The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates


The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates for creating miniature dolls from felt, fleece or fine decorative felt. Dear needlewomen, lover of creating textile dolls! I present to your attention the pattern of pupae - only 20 different types, with patterns and templates. Skeil your little princesses!

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

See also:

Balleries from felt. Templates

Felt pupa - children's pendant with their own hands

We sew a pupa from felt. Pattern

Patterns of fupa from felt (the first pictures above) - in a pink dress:

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

Pupa from the first picture above (in green pants):

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

Pupa Laura:

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

Fetra doll-ballerina:

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

Pupa to create suspension in a nursery:

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

Felt pupa for creating a children's panel for interior decoration:

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

13 Fetra pupae - small heroines fairy tales:

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

Basic template for all dolls in the photo above:

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

Tilde doll:

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

Choose any doll and go to joy!

The most beautiful powents of felt. Templates

Article on the topic: Apron for the waiter: patterns of several options for sewing

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