Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos


Something strange, but Buddhism becomes very popular in our country, and a very important attribute of this religion are rosary. But since we do not all live in countries where Buddhism is one of the main religions, or we have no opportunity to go to such countries, we can make Buddhist rosary with our own hands, and this article will help you in this exciting business.

Although all the rosary are similar to each other, they have a fundamental difference, they differ in the number of beads. The grids are made very simple, these are ordinary beads, put on an elastic band or thread, at the end most often there is a brush, but it may not be, it can be replaced by a larger beading or another form.

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

Most often, Buddhist rosary consist of 108 beads, but sometimes their number can be different (18, 21, 27, 36, 54). Materials are chosen exclusively natural origin, no plastics, most often this tree. It can also be a variety of stones, including precious or semi-precious, bones, dried berries, corals, lapis, crystal, pearls, and so on.

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

The rosary can be worn in your hand, go through, wear on the neck or on your hand, but the most important thing is that a person should believe in their sacred meaning and feel harmony in his heart, holding a rosary in his hand.

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

Getting to the lesson

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

To work you will need:

  • Beads (desirable to use natural materials);
  • Silk thread (you can use a rubber band, then the rosary will be stretched, but traditionally beads are riveted on the thread);
  • Separating a bead with three holes;
  • Guru-bead;
  • Brush;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.

You need to take exactly 107 absolutely identical (in color and size) beads and put them on a thread (or a gum, depending on which basis you have chosen). Now there is a dividing bead in the course: we wake both the end of the cord into it, which is already wearing beads. Say ends to our guru-bead. The product must be consolidated, do it with the help of the most ordinary nodules.

It is very important at this stage not to forget about the distances between beads, if you are going to sort out, these intervals should be small.

We attach a brush, tieting it with the most ordinary nodule. Now for each piece of cord to wear beads of the same size as on rosary. The ends are firmly tied, for reliability, you can take the ends with glue.

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Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

These are such rosary we turned out. What other options are, you can see in the photo:

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

Second option

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

If you do not understand how to make rosary with your own hands, we offer you a detailed step-by-step master class with a photo, the work technique will be slightly different from the first lesson, but in general the principle of action is similar.

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

You will need:

  • Beads;
  • Thread (preferably silk);
  • Pliers;
  • Clamps;
  • Scissors.

Cut the thread of the length you need. If you have not taken a silk thread, then wake the base with wax.

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

From the same thread that you have taken for the foundation, now we will make brushes. Thus: around three fingers we sell the thread, tight enough. Now remove this tangle and make it on the one hand. On the other hand, this tangle cut and get a brush. Cover the tips with scissors.

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

Now inhale all beads in the thread. After completing the work, skip thread through beads again, for reliability.

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

On both ends of the thread put on the clips.

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

Now inhale through the threads of the loops of the brushes and fix the clamps.

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

Fix pliers for reliability.

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

The remaining threads cut off. Your rosary are ready.

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

Of course, the rosary is the subject of religious attributes, they are very often used while reading mantras, prayers, during meditation or just come through to calm down and think about their own. But currently, the rosary already lose their meaning and people use out just for decoration, many do not know what rosary are and take them for beads or bracelet. The use of the rosary is characteristic not only for Buddhist religion, they also use them in Islam, Judaism, Orthodoxy, in general, in every religion, they differ in the number of beads. In every religion, this amount has its meaning.

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Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

As noted earlier, traditionally in Buddhist rosary 108 beads, and this is not enough. This number symbolizes 108 desires that spoil the spirit of man. But there may be another number of beads: rosary with 18 beads in honor of 18 arghats - Buddha students, 21 Beads - in honor of 21 forms of Goddess Tara, 32 Beads - for counting 32 of the advantages or signs of the Buddha. Beads can be bought in the store for needlework or make it yourself, for example, from wood or polymer clay.

Buddhist rosary do it yourself on hand with photos and videos

Video on the topic

Now you can easily make Buddhist rosary, as you can see, it is completely easy. We also offer you to watch video lessons, the creation of a rosary will not deliver any difficulties.

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