Lattice for arbor: species and independent manufacture


The gazebo is simply indispensable in the matter of summer holiday, and especially in bad weather. However, such a structure should be not only useful on the site, but also beautifully decorated. For this purpose, a decorative grating for a gazebo is used.

Lattice for arbor: species and independent manufacture

Gazebo with lattice from the rail

What it is

Such a product is a decorative shield made of thin rivers crossed at an angle of 90 degrees. In fact, decorative gratings for the gazebo are modern detachments, which was used for alignment and plastering walls.

Today, such products that can be purchased in construction stores can be made of two materials:

  • Wooden rails;
  • Plastic.

It must be said that plastic lattices for the arbor do independently problematic. But, as for the wooden, then everything is possible.

Articles on the topic:

  • Decorative lattice
  • Grill for gazebo do it yourself
  • Grid for gazebo

Independent manufacture

Making a similar decor element with your own hands is performed in several stages:

  • Frame manufacturing;
  • Manufacture of fold;
  • Installation of planks.

Work on Rama

So, all begins with the manufacture of the frame. It is a frame, as a rule, a rectangular shape. This frame will be carrying, that is, all rails will be held exclusively on it.

It follows from wooden browns with a cross section of 20 * 45 mm.

Connect frame brushes in any convenient way. Many produce a connection in spike. If a carpenter's skills are not, then you can connect the easiest way to protect the angles at 45 degrees and to dock two perpendicular strips so that the angle between them is equal to 90 degrees.

Lattice for arbor: species and independent manufacture

The photo shows the frame on one side

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As for the attachment, the instruction provides several ways to immediately:

  • With the help of screws;
  • Using metal plates;
  • By gluing.

Tip! When fastening the frame elements with nails, the caps are better to cut in advance so that they do not spoil the appearance.

If metal plates are selected, they are fixed from the reverse side to not be seen.

So, the first frame is ready. The second frame is made on the same principle. One frame is nailed to Dranke on the one hand, and the second one.

Tip! To make two frames are completely the same, their manufacture is performed simultaneously.

Production of fold

After making a frame, the lattice frame brushes for arbors are stipulated by a cross section of 10 * 20 mm. This will be folded.

Tip! In order to additionally do not fix the frames of the frame, the fold rail can be installed so that they overlap the corners of the frame.

Device of a mix of lattice

In the case when the grating on the gazebo is used as a wall element, for example, the windows, then the fold is not necessary to do with the protrusion.

In the general sense, the design of 10 * 20 mm will be needed for the manufacture of the design, that is, the same as the fold.

Lattice for arbor: species and independent manufacture

Fastening planks at an angle of 90 degrees

The sequence of execution is as follows:

  • One of the frames takes and stacked on a flat surface;
  • The first rail is laid on it, diagonally;
  • The second and third rails are laid out symmetrically from both sides from the first.
  • After filling the first layer, the second layer is filled in the same way, but starting from the second diagonal;
  • The second frame is fastened.

It must be said that often the beginning of the second layer is not possible to accommodate diagonally - this is normal.

The fastening of the rails is carried out by small nails to the frame.

The second frame is attached to the crate.

In the case when the grille in the gazebo will have repeated rails beyond the frame, they can be easily sprinkled with hacksaw. In addition, the first, diagonal, rail is recommended to specifically lay so that it pumped over the angle. This is done in order to increase the area of ​​touching it with the frame.

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Some nuances of work

Such work has its own nuances:

  • Before starting work, you should prepare the material. Preparation will be concluded not only in the calculation and purchase of materials, but also to pre-work with the items itself. It needs to be treated with special compositions that are able to protect against mold and insects (various antiseptic substances), as well as from open fire (various antipirens);
  • Lattices on arbors will be better to look if they are covered with varnish;
  • With the independent manufacture of such a decorative element, you can select the sizes of the cell, which is achieved in the first steps of the product device. The first, diagonal, bar is set in the usual way. The second and third are attached at an equal distance from the first, but changing this distance, you can choose the value of the cell.

Lattice for arbor: species and independent manufacture

Construction with equilateral cells

It must be said that after fixing the second and third plank, everyone else needs to be attached at the same distance. The same applies to the second row. Such a location of the REC will make it possible to form symmetrical cells of the square shape.

Grid industrial manufacture

Since plastic lattices were mentioned earlier, then a few words and about them should be said.

Decorative lattices made of plastic for the arbor really can be purchased ready. However, such products are good for metal structures or made of plastic.

Lattice for arbor: species and independent manufacture

Plastic products

Plastic lattice has a number of shortcomings:

  • The price is higher than on a wooden, made independently;
  • Scarce colors;
  • Small cell size selection.


Such products can be used not only as a scenery for the arbor. They are often used as garden fences.

As for the process of manufacture, there is nothing complex. Since the material is very light, you can work alone, and all that is needed for this is a hammer, nails and a little desire.

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Lattice for arbor: species and independent manufacture

Using similar designs as a fence

More information on this issue can be found from the video in this article.

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