Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video


With the applique, we are introduced in kindergarten. Such a type of creativity lures a small child and undoubtedly contributes to the development of a huge creative potential. Not only develops small motility of hands, imagination, but also raises the aesthetic perception of the world, teaches the artistic taste. In this article, we will introduce you to a new type of applique using a corrugated paper master class.

And this type of application, such as a carriage, will definitely interest even needlewomen, as its technique can be used in the creation of fakes adorning the interior. Torching is a bulk design of twisted pieces of light paper glued to the surface with a thin stick. The use of different colors allows you to create amazing mosaics, looking like fluffy carpets, bulk figures, postcard-pictures.

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Toolkit for work

For the manufacture of such fakes, a very small set of materials is needed: paper, glue, scissors and "fine" tool in the form of a thin stick.

Usually, this technique uses corrugated paper or, as it is also called, strong. Such paper can be purchased in stationery stores. From corrugated paper, "ending" - elements of volumetric applications are cut. The glue will be needed for cutting and gluing these ending to the base of the crafts. You can use any surface to "lower" a corrugated paper to which this paper is glued. It may be a watman sheet, cardboard, light ceiling tiles. For bulk crafts made blanks made of foam, newspapers, papier-mache, plasticine.

Well, the main tool of the carriage is a long thin wand with a blunt end. A pencil, rod or body from a ballpoint handle may well come to the role of such a tool, a chinese wand for food, toothpick.

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Light lesson

Traffic equipment on a flat picture begins with the selection of the picture. It is drawn or take ready made from any coloring, pre-sticking it on dense paper. We select the right colors of the paper and make billets from them. For this paper rolls, without turning, cutting strips, and from these strips, the square mode is about 1-2 cm.

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Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

When the squares are quite a lot, we apply glue PVA glue on the part of the pattern, we retard tightly squares to the end of the sticks and put the strip on a lubricated glue. We take a stick and so work on the subsequent ending. We have one by one tightly on the glue line. You can also fill out the background of the picture so that whole landscapes are. Flat painting is suitable for classes with children from 5 years.

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Volumeful way

Another interesting way of applications, creating velvet figures, is the so-called "volumetric combustion method". It is done on plasticine. The same billet squares are cut, only glue is no longer needed. It is enough to make the desired figure of plasticine and start stalling in turns of the ending with a stick to the surface.

As a result, we get surround crafts:

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

These all crafts can be made by a group of people, creating more, such as large fabric landscapes, photo frames, ornaments toys. Needlewomen makes interior decor objects in this way. If, up to this point, such an applique looked like a children's fun, the creation in such a way of floral balls and Topiariyev fascinates with its magic light view.

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Topiaria's transportation is also made using paper or napkins.

For the manufacture of Topiaria We will need: Corrugated paper or napkins Multicolored, scissors, bamboo skewer, ball for ping-pong, dry glue, PVA glue, brush, awl, cardboard, sticking stick, cup of yogurt, paper napkin, acrylic paint , plasticine, segment of a narrow decorative tape.

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

The ball, as a last resort, can be twisted from old newspapers and wrapped with threads, cut out of foam. The ball first need to be sealed with a layer of napkins so that our tubes from paper are pasted on it, then decorated in the technique of trimming with corrugated paper from top to bottom. Factors are cut into more sorts, so your product will be lush and air.

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Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

The trunk is a spanch, which is winding with decorative ribbons or a strip of paper. Glass glue with a napkin, deliberately creating crumpled irregularities for decor. When the glue dries, cover acrylic paint. Insert a cut-out cardboard in the barrel, which serves as a cover for a cup. Now our pot is laying plasticine and stick the finished crown there. On the glue we screw the lid and decorating with paper ending. Decorating a satin ribbon.

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Options for creating topiary from corrugated paper or napkins as much as the fantasy of needlewomen: it can be hearts on the legs, balls with fomiaran flowers, supplemented with lush cover corrugated paper. As a base for crown, any surface can be used on which paper can stick. Such topiaries can be done as a graceful gift to girls.

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

Corrugated paper master class: Technique with photos and video

As you can see, do such crafts are not as cost for money, but it's a little time.

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