Benches from the profile pipe do it yourself: technology, photo


Benches from the profile pipe do it yourself: technology, photo

If you want to make the situation in your country house or dacha more cozy, then you can solve this problem using such a functional element of the interior like a shop from a profile pipe, which each owner can make with their own hands. It is worth noting that such products are not too in demand among people who are accustomed to the home or cottage independently. For such people, wooden seats or similar plastic products are presented, the manufacture of which is a simpler occupation.

Benches from the profile pipe do it yourself: technology, photo

Reason that Metal benches do not enjoy great popularity The fact that their manufacture is a more complex process, as not everyone will decide on this step, fearing that in the end it will be possible to create a design that will differ from the image in the photo.

In addition to this, most people have no idea about the peculiarities of the bench, including those designs, the main material for which the profile tube can act. However, in the presence of drawings and accurate compliance with the instructions, you can make sure that you make a metal bench for anything to make a metal bench. Next will be discussed about the peculiarities of the manufacture of metal bears with their own hands. After reading this article, you can be sure that you yourself will be able to make your own bench for the country area.

  • 2 stages of manufacture
    • 2.1 Materials and Tools
    • 2.2 Flexible pipe
  • 3 Decor.
    • 3.1 Additional elements
  • Features of manufacturing design

    Despite the fact that these designs are referred to as metal, in fact, the metal is used to create only support, the rest of the design is made of wood.

    Metal is not the only material from which the support for a garden bench can be created. In addition, here you can choose the following options:

    • concrete;
    • wood;
    • cast iron;
    • a rock.

    If we consider cast-iron supports, then you need to mention their greater weight and most often they are used in the parks. A similar picture is observed with concrete products. Due to their massiveness and difficulties with transportation on a residential area, they can be found extremely rare.

    If you decide to stop the choice on the stone supports, then immediately get ready for extensive costs on their acquisition. In addition to this, such designs are limited in terms of design.

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    As for the wooden supports, they seem to be an excellent solution, since they not only have an attractive view and low weight, but also provide for a large number of processing options.

    Benches from the profile pipe do it yourself: technology, photo

    But the tree has certain disadvantages, the main of which is difficulty in caring, the need for protection due to low resistance to the effects of parasites and fungi. It also does hard tolerate various natural cataclysms. Let's say if the tree will interact for a long time with moisture, it will cause her swelling and rotting. Thus, the likelihood that the service life of such a bench will significantly decrease.

    Metal supports can be a rational option for country sites or country houses. The drawing attached to such structures is completely understood for most owners. Also, these designs are resistant to corrosion processes and destruction, and, in addition, provide many opportunities to implement different design ideas, which is largely achieved by applying forged parts.

    As a rule, such garden benches serve at least 15 years. At the same time, they differ and affordable. In the plan and their manufacturing of special difficulties does not arise, and therefore, even a non-specialist can be made of similar performance of the product.

    Stages of manufacture

    One of the main reasons, which makes metal in demand for the manufacture of such structures, is its availability, because it can be purchased at any economic store. In addition to this You can noticeably save On the manufacture of a similar product, if there are old metal parts on your site, for example, from water pipes or clamshells. They can also serve as the basis for the manufacture of metal benches.

    Materials and tools

    Metal tube is not the only material that you will need for the manufacture of a garden shop with your own hands. Also you have should be available pine boards One of which 35 mm thick will go to the seat, and the other - 25 mm thick will be used to create a back. All of your costs for the acquisition of materials will be the maximum of 1000 p. You will also have to take care of the availability of a row of the instrument:

    • Bulgarian;
    • welding machine;
    • paint to protect against corrosion;
    • Woodworking tool.

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    Be sure to present bolts, nuts, gloves and glasses, as well as a hammer and hacksaw.

    We can use a bending tool for the manufacture of which you can use the car brake disc. Using them, you can avoid damage to the pipe with bending.

    Bending pipe

    The bending procedure itself is performed as follows: first you need to take a plug and shut up the end of the tube. After that, fine sand is gaining into the pipe and closed on the other side.

    Further, the pipe is fixed in a flexing device so that it is securely secured between the protrusion on the disk and the pin. Then you can begin bending the pipe at the desired angle.

    Not always from the first attempt, you can give the pipe the necessary angle. To simplify the procedure You can rolling the place of bend using a soldering lamp. Following this recommendation, you can move the pipe without much effort.

    Benches from the profile pipe do it yourself: technology, photo

    In order for the furniture from the pipe to be qualitative, it is necessary to pay attention to the manufacture of parts that must have symmetrical dimensions. This task can be solved using a plaza, which is a certain similarity drawing of contours of parts created by the bench, which make on a sheet of cardboard or plywood.

    Next, begin to fasten the composite elements of the structure. To do this, you can use threaded compounds or resort to welding assistance.

    If you have to work with duralumin pipes, then only one option is possible to connect with each other - a compound based on screws and bolts. Welding for such pipes will be useless, because they are not amenable to her.

    The process of manufacturing a garden bench made from the profile tube processing of seams is completed. To perform this operation you The grinding machine will be required However, with its absence, you can use the file.

    It is necessary to perform grinding until the joint zone gets a flat surface. Even before the start of the carcass finishes It is necessary to remove scale from it which may appear after welding.

    After completing all the above steps, you will create a frame for a future garden bench. If everything turned out correctly, then you will have an extra reason for pride, as you have completed the most difficult part of the work without the help of specialists.

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    The last action will be Setting frame for seat For which it uses corners that are fastened with the help of self-tapping screws. After that, your bench is ready for operation.

    To make armrests, you will have to use the pipe: it is necessary to divide it into two fragments, the length of each of which should be 75 cm. Next, they need to be bent using it for this to flexing the pipes.

    Then these parts need to be welded to a metal frame, after which they need to be processed using a grinding machine or a file. Finishing the armrests are performed.

    After performing all the works described above, your bench will acquire a more presentable view. Thus, few people have the idea that you made it with your own hands.


    Benches from the profile pipe do it yourself: technology, photo

    To decorate a bench from the profile pipe, you do not have to perform any complex operations. Here you You can include your fantasy And take advantage of the materials that you have in stock.

    If you do not want to bother with superfluous actions, you can simply go to paint your bench. But if you want to make it unique, you will not prevent you first familiarize yourself with the photo of the design, which will help you decide on the style that will allow you to give your bench with the appropriate option, taking into account the concept of your country area.

    Additional elements

    We are useful for the bench will also be the table. The latter can also be made by you yourself. To do this, you can use a wide variety of materials:

    • metal;
    • plastic;
    • wood.

    Often, the shop is the only element that decorates the site. In this case, it does not prevent it from turning into the central element that shakes the area for recreation. therefore A good solution will establish it near the reservoir If there is any on the site. Also a suitable placement location for a bench will be a flower garden or a fountain.

    To add coziness to your summer cottage, it is not necessary to purchase finished garden furniture. This task will help to solve a bench from the profile pipe, which can be made with your own hands. The technology of its manufacture is quite simple, therefore, having prepared all the necessary tools and accurately perform all stages of work, You can create a beautiful and reliable design with minimal cost. which can decorate any summer cottage.

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