Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten


Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Autumn - the traditional time of exhibitions in kindergarten with crafts from natural materials. Make such toys with children you can easily. We offer to your attention at once four options for autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten.

Dolls from fallen leaves and girlfriend materials

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Interesting and simple for the technique of making dolls, children can do completely independently. The main plus of this toy is that it is possible to make them from all that the child will be able to find in the park in the fall: from fallen leaves, twigs, acorns, walnut shells and other things.


For the manufacture of dolls from autumn leaves, prepare:

    • cardboard sleeves from toilet paper or paper towels;
    • fallen leaves;
    • branches of trees or brushes on a wire-based;
    • colored paper;
    • scissors;
    • glue;
    • thermopystole;
    • chopsticks of hot glue;
    • eyes for toys on self-adhesive basis;
    • pebbles or buttons;
  • paints.

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Step 1 . Clean the sleeve from paper residues.

Step 2. . Prepare for the design of the crafts all your natural materials. Pebbles, twigs and leaves be sure to clean from dust. To do this, wipe them with a wet cloth or a soft cloth.

Step 3. . If the twigs and pebbles will serve you for a long time, then the leaves without preliminary preparation will be completely dry and will be completely dried. If you want to use that fallen leaves, treat them with wax or glue for decoupage. You can replace them with artificial leaves from fabric or colored paper.

Step 4. . If you want to make a tube pretty, take them with stripes of colored paper. Cut the rectangles from colored paper, with the parameters of the sides of equal height and circumference of the sleeve. You need to glue the colored paper using PVA glue.

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Step 5. . The leaflets are one click on the top of the sleeve. It will be a head homemade doll.

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Step 6. . On the sides of the sleeve with hot glue glue the twigs. It will be hands of dolls. Instead of sprigs, you can use small nipple washing rams. Their handles need to just bite off with nipples, bend and glued with hot glue. Working with hot glue children is not worth trusted, do this part of the work yourself.

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Step 7. . At the head pupa ride eyes, removing the protective basis. Nose and mouth designate, drawing them with paints, wovers or gel handles.

Step 8. . If you wish the doll you can decorate. To do this, stick to the sleeve small pebbles pebbles, pre-painted in bright colors or buttons. To glue these parts, also use hot glue.

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

The resulting dolls can be used in children's games, putting them on hand or send them to the exhibition in kindergarten.

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Figures with autumn leaves

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Using leaves, you can draw original paintings. Technique of such drawings is very simple and it will become an interesting occupation for any child. Using it, you with your child can make amazing paintings for the exhibition in kindergarten.


To create drawings, prepare:

    • album sheets or kraft paper;
    • paints;
    • Tassels;
  • fallen leaves.

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Step 1 . First you need to collect leaves. For this work, do not collect dry leaves. You can simply break them from trees or choose still soft. The color of the leaves for this craft is not important, the value of their texture and form. Leaves collect from different trees and branches. Try to choose smooth leaves.

Step 2. . Leaves before work must be cleaned of dirt and dust. It must be done necessarily that the drawings do not remain dirty divorces. Cleaning a wet cloth or a slightly moistened with a soft cloth.

Step 3. . Put paper and a small plate with paint squeezed on it. Paint with a thin brush carries a thin layer on the back side of the sheet. Be sure to check that the paint is covered with the entire sheet surface. Apply a leaf to a sheet of paper and give it gently with your fingers. Leaf Take for petiole and remove it from paper. You will have a factory imprint.

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Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Please note the paint must be applied from the backside of the sheet, if you paint the front, you will not succeed like this.

Step 4. . Leaves can be used a little different. Dry leaf need to be attached to a sheet of paper. Make sure that they fit to each other tightly, you can hold the leaf with your hands around the edges during operation. The paint need to paint the area around the sheet. You can safely go paint to the leaf itself. After applying paint, leaf is removed.

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Thus, combining techniques and using different leaves on the form and texture, you can create original and unusual paintings.


Applique from autumn leaves

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Create appliques to children like, especially if natural materials are used for their manufacture. Applications can do the most different and for this you or the child do not need to draw beautifully.


For the manufacture of appliqués from autumn leaves you will need:

    • fallen leaves;
    • printout with contours of the pattern;
    • brushes;
    • paints;
  • PVA glue.

Step 1 . First you need to decide on the applique itself. Find the contour drawings with simple shapes and print them on a tight sheet of paper. Drawings with complex forms and lines for children of preschool age is better not to choose, it will work hard with them.

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Step 2. . Collect dry leaves in the park. Choosing them in shape and color, push out the source pattern.

Step 3. . Collected leaves be sure to prepare. Clean them, dry a little and align, putting them in a newspaper or a book and sending them under the improvised press.

Step 4. . Leaves grouped in size. Attach them to the contour and place it so that they do not go beyond its edges.

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Step 5. . Lubricate the back side of the leaf with glue and stick them to the pattern, overlapping the rows. In order for the drawing is more beautiful and brighter, place the leaves on the colors and make a smooth transition if it is appropriate.

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Step 6. . After the glue on the appliqués will dry up, you can paint patterns from above. This will allow you to smooth the sharpness of the transition or strengthen the brightness of the paints. Black paint can draw eyes, animal face and other details.

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Applique is ready!

Stained glass window from autumn leaves

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Easy and fast your children can make a stained glass window from autumn leaves. The manufacturing process itself is not complicated and the children will like it.


For the manufacture of autumn stained glass prepare:

    • disposable paper plate;
    • leaves;
    • PVA glue in the form of a pencil and ordinary;
  • brush.

Step 1 . Collect the leaves. For this craft, you will need leaves of different colors, so they will look bright and interesting. Leaves are desirable to take dry, clean and straight, so that they are one form.

Step 2. . Paper plate with back sides, dear PVA glue. Place the leaves on top of it.

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Step 3. . Laying the leaves, lubricate each of them glue into a pencil. Be sure to make sure that they fit tightly to each other. On top of the entire design, you definitely wake up the glue.

Step 4. . As a result, you will have a stained glass blank. Leave it to the complete drying of the glue.

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

Step 5. . Carefully remove the billet from the leaves. You can hang it on the thread. Similar stained glass windows on the background of the window look very beautiful. So, through the leaves there is a sunny or daylight and color of stained glass become brighter.

Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten

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