Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos


Mosaic dates back to the IV century BC, when it began to be used in the palaces and temples of the Sumerian cities of Mesopotamia. Having passed through the century, it changed, the spectrum of its application and production methods expanded. Today we encounter it in different premises of our house, in public institutions, it decorate interior items, dishes. Mosaic with your own hands is gaining increasing popularity, it is a simple and accessible way to decorate the surrounding space.

Create a miracle

To the question "How to make a mosaic with your own hands?" Reply pretty easy. First, you need to decorate exactly what is required. And secondly, choose the material.

Many ideas on the first point will be in the article. You can take immediately for large areas - walls and floors, and you can start with small glass bowls and flower pots. By the way, you can decorate the latter with children and spend a cheerful and useful day off.

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Once you have decided on the subject, you need to choose the material.

For example, the bathroom should choose a mosaic of ceramics, stable to humidity, not slippery, easy in cleaning. But the table with glass mosaic will be much more convenient than decorated with sea pebbles.

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Otherwise, nothing limits your fantasy. Mosaic makes from ceramics, glasses of various colors, mirrors, natural and artificial stones, beads and beads. A variety of mosaic types can be purchased in stores. But it is also possible to use sweater materials - accumulated buttons at home or brought from the shell vacation.

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

The patience should still be attached to fantasy, because the layout of the patterns is quite painstaking work. But the result will exceed all your expectations.

We work with ceramics

This, probably, the most popular kind of mosaic, which we meet everywhere. Mosaic in the bathroom can cover the floor and walls, in the kitchen apron over the stove, in the hallway place in front of the entrance door. It is suitable for design not only direct, but also complex architectural forms - arches, convex and concave walls.

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Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Working with mosaic is technically much easier than working with ceramic tiles, but will require a certain preparation. . Before laying a mosaic, you need to perfectly align the walls. If the usual size of the tile is able to hide the irregularities on the wall, then the mosaic cannot do this, as its surface is too small. And one more thing: mosaic from the tile glued only on special glue, and it will take a mosaic grout to end the work. Otherwise, the process of laying a mosaic is identical to laying ceramic tiles.

Decorating interior items

With the help of mosaic, you can give any unusual view to any object, using simple technology and a wide variety of materials. For example, a dining table tabletop can be decorated in this way. What kind of mosaic choose materials depends on the table itself and your imagination. For such work, you need to choose silicone sealants, liquid nails and mastic.

Mosaic glue is not suitable, as it cannot be used on surfaces where vibration is possible.

Pance and paintings, mirrors, glass candlesticks and vases decorated with mosaic look spectacularly. You can decorate the transparent inserts in interior doors and much more, which seems monotonous and boring in the house.

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Glass mosaic

Classic material for mosaic is a smalt. These are small pieces of colored glass, transparent or dewed (that is, opaque). Color and devour the glass in the molten state, then cast in forms and give to cool. Then it is cut or crawled manually to small rectangles, from which any patterns and ornaments can be folded.

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

As it becomes clear from the manufacturing process, a mosaic of glass is very simply created with your own hands: unnecessary glass is taken and splits with a hammer or cuts with special scissors to pieces. The pieces do not need to be the same. They can be painted in different colors or draw something to them by creating an original and unique decor.

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A special highlight introduces a mirror mosaic to the interior. But when working with it, you need to be careful not to damage the "invalid" layer.

Unusual type of technology

This kind of mosaic came to us from the east. It was used when it was necessary to depict the stone walls lightering from time or spring sakura flowering. The egg shell is suitable for this as nothing else. If it is straightened, it breaks into small pieces that are kept on the inner film, which is why it is very convenient to work with it. And the cracks underlined by the paints create an amazing effect. It is difficult to imagine, it's easier to see with my own eyes in the photo:

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic with your own tiles in the bathroom: how to make with photos and videos

Mosaic from the egg shell is gaining increasingly popular, masters around the world create real works of art with its help.

Video on the topic

Learning to create the same masterpieces and open the amazing world of mosaic in detail will help our selection of video.

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