniture, by means of which the proper level of comfort is ensured. Benches and table for gazebo are an integral part of its interior, without them it is quite difficult to imagine tea drinking, conversation or any other pastime.

Tables and chairs for the gazebo perform a double function - they make it possible to enjoy home comfort and at the same time are interior decoration. Their appearance and design set the focus of the internal design of the arbor.

How to assemble benches and table for gazebo do it yourself

Interior design: photo

However, despite the foregoing, the inner structure of the structure does not have to be decorated with openwork threads or have complex contours - simple forms and naturalness will also be quite appropriate.

How to assemble benches and table for gazebo do it yourself

Table and chairs for a gazebo

Tables and benches for arbor can be made with your own hands - this is especially true if you initially collected the design "from scratch", that is, on your own, since the carpenter will not be very rational in this case.

Even if you have never been involved in such things - you will not have any particular difficulties with this. In this article, you will be given step-by-step instructions on how to make tables and benches for the arbor.

Note! This article will describe the manufacture of exclusively wooden products, as metal benches and tableware for gazebo must be collected by professionals, and imply the presence of specialized equipment.

Independent assembly


How to assemble benches and table for gazebo do it yourself

Round table

The most optimal option is stationary tables for arbors on a single massive leg, as they occupy the minimum amount of useful space - this is especially true if the gazebo has a limited area.

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To form legs, you need a bar with a minimum cross section of 10x10 cm.

You can use both the usual timber and its carved analogue, which can be purchased to order in carpentry workshops.

  • First of all, at the bottom of the leg, the hole is to be drilled to install a metal or wooden spike rod, through which the mount to the floor will be carried out. After drilling and cleaning, the grooves is drained by epoxy glue and spike is inserted into it. When fixing, the straggle must be traced that it is located as soon as possible;

Note! Selecting the diameter of the drill, you should not customize it in bulk to the cross section of the straggle - it should be freely enter the hole. Too tight occurrence of the rod can lead to a split of a bar

  • In the floor to drill a hole to insert the rod. Ideally, the leg should be attached to the carrying lag - in this case the mount will be as reliable as possible. Initially, fixation is carried out by glue, which is missing for the grooves and the lower part of the leg;
  • At an angle, four struts are cut off, which securely fix the leg to the floor. They are fixed on glue and screwed up self-drawing on each edge of the legs;
  • The countertop is collected from the tipped board. In most cases, it has a rounded form - for its formation it is necessary to assemble a square shield, the center of which is clogged with a small nail. A thread is tied to it, the length of which will denote the radius of the future circle. A pencil, chalk or corner is tied to a free end, then the thread is stretched and the circle is delineated in this position;

How to assemble benches and table for gazebo do it yourself

Portable Round Table Scheme

  • After drinking, the elements of the countertops are bonded by crossings, which should be at least three - one central and two side. The mount is carried out by means of nails or glue. The table top is fixed on the leg, after which it is finally fixed with the help of spacers;

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  • Table in the arbor do it yourself


As a seat for seating, you can apply both chairs and benches - if the table is round in the gazebo, then in most cases the preference is given to the first option if it has a rectangular shape, rationally use the benches.

Note! This trend is not unambiguous - you can easily use benches in combination with a round table and vice versa.

How to assemble benches and table for gazebo do it yourself

Rectangular benches

The chairs are best acquired in the store, the benefit of their price is most often quite a democratic, as it is quite difficult to make an elegant design. In the case of benches, everything is much easier - to collect a simple design will be for everyone.

The simplest design is ordinary bench benches without a back.

The product of this type can have both four separate legs and two solid depending on the selected design.

  • If you collect a stationary analogue - at the base of the legs, it is necessary to mount the rod by which the fastening will be carried out. Two legs are bonded between themselves with two crossings, one of which is located approximately in the middle, and the second one is on top. The process of fixing the legs to the floor is similar to the above-described method of setting the feet for the table;

Note! Between the edge of the table and benches, it is necessary to leave the clearance of at least 5 cm, otherwise it will be uncomfortable at the table.

How to assemble benches and table for gazebo do it yourself

Assembly option

  • After installing the legs between them, I mount a longitudinal amplifier bar, which to combine the bottom of the bench into a single design. It can go to bed as over the lower cross, and is attached to the side. If necessary, you can in the same way increase the upper part;
  • Seat can be, both solid and have intervals, depending on your preferences;


The round table for the arbor will be an excellent addition for a small arbor, the maximum saving the useful space, and the benches fully complement the internal functionality. For more information on this topic, you can get via video in this article.

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